Makeover - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈmeɪkəʊvər|  American pronunciation of the word makeover
Brit.  |ˈmeɪkəʊvə|  British pronunciation of the word makeover


- an overall beauty treatment (involving a person's hair style and cosmetics and clothing) intended to change or improve a person's appearance
- a complete reconstruction and renovation of something
the blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover

Extra examples

The actress had a complete makeover to turn her into a glamorous star.

They gave their advertising a total makeover to improve their corporate image.

It's time we gave the kitchen a makeover. corollary of the rise of television was a massive makeover of radio's programming...

...our backyard makeover is coming along nicely...

Word forms

singular: makeover
plural: makeovers
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