Quell - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |kwel|  American pronunciation of the word quell
Brit.  |kwel|  British pronunciation of the word quell


- suppress or crush completely (syn: quench, squelch)
- overcome or allay (syn: appease, stay)
quell my hunger

Extra examples

...the National Guard was called in to help quell the late-night disturbances downtown...

...the principal held up her hand to quell the students so they could hear the urgent announcement...

All opposition was quelled.

Police used live ammunition to quell the disturbances.

'Jerry?' she called, trying to quell the panic inside her.

A vain effort to quell the public's fears only made matters worse.

Word forms

I/you/we/they: quell
he/she/it: quells
present participle: quelling
past tense: quelled
past participle: quelled
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