Oldest - परिभाषा (अनुवाद), उच्चारण, प्रतिलिपि

Amer.  |ˈəʊldɪst|
Brit.  |ˈəʊldɪst|  British pronunciation of the word oldest
- this word is used as a superlative form of the adjectiveold


- पुराने का शानदार रूप: सबसे पुरानाEd

Matrix of words


- पुरानाold, secondhand, chronic, longstanding, decrepit, pristine
- बूढ़ाold, senile, dotard, hoary, olden, superannuated
- प्राचीनancient, pristine, old, antiquated, primitive, archaic
- वृद्धaged, old, olden, gray, grey
- जीर्णchronic, dilapidated, stale, ramshackle, of long standing, old
- भूतpast, former, been, old, gone by, become produced
- शीर्णmeager, thin, old, lathy, raw-boned, meagre
- पहलाfirst, former, previous, forehand, pioneer, last
- पूर्वearly, olden, departed, old, old-world
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