English dictionary


eparchy |ˈepɑːrkiː| — a province in ancient Greece

epaulet |ˈepəlet| — adornment consisting of an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder

epaulette |ˈepəlet| — adornment consisting of an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder

epee  — a fencing sword similar to a foil but with a heavier blade

epenthetic |epənˈθetɪk| — of or pertaining to epenthesis

ephemera |ɪˈfemərə| — something transitory; lasting a day

ephemeral |ɪˈfemərəl| — anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form

ephemerality  — the property of lasting for a very short time

epic |ˈepɪk| — a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds

epical  — constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic

epicene |ˈepɪsiːn| — one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made

epicentre |ˈepɪsentər| — the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake

epicure |ˈepɪkjʊr| — a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)

epicurean |ˌepɪkjʊˈriːən| — a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)

epicureanism |ˌepɪkjʊəˈriːənɪzm| — a doctrine of hedonism that was defended by several ancient Greek philosophers

epicurism |ˈepɪkjʊərɪzm| — the disposition and habits of an epicure

epicycle |ˈepɪsaɪkəl| — a circle that rolls around (inside or outside) another circle; generates an epicycloid or hypocycloid

epicycloid |ˌepɪˈsaɪklɔɪd| — a line generated by a point on a circle rolling around another circle

epidemic |ˌepɪˈdemɪk| — a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease; many people are infected at the same time

epidemical |ˌepɪˈdemɪkəl| — Alternative form of epidemic.

epidemiologic  — of or relating to epidemiology

epidemiological |ˌepɪˌdiːmɪəˈlɑːdʒɪkl| — of or relating to epidemiology

epidemiologist |ˌepɪˌdiːmɪˈɑːlədʒɪst| — a medical scientist who studies the transmission and control of epidemic diseases

epidemiology |ˌepɪˌdiːmɪˈɑːlədʒɪ| — the branch of medical science dealing with the transmission and control of disease

epidemy  — (medicine) An epidemic disease

epidermal |ˌepəˈdɜːməl| — of or relating to a cuticle or cuticula

epidermic |ˌepɪˈdɜːmɪk| — of or relating to a cuticle or cuticula

epidermis |ˌepɪˈdɜːrmɪs| — the outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates

epidiascope |ˌepɪˈdaɪəskəʊp| — an optical projector that gives images of both transparent and opaque objects

epigastric |ˌepəˈɡæstrɪk| — of or relating to the anterior walls of the abdomen

epigastrium |epəˈɡæstriːəm| — the region lying on or over the stomach (just below the sternum)

epiglottis |ˌepɪˈɡlɑːtɪs| — a flap of cartilage that covers the windpipe while swallowing

epigone |ˈepəɡəʊn| — an inferior imitator of some distinguished writer, artist, or musician

epigram |ˈepɪɡræm| — a witty saying

epigrammatist |ˌepəˈɡræmʌtɪst| — Someone who writes an epigram (any meanings)

epigraph |ˈepɪɡræf| — a quotation at the beginning of some piece of writing

epigraphy |ɪˈpɪɡrəfiː| — the study of ancient inscriptions

epilate  — remove body hair

epilepsy |ˈepɪlepsɪ| — a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions

epileptic |ˌepɪˈleptɪk| — a person who has epilepsy

epileptical  — Alternative spelling of epileptic.

epilog  — a short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play

epilogue |ˈepɪlɔːɡ| — a short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play

Epiphany |ɪˈpɪfənɪ| — a divine manifestation

epiphyte |ˈepəˌfaɪt| — plant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain; usually grows on another plant but not parasitic on it

episcopacy |ɪˈpɪskəpəsɪ| — the collective body of bishops

episcopal |ɪˈpɪskəpl| — of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church

episcopalian |ɪˌpɪskəˈpeɪlɪən| — a member of the Episcopal church

episcopate |ɪˈpɪskəpət| — the term of office of a bishop

episode |ˈepɪsəʊd| — a happening that is distinctive in a series of related events

episodic |ˌepɪˈsɑːdɪk| — of writing or narration; divided into or composed of episodes

episodical |ˌepɪˈsɒdɪkəl| — episodic.

epistaxis |ˌepəˈstaksəs| — bleeding from the nose

epistemic |ˌepɪˈstiːmɪk| — of or relating to epistemology

epistemological |ɪˌpɪstɪməˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l| — of or relating to epistemology

epistemology |ɪˌpɪstəˈmɑːlədʒɪ| — the philosophical theory of knowledge

epistle |ɪˈpɪsl| — a specially long, formal letter

epistolary |ɪˈpɪstəlerɪ| — written in the form of or carried on by letters or correspondence

epistyle |ˈepɪˌstaɪl| — (architecture, historical) A massive piece of stone or wood laid immediately on the abacus of the capital of a column or pillar; an architrave.

epitaph |ˈepɪtæf| — an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there

epithelial |epəˈθeljəl| — of or belonging to the epithelium

epithelium |epəˈθiːliːəm| — membranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body

epithet |ˈepɪθet| — a defamatory or abusive word or phrase

epitome |ɪˈpɪtəmɪ| — a standard or typical example

epitomize |ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz| — embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of

epizootic |ˌepɪzəʊˈɑːtɪk| — (of animals) epidemic among animals of a single kind within a particular region

epizooty  — An epizootic disease or outbreak.

epoch |ˈepək| — a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event

epoch-making |ˈiːpɒk meɪkɪŋ| — highly significant or important especially bringing about or marking the beginning of a new development or era

epochal |ˈepəkəl| — highly significant or important especially bringing about or marking the beginning of a new development or era

epopee |ˈepəpiː| — (rare, literary) an epic, saga

epos |ˈepɑːs| — a body of poetry that conveys the traditions of a society by treating some epic theme

epoxy |ɪˈpɑːksɪ| — a thermosetting resin; used chiefly in strong adhesives and coatings and laminates

epsilon |ˈepsɪlɑːn| — the 5th letter of the Greek alphabet

Epsom |ˈepsəm| — A town in Surrey, England.

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