English dictionary


ileus |ˈɪliːəs| — blockage of the intestine (especially the ileum) that prevents the contents of the intestine from passing to the lower bowel

ilex |ˈaɪleks| — a large genus of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs of the family Aquifoliaceae that have small flowers and berries (including hollies)

ilia |ˈɪliːə| — Plural form of ilium

iliac |ˈɪliːæk| — of or relating to the ilium

ilium |ˈɪliːəm| — an ancient city in Asia Minor that was the site of the Trojan War

ilk |ɪlk| — a kind of person

ill |ɪl| — an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining

ill-advised |ˌɪl ədˈvaɪzd| — without careful prior deliberation or counsel

ill-affected |ˌɪləˈfektəd| — discontented as toward authority

ill-bred |ˈɪl ˈˌbred| — (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace

ill-breeding |ɪl ˈbriːdɪŋ| — impoliteness resulting from ignorance

ill-conditioned |ˈɪlkənˈdɪʃənd| — (numerical analysis) Having a high condition number.

ill-considered |ˈɪl kənˈˌsɪdərd| — not given careful consideration

ill-disposed |ˌɪl dɪsˈpəʊzd| — not much disposed towards somebody or something; unsympathetic

ill-fated |ɪl ˈfeɪtɪd| — marked by or promising bad fortune

ill-favored  — usually used of a face

ill-favoured |ɪl ˈfeɪvəd| — usually used of a face

ill-gotten |ɪl ˈɡɒtən| — obtained illegally or by improper means

ill-humored  — brusque and surly and forbidding

ill-humoured |ˈɪlˈhjuːməd| — brusque and surly and forbidding

ill-judged |ˈɪl ˈˌjəjd| — not given careful consideration

ill-luck |ˈɪlˈlʌk| — Alternative form of ill luck.

ill-mannered |ɪl ˈmænəd| — socially incorrect in behavior

ill-natured |ɪl ˈneɪtʃəd| — having an irritable and unpleasant disposition

ill-omened |ˌɪl ˈəʊmend| — marked by or promising bad fortune

ill-sorted |ˈɪlˈsɔːrtɪd| — not easy to combine harmoniously

ill-starred |ɪl ˈstɑːrd| — marked by or promising bad fortune

ill-suited |ˈsuːtɪd| — unsuitable, unfit or inappropriate for some purpose

ill-tempered |ˌɪl ˈtempərd| — annoyed and irritable

ill-timed |ɪl ˈtaɪmd| — badly timed

ill-treat |ɪl ˈtriːt| — treat badly

ill-treatment |ɪl ˈtriːtmənt| — cruel or inhumane treatment

ill-use |ɪl ˈjuːz| — treat badly

ill-used |ɪl ˈjuːzd| — (of persons) taken advantage of

ill-will |ˈɪl ˈwɪl| — Ill-disposed attitude; grudge; dislike.

ill-wisher |ˈɪlˈwɪʃər| — One who wishes somebody ill.

illation |ɪˈleɪʃən| — the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation

illative |ˈɪlətɪv| — resembling or dependent on or arrived at by inference

illegal |ɪˈliːɡl| — prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules

illegality |ˌɪlɪˈɡælətɪ| — unlawfulness by virtue of violating some legal statute

illegally |ɪˈliːɡəlɪ| — in an illegal manner

illegibility |ɪˌledʒəˈbɪlɪtɪ| — the quality of writing (print or handwriting) that cannot be deciphered

illegible |ɪˈledʒəbl| — (of handwriting, print, etc.) not legible

illegitimacy |ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəməsɪ| — the status of being born to parents who were not married

illegitimate |ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət| — the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents

illegitimately |ˌɪlɪˈdʒɪtɪmətlɪ| — in a manner disapproved or not allowed by custom

illiberal |ɪˈlɪbərəl| — narrow-minded about cherished opinions

illiberality |ɪˌlɪbəˈrælɪtɪ| — a disposition not to be liberal (generous) with money

illicit |ɪˈlɪsɪt| — contrary to or forbidden by law

illimitable |ˌɪ(l)ˈlɪmədəb(ə)l| — without limits in extent or size or quantity

illinium |ɪˈlɪniːəm| — (obsolete) A rejected name for promethium.

illiteracy |ɪˈlɪtərəsɪ| — ignorance resulting from not reading

illiterate |ɪˈlɪtərət| — a person unable to read

illness |ˈɪlnəs| — impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism

illogical |ɪˈlɑːdʒɪkl| — lacking orderly continuity

illogicality |ɪˌlɒdʒɪˈkælɪtɪ| — invalid or incorrect reasoning

ills |ˈɪlz| — plural form of ill

illume |ɪˈluːm| — make lighter or brighter

illuminant |ɪˈl(j)uːmɪnənt| — something that can serve as a source of light

illuminate |ɪˈluːmɪneɪt| — make lighter or brighter

illuminated |ˌɪˈluːməˌnetəd| — provided with artificial light

illuminating |ɪˈlʊməˌneɪtɪŋ| — tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance

illumination |ɪˌluːmɪˈneɪʃn| — a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination

illuminations |ɪˌluːmɪˈneɪʃənz| — plural form of illumination

illuminative |ɪˈluːməˌneɪtɪv| — of, capable of, or causing illumination

illuminator |ˌɪˈluːməˌnetər| — Agent noun of illuminate; one who illuminates; an explainer.

illumine |ɪˈluːmɪn| — make lighter or brighter

illusion |ɪˈluːʒn| — an erroneous mental representation

illusionist |ɪˈluːʒənɪst| — a person with unusual powers of foresight

illusive |ɪˈluːsɪv| — based on or having the nature of an illusion

illusory |ɪˈluːsərɪ| — based on or having the nature of an illusion

illustrate |ˈɪləstreɪt| — clarify by giving an example of

illustrated |ˈɪləˌstretəd| — simple past tense and past participle of illustrate

illustration |ˌɪləˈstreɪʃn| — artwork that helps make something clear or attractive

illustrative |ɪˈlʌstrətɪv| — clarifying by use of examples

illustrator |ˈɪləstreɪtər| — an artist who makes illustrations (for books or magazines or advertisements etc.)

illustratory  — Serving to illustrate.

illustrious |ɪˈlʌstrɪəs| — widely known and esteemed

illy |ˈɪliː| — Badly; poorly.

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