English dictionary


jubilance |ˈdʒuːbɪləns| — a feeling of extreme joy

jubilant |ˈdʒuːbɪlənt| — joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

jubilantly |ˈdʒuːbɪləntlɪ| — in a joyous manner

jubilate |ˈdʒuːbəˌleɪt| — celebrate a jubilee

jubilation |ˌdʒuːbɪˈleɪʃn| — a feeling of extreme joy

jubilee |ˈdʒuːbɪliː| — a special anniversary (or the celebration of it)

Judaic |dʒuːˈdeɪɪk| — of or relating to or characteristic of the Jews or their culture or religion

Judaism |ˈdʒuːdəɪzəm| — Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud

Judas |ˈdʒuːdəs| — (New Testament) supposed brother of St. James; one of the Apostles who is invoked in prayer when a situation seems hopeless

Judas-tree |ˈdʒuːdəstriː| — A small deciduous tree, Cercis siliquastrum, noted for its prolific display of deep-pink flowers in spring

judder |ˈdʒʌdər| — shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively

Judeo-Christian |dʒuːˌdeɪəʊˈkrɪstʃən| — being historically related to both Judaism and Christianity

judge |dʒʌdʒ| — a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice

judgement |ˈdʒʌdʒmənt| — the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision

judgement-day |ˈdʒʌdʒməntdeɪ| — The Last Judgment, Final Judgment, final trial of all humankind, both the living and dead by God expected to take place at the end of the world, when each is rewarded or punished according to his or her merits.

Judges |ˈjəjəz| — a book of the Old Testament that tells the history of Israel under the leaders known as judges

judging |ˈdʒʌdʒɪŋ| — the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions

judgmatical |dʒʌdʒˈmætɪkəl| — judicious

judgment |ˈdʒʌdʒmənt| — an opinion formed by judging something

judgmental |dʒʌdʒˈmentəl| — depending on judgment

judicature |ˈdʒuːdɪkətʃər| — an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business

judicial |dʒʊˈdɪʃl| — decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice

judiciary |dʒʊˈdɪʃɪerɪ| — persons who administer justice

judicious |dʒʊˈdɪʃəs| — marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters

judo |ˈdʒuːdəʊ| — a sport adapted from jujitsu (using principles of not resisting) and similar to wrestling; developed in Japan

Judy |ˈdʒuːdɪ| — A diminutive of Judith, also used as a formal female given name.

jug |dʒʌɡ| — a large bottle with a narrow mouth

jugate |ˈdʒuːɡeɪt| — Forming a pair.

jugful |ˈdʒʌɡfʊl| — the quantity contained in a jug

jugged |dʒʌɡd| — (slang) (in combination) Having a specified kind of jugs (breasts).

Juggernaut |ˈdʒʌɡərnɔːt| — a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way

juggins |ˈdʒʌɡɪnz| — A fool; someone very credulous or easily fooled.

juggle |ˈdʒʌɡl| — the act of rearranging things to give a misleading impression

juggler |ˈdʒʌɡlər| — a performer who juggles objects and performs tricks of manual dexterity

jugglery |ˈdʒʌɡləriː| — artful trickery designed to achieve an end

juggling |ˈdʒʌɡəlɪŋ| — the act of rearranging things to give a misleading impression

Jugoslav |ˈjuːɡəʊˌslɑːv| — a native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia

Jugoslavian |ˈjuːɡəʊˈslɑːvjən| — a native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia

jugular |ˈdʒʌɡjələr| — veins in the neck that return blood from the head

jugulate |ˈdʒuːɡjəˌleɪt| — To cut the throat of a person or an animal.

juice |dʒuːs| — the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking

juicer |ˈdʒuːsər| — a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)

juicy |ˈdʒuːsɪ| — having strong sexual appeal

jujitsu |dʒuːˈdʒɪtˌsuː| — a method of self-defense without weapons that was developed in China and Japan; holds and blows are supplemented by clever use of the attacker's own weight and strength

juju |ˈdʒuːdʒuː| — the power associated with a juju

jujube |ˈdʒuːdʒuːb| — spiny tree having dark red edible fruits

jujutsu  — a method of self-defense without weapons that was developed in China and Japan; holds and blows are supplemented by clever use of the attacker's own weight and strength

juke |ˈdʒuːk| — a small roadside establishment in the southeastern United States where you can eat and drink and dance to music provided by a jukebox

jukebox |ˈdʒuːkbɑːks| — a cabinet containing an automatic record player; records are played by inserting a coin

julep |ˈdʒuːlep| — bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice

Julian |ˈdʒuːlɪən| — Roman Emperor and nephew of Constantine; he restored paganism as the official religion of the Roman Empire and destroyed Christian temples but his decision was reversed after his death (331?-363)

julienne |ˌdʒuːliːˈen| — a vegetable cut into thin strips (usually used as a garnish)

July |dʒʊˈlaɪ| — the month following June and preceding August

jumbal |ˈdʒʌmbəl| — small flat ring-shaped cake or cookie

jumble |ˈdʒʌmbl| — a confused multitude of things

jumbled |ˈdʒʌmbəld| — in utter disorder

jumbo |ˈdʒʌmbəʊ| — of great mass; huge and bulky

jumbuck |ˈdʒʌmbʌk| — (Australia) A sheep.

jump |dʒʌmp| — a sudden and decisive increase

jump off |ˈdʒəmp ˈɒf| — set off quickly, usually with success

jump on |ˈdʒəmp ɑːn| — get up on the back of

jump out |ˈdʒəmp ˈaʊt| — be highly noticeable

jump-seat |ˈdʒʌmpsiːt| — (colloquial) A spare seat in an aircraft cockpit.

jumped-up |ˈˌjəmp ˈtəp| — (British informal) upstart

jumper |ˈdʒʌmpər| — a person who jumps

jumping |ˈdʒʌmpɪŋ| — the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jump

jumping-rope |ˈdʒʌmpɪŋrəʊp| — Present participle of jump rope.

jumps |ˈdʒəmps| — plural form of jump

jumpy |ˈdʒʌmpɪ| — being in a tense state

junction |ˈdʒʌŋkʃn| — the place where two or more things come together

juncture |ˈdʒʌŋktʃər| — an event that occurs at a critical time

June |dʒuːn| — the month following May and preceding July

Jungian |ˈjʊŋɪən| — a follower or advocate of Carl Jung's theories

jungle |ˈdʒʌŋɡl| — a location marked by an intense competition and struggle for survival

jungly |ˈdʒʌŋɡlɪ| — overgrown with tropical vegetation

junior |ˈdʒuːnɪər| — term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male

juniority |dʒuːnˈjɔːrɪtiː| — The quality or state of being junior.

juniper |ˈdʒuːnɪpər| — desert shrub of Syria and Arabia having small white flowers; constitutes the juniper of the Old Testament; sometimes placed in genus Genista

junk |dʒʌŋk| — the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up

junker |ˈdʒəŋkər| — member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism

junket |ˈdʒʌŋkɪt| — dessert made of sweetened milk coagulated with rennet

junketing |ˈdʒʌŋkɪtɪŋ| — taking an excursion for pleasure

junkie |ˈdʒʌŋkɪ| — a narcotics addict

junkman |ˈdʒʌŋkmæn| — A seller of junk.

junky |ˈdʒʌŋkɪ| — a narcotics addict

Juno |ˈdʒuːnəʊ| — (Roman mythology) queen of the Olympian gods who protected marriage; wife and sister of Jupiter; counterpart of Greek Hera

junta |ˈhʊntə| — a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power

junto |ˈdʒʌntəʊ| — a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue

Jupiter |ˈdʒuːpɪtər| — the largest planet and the 5th from the sun; has many satellites and is one of the brightest objects in the night sky

jura |ˈdʒʊrə| — A département of France.

Jurassic |dʒʊˈræsɪk| — from 190 million to 135 million years ago; dinosaurs; conifers

jurat |ˈdʒʊræt| — (law) The written statement by a notary public that he or she has administered and witnessed an oath or affirmation.

juratory |dʒʊrəˌtɔːriː| — Relating to or comprising an oath.

juridical |dʒʊˈrɪdɪkl| — of or relating to the law or jurisprudence

jurisconsult |ˌdʒʊrɪskənˈsʌlt| — (Roman and Civil Law) a person authorised to give legal advice.

jurisdiction |ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃn| — (law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law

jurisdictional |ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃnl| — restricted to the geographic area under a particular jurisdiction

jurisprudence |ˌdʒʊrɪsˈpruːdns| — the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do

jurisprudent |dʒʊrɪsˈpruːdnt| — Understanding law; skilled in jurisprudence.

jurist |ˈdʒʊrɪst| — a legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations

juristic |dʒʊˈrɪstɪk| — of or relating to law or to legal rights and obligations

juristical  — Alternative form of juristic.

juror |ˈdʒʊrər| — someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury

jury |ˈdʒʊrɪ| — a body of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to the evidence presented in a court of law

jury-box |ˈdʒʊərɪ bɑːks| — The area in a courtroom wherein the jury is seated during a trial.

jury-rig |rɪɡ| — (nautical) To make an improvised rigging or assembly from whatever is available.

juryman |ˈdʒʊrɪmən| — someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury

jus |ʒuː| — plural form of JU

jussive |ˈdʒəsɪv| — (grammar, of a verb) Inflected to indicate commands, permission or agreement with a request.

just |dʒʌst| — of moral excellence

justice |ˈdʒʌstɪs| — the quality of being just or fair

justiceship |ˈdʒʌstɪsˌʃɪp| — The office or dignity of a justice.

justiciable |dʒəˈstɪʃiːəbəl| — (law) Of or pertaining to justiciability; able to be evaluated and resolved by the courts.

justiciary |dʒəˈstɪʃɪerɪ| — formerly a high judicial officer

justifiable |ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəbl| — capable of being justified

justifiably |ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪəblɪ| — with good reason

justification |ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn| — something (such as a fact or circumstance) that shows an action to be reasonable or necessary

justificative |ˈdʒʌstəfəkeɪtɪv| — attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing

justificatory |dʒəˈstɪfəkəˌtɔːriː| — attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing

justified |ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd| — having words so spaced that lines have straight even margins

justify |ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ| — show to be right by providing justification or proof

justifying |ˈdʒʌstəˌfaɪɪŋ| — Present participle of justify.

justly |ˈdʒʌstlɪ| — with honesty

justness |ˈdʒʌstnəs| — conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety

jut |dʒʌt| — something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings

jute |dʒuːt| — a plant fiber used in making rope or sacks

juvenescence |ˌdʒuːvəˈnes(ə)ns| — the process of growing into a youth

juvenescent |ˌdʒuːvəˈnesənt| — Becoming juvenile or young.

juvenile |ˈdʒuːvənl| — a young person, not fully developed

juvenilia |ˌdʒuːvəˈnɪlɪə| — (literature, plural only) Works produced during an artist's or author's youth.

juvenility |ˌdʒuːvəˈnɪlɪtiː| — lacking and evidencing lack of experience of life

juxtapose |ˌdʒʌkstəˈpəʊz| — place side by side

juxtaposed |ˌdʒʌkstəˈpəʊzd| — placed side by side often for comparison

juxtaposition |ˌdʒʌkstəpəˈzɪʃn| — the act of positioning close together (or side by side)

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