English dictionary


poach |pəʊtʃ| — hunt illegally

poacher |ˈpəʊtʃər| — someone who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another

poachy |ˈpəʊtʃiː| — Wet and soft; easily penetrated by the feet of cattle; said of land.

pochard |ˈpəʊtʃəd| — heavy-bodied Old World diving duck having a grey-and-black body and reddish head

pock |ˈpɑːk| — a pustule in an eruptive disease

pocket |ˈpɑːkɪt| — a small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles

pocket-knife |ˈpɒkɪt naɪf| — Alternative spelling of pocketknife.

pocket-money |ˈpɒkɪt mʌnɪ| — A small sum of money given to a child, by a parent or guardian.

pocket-pistol |ˈpɒkɪtˌpɪstl| — A semi-automatic handgun designed to be carried inconspicuously in a pocket of one's clothing.

pocket-size |saɪz| — relatively moderate, limited, or small

pocketbook |ˈpɑːkɪtbʊk| — your personal financial means

pocketful |ˈpɑːkətˌfʊl| — the quantity a pocket will hold

pocketknife |ˈpɑːkɪtnaɪf| — a knife with a blade that folds into the handle; suitable for carrying in the pocket

pockmark |ˈpɑːkmɑːrk| — a scar or pit on the skin that is left by a pustule of smallpox or acne or other eruptive disease

pockmarked |ˈpɑkˌmɑrkt| — used of paved surfaces having holes or pits

pocky |ˈpɑːkiː| — Covered in pock marks; specifically, pox-ridden, syphilitic. [from 14th c.]

pococurante |ˌpəʊkəʊkuːˈræntiː| — apathetic, indifferent or nonchalant

pod |pɑːd| — the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)

podagra |pəˈdaɡrə| — (medicine) gout in the big toe

podagric |pəʊˈdæɡrɪk| — (obsolete) Person suffering from gout.

podcast |ˈpɑːdkæst| — distribute (multimedia files) over the internet for playback on a mobile device or a personal computer

podded |ˈpɒdɪd| — having pods (of a particular kind)

poddy |ˈpɑːdiː| — (not comparable) Of or pertaining to a pod or pods.

podge |ˈpɑːdʒ| — (informal) a fat person

podgy |ˈpɑːdʒɪ| — short and plump

podia |ˈpəʊdɪəm| — plural form of podium

podiatry |pəˈdaɪətrɪ| — the branch of medicine concerned with the feet

podium |ˈpəʊdɪəm| — a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it

poem |ˈpəʊəm| — a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines

poenology  — the branch of criminology concerned with prison management and prisoner rehabilitation

poesy |ˈpəʊəzɪ| — literature in metrical form

poet |ˈpəʊət| — a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)

poetaster |ˈpəʊɪtæstər| — An unskilled poet.

poetess |ˌpəʊəˈtes| — a woman poet

poetic |pəʊˈetɪk| — characterized by romantic imagery

poetical |pəʊˈetɪkəl| — characteristic of or befitting poetry

poeticize |pəʊˈetɪˌsaɪz| — To make poetic, or express in poetry

poetics |pəʊˈetɪks| — study of poetic works

poetize |ˈpəʊɪˌtaɪz| — compose verses or put into verse

poetry |ˈpəʊətrɪ| — literature in metrical form

pogrom |ˈpəʊɡrəm| — organized persecution of an ethnic group (especially Jews)

poignancy |ˈpɔɪnjənsɪ| — a state of deeply felt distress or sorrow

poignant |ˈpɔɪnjənt| — arousing affect

poignantly |ˌpɔɪnjəntlɪ| — in a poignant or touching manner

point |pɔɪnt| — a geometric element that has position but no extension

point out |ˈpɔɪnt ˈaʊt| — make or write a comment on

point-blank |ˈpɔɪntˈblæŋk| — in a direct and unequivocal manner

point-duty |ˈpɔɪnt djuːtɪ| — Traffic control by a police officer stationed at an intersection.

pointed |ˈpɔɪntɪd| — direct and obvious in meaning or reference; often unpleasant

pointedly |ˈpɔɪntɪdlɪ| — in such a manner as to make something clearly evident

pointer |ˈpɔɪntər| — a mark to indicate a direction or relation

pointful |ˈpɔɪntfʊl| — Having real substance; apposite, pertinent.

pointing |ˈpɔɪntɪŋ| — Present participle of point.

pointless |ˈpɔɪntləs| — serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being

pointlessly |ˈpɔɪntlɪslɪ| — in a pointless manner

pointlessness |ˈpɔɪntləs| — total lack of meaning or ideas

points |ˌpɔɪnts| — plural form of point

pointsman |ˈpɔɪntsmən| — a policeman stationed at an intersection to direct traffic

poise |pɔɪz| — a cgs unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one dyne-second per square centimeter; the viscosity of a fluid in which a force of one dyne per square centimeter maintains a velocity of 1 centimeter per second

poised |pɔɪzd| — marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action

poison |ˈpɔɪzn| — any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism

poisoner |ˈpɔɪznər| — someone who kills with poison

poisoning |ˈpɔɪzənɪŋ| — the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substance

poisonous |ˈpɔɪzənəs| — having the qualities or effects of a poison

poke |pəʊk| — tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous

poke into |pəʊk ˌɪnˈtuː| — enter briefly

poker |ˈpəʊkər| — fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire

poker-faced |ˈpəʊkəˈfeɪst| — deliberately impassive in manner

pokey |ˈpəʊkɪ| — a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)

poky |ˈpəʊkɪ| — a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)

polar |ˈpəʊlər| — having a pair of equal and opposite charges

polarise  — cause to vibrate in a definite pattern

polarity |pəˈlærətɪ| — a relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies

polarization |ˌpəʊləraɪˈzeɪʃən| — the phenomenon in which waves of light or other radiation are restricted in direction of vibration

polarize |ˈpəʊləraɪz| — cause to vibrate in a definite pattern

polarized |ˈpəʊləraɪzd| — (US) Having a distinctive polarization.

polarizing |ˈpəʊləraɪzɪŋ| — Present participle of polarize.

polder |ˈpɒldər| — low-lying land that has been reclaimed and is protected by dikes (especially in the Netherlands)

pole |pəʊl| — a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic

pole-axe |ˈpəʊlæks| — Alternative spelling of poleaxe.

pole-star |ˈpəʊl stɑːrr| — (astronomy) The star nearest a celestial pole of a planet.

pole-vault |ˈpəʊl vɔːlt| — (intransitive) To perform a pole vault

pole-vaulting |ˈpəʊlˌvɔːltɪŋ| — Present participle of pole-vault.

poleax |ˈpəʊlæks| — an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade

poleaxe |ˈpəʊlæks| — an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade

polecat |ˈpəʊlkæt| — American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae

polemic |pəˈlemɪk| — a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)

polemical |pəˈlemɪkl| — of or involving dispute or controversy

polemicist |pəˈleməsəst| — a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)

polemicize  — engage in a controversy

polemics |pəˈlemɪks| — the branch of Christian theology devoted to the refutation of errors

polemize  — engage in a controversy

polenta |pəˈlentə| — a thick mush made of cornmeal boiled in stock or water

polestar  — the brightest star in Ursa Minor; at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper; the northern axis of the earth points toward it

police |pəˈliːs| — the force of policemen and officers

police-officer |pəˈliːs ɑːfəsər| — An officer in a law enforcement agency.

police-station |pəˈliːs steɪʃən| — A building serving as the headquarters of a branch of the police force.

policeman |pəˈliːsmən| — a member of a police force

policing |pəˈliːsɪŋ| — Present participle of police.

policlinic |ˌpɑːliːˈklɪnɪk| — Alternative spelling of polyclinic.

policy |ˈpɑːləsɪ| — a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group

policy-making |ˈpɒlɪsɪˌmeɪkɪŋ| — concerned with policy, not administration

policyholder |ˈpɑːləsɪhəʊldər| — a person who holds an insurance policy; usually, the client in whose name an insurance policy is written

policymaker |ˈpɑːləsɪˌmekər| — one involved in the formulation of policies, especially politicians, lobbyists, and activists

policymaking |ˈpɑːləsɪˌmekɪŋ| — the formulation of policies.

polio |ˈpəʊlɪəʊ| — an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord

poliomyelitis |ˌpəʊlɪəʊˌmaɪəˈlaɪtɪs| — an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord

polish |ˈpəʊlɪʃ| — the property of being smooth and shiny

polish off |ˈpɑːlɪʃ ˈɒf| — finish a task completely

polished |ˈpɑːlɪʃt| — showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience

polisher |ˈpɒlɪʃər| — a power tool used to buff surfaces

polishing |ˈpɑːlɪʃɪŋ| — the work of making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing it

Politburo |ˈpɑːlɪtbjʊrəʊ| — the chief executive and political committee of the Communist Party

polite |pəˈlaɪt| — marked by refinement in taste and manners

politely |pəˈlaɪtlɪ| — in a polite manner

politeness |pəˈlaɪtnəs| — a courteous manner that respects accepted social usage

politic |ˈpɑːlətɪk| — smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication

political |pəˈlɪtɪkl| — involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians

politically |pəˈlɪtɪkəlɪ| — with regard to social relationships involving authority

politician |ˌpɑːləˈtɪʃn| — a leader engaged in civil administration

politicization |pəˌlɪtəsəˈzeɪʃən| — The state of being politicized

politicize |pəˈlɪtɪsaɪz| — give a political character to

politicized |pəˈlɪtəˌsaɪzd| — simple past tense and past participle of politicize

politicly  — In a politic manner; sagaciously; shrewdly; artfully.

politico |pəˈlɪtɪkəʊ| — a person active in party politics

politics |ˈpɑːlətɪks| — social relations involving intrigue to gain authority or power

polity |ˈpɑːlətɪ| — the form of government of a social organization

polk |ˈpɒk| — 11th President of the United States; his expansionism led to the Mexican War and the annexation of California and much of the southwest (1795-1849)

polka |ˈpəʊlkə| — music performed for dancing the polka

polka-dot |dɑːt| — Any of a number of uniform round dots, repeated to make a regular geometric pattern on a fabric

Poll |pəʊl| — an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people

poll-parrot  — (dated) A tame parrot

poll-tax |ˈpəʊl tæks| — A tax determined as a uniform, fixed amount per individual.

pollack |ˈpɑːlək| — United States filmmaker (born in 1934)

pollard |ˈpɑːlərd| — a tree with limbs cut back to promote a more bushy growth of foliage

pollen |ˈpɑːlən| — the fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant

pollex |ˈpɒleks| — the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb

pollinate |ˈpɑːləneɪt| — fertilize by transfering pollen

pollination |ˌpɑːləˈneɪʃən| — transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant

pollinator  — an insect that carries pollen from one flower to another

polling |ˈpəʊlɪŋ| — Present participle of poll.

polling-booth |ˈpəʊlɪŋ buːð| — (Britain, Canada, Australia) A voting booth.

polliwog |ˈpɑːlɪwɑːɡ| — a larval frog or toad

pollock |ˈpɑːlək| — United States artist famous for painting with a drip technique; a leader of abstract expressionism in America (1912-1956)

pollster |ˈpəʊlstər| — someone who conducts surveys of public opinion

pollutant |pəˈluːtənt| — waste matter that contaminates the water or air or soil

pollute |pəˈluːt| — make impure

polluted |pəˈluːtəd| — rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution

polluter |pəˈlʊtər| — a person or organization that causes pollution of the environment

pollution |pəˈluːʃn| — undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substances as a consequence of human activities

pollywog  — a larval frog or toad

polo |ˈpəʊləʊ| — Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324)

polo-neck |ˈpəʊləʊ nek| — a sweater or jersey with a high close-fitting collar

polonaise |ˌpɑːləˈneɪz| — a woman's dress with a tight bodice and an overskirt drawn back to reveal a colorful underskirt

polonium |pəˈləʊnɪəm| — a radioactive metallic element that is similar to tellurium and bismuth; occurs in uranium ores but can be produced by bombarding bismuth with neutrons in a nuclear reactor

polony |pəˈləʊnɪ| — another name for Bologna sausage

poltroon |pɑːlˈtruːn| — an abject coward

poltroonery |pɒlˈtruːnərɪ| — abject pusillanimity

poly |ˈpɑːlɪ| — polytechnic.

polyadelphous |ˌpɑːliːəˈdelfəs| — (botany) Having stamens combined in more than two groups.

polyandry |ˌpɑːlɪˈændrɪ| — polygamy in which a woman has more than one husband at a time

polyanthus |ˌpɑːlɪˈænθəs| — florists' primroses; considered a complex hybrid derived from oxlip, cowslip, and common primrose

polyatomic |pɑːliːəˈtɑːmɪk| — of or relating to a molecule made up of more than two atoms

polychromatic |ˌpɑːliːkrəʊˈmætɪk| — having or exhibiting many colors

polychrome |ˈpɒlɪkrəʊm| — a piece of work composed of or decorated in many colors

polyclinic |ˈpɑːlɪklɪnɪk| — A clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated; especially, an institution in which clinical instruction is given in all kinds of disease.

polyester |ˌpɑːlɪˈestər| — any of numerous synthetic resins; they are light and strong and weather resistant

polyethylene |ˌpɑːlɪˈeθəliːn| — a lightweight thermoplastic; used especially in packaging and insulation

polygamist |pəˈlɪɡəmɪst| — someone who is married to two or more people at the same time

polygamous |pəˈlɪɡəməs| — having several forms of gametoecia on the same plant

polygamy |pəˈlɪɡəmɪ| — the condition or practice of having more than one spouse at a time

polyglot |ˈpɑːlɪɡlɑːt| — a person who speaks more than one language

polygon |ˈpɑːlɪɡɑːn| — a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides

polygonal |pəˈlɪɡənəl| — having many sides or relating to a surface marked by polygons

polygynous |pəˈlɪdʒənəs| — having more than one wife at a time

polygyny |pəˈlɪdʒənɪ| — polygamy in which a man has more than one wife at a time

polyhedra |ˌpɒlɪˈhiːdrən| — plural form of polyhedron

polyhedral |ˌpɒlɪˈhiːdrən| — of or relating to or resembling a polyhedron

polyhedron |ˌpɑːlɪˈhiːdrən| — a solid figure bounded by plane polygons or faces

polyhistor |ˌpɒlɪˈhɪstə| — someone gifted or learned in multiple disciplines.

polymath |ˈpɑːlɪmæθ| — a person of great and varied learning

polymathic  — Pertaining to polymathy; acquainted with many branches of learning.

polymer |ˈpɑːlɪmər| — a naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers

polymerase |ˈpɑːləməˌres| — an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of new DNA and RNA from an existing strand of DNA or RNA

polymeric |pɑːləˈmerɪk| — of or relating to or consisting of a polymer

polymerization |pəˌlɪmərɪˈzeɪʃən| — a chemical process that combines several monomers to form a polymer or polymeric compound

polymerize |ˈpɑːlɪməraɪz| — cause (a compound) to polymerize

polymorphic |ˌpɑːlɪˈmɔːrfɪk| — having or occurring in several distinct forms

polymorphism |ˌpɑːlɪˈmɔːrˌfɪzəm| — (genetics) the genetic variation within a population that natural selection can operate on

polymorphous |ˌpɒlɪˈmɔːrfəs| — having or occurring in several distinct forms

Polynesian |ˌpɑːləˈniːʒən| — a native or inhabitant of Polynesia

polynia |pəʊˈlɪnjə| — Alternative form of polynya.

polynomial |ˌpɒlɪˈnəʊmɪəl| — a mathematical function that is the sum of a number of terms

polyp |ˈpɑːlɪp| — a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane

polype |ˈpɒlɪp| — Archaic form of polyp.

polyphagia |pɒlɪˈfeɪdʒɪə| — An excessive appetite for food

polyphase |ˈpɑːləˌfez| — of an electrical system that uses or generates two or more alternating voltages of the same frequency but differing in phase angle

polyphonic |ˌpɑːlɪˈfɑːnɪk| — having two or more phonetic values

polyphony |pəˈlɪfənɪ| — music arranged in parts for several voices or instruments

polypi |ˈpɒlɪpaɪ| — plural form of polypus

polypody |ˈpɑːliːpəʊdiː| — any of numerous ferns of the genus Polypodium

polypoid |ˈpɑːləˌpɔɪd| — Resembling a polyp.

polypous |ˈpɒlɪpəs| — Relating to, resembling, or characterized by the presence of a polyp.

polypropylene |ˌpɑːlɪˈprəʊpəliːn| — a polymer of propylene used as a thermoplastic molding material

polypus |ˈpɒlɪpəs| — a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane

polysemantic |ˌpɒlɪsɪˈmæntɪk| — of words; having many meanings

polysemy |pəˈlɪsɪmɪ| — the ambiguity of an individual word or phrase that can be used (in different contexts) to express two or more different meanings

polyspast |ˈpɑːliːˌspæst| — A machine consisting of many pulleys

polystyrene |ˌpɑːlɪˈstaɪriːn| — a polymer of styrene; a rigid transparent thermoplastic

polysyllabic |ˌpɑːlɪsɪˈlæbɪk| — having or characterized by words of more than three syllables

polysyllable |ˈpɑːlɪsɪləbl| — a word of more than three syllables

polytechnic |ˌpɑːlɪˈteknɪk| — a technical school offering instruction in many industrial arts and applied sciences

polytheism |ˈpɑːlɪθɪɪzəm| — belief in multiple Gods

polyurethane |ˌpɑːlɪˈjʊrəθeɪn| — any of various polymers containing the urethane radical; a wide variety of synthetic forms are made and used as adhesives or plastics or paints or rubber

polyvalent |ˌpɑːlɪˈveɪlənt| — containing several antibodies each capable of counteracting a specific antigen

polyzonal |ˌpɒlɪˈzəʊnl| — Consisting of many zones or rings.

pom |pɑːm| — a disparaging term for a British person

pom-pom |ˈpɑːm pɑːm| — decoration consisting of a ball of tufted wool or silk; usually worn on a hat

pomace |ˈpəməs| — the pulp that remains after a fruit has been pressed to extract the juice (a nut etc has been pressed to extract the oil)

pomaceous  — (botany) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a pome.

pomade |pəˈmeɪd| — hairdressing consisting of a perfumed oil or ointment

pomander |ˈpəʊmændər| — A mixture of aromatic substances, made into a ball and carried as a protection against infection

pomatum |pəʊˈmeɪtəm| — hairdressing consisting of a perfumed oil or ointment

pomegranate |ˈpɑːmɪɡrænɪt| — shrub or small tree native to southwestern Asia having large red many-seeded fruit

pomelo |ˈpɑːmələʊ| — southeastern Asian tree producing large fruits resembling grapefruits

Pomeranian |ˌpɑːməˈreɪnɪən| — breed of very small compact long-haired dogs of the spitz type

pomiculture |ˈpəʊmɪkʌltʃə| — the cultivation of fruit; fruit growing

pommel |ˈpɑːml| — a handgrip that a gymnast uses when performing exercises on a pommel horse

pommy |ˈpɑːmɪ| — a disparaging term for a British person

pomology |pɒˈmɑːlədʒɪ| — the branch of botany that studies and cultivates fruits

pomp |pɑːmp| — cheap or pretentious or vain display

pompadour |ˈpɑːmpədʊər| — French noblewoman who was the lover of Louis XV, whose policies she influenced (1721-1764)

pompier |ˈpɒmpɪə| — A pompier hook

pompom |ˈpɑmˌpɑm| — (onomatopoeia) A decorative ball made of pieces of soft fabric bound at the centre, most notably used in cheerleading

pompon |ˈpɑːmˌpɑːn| — decoration consisting of a ball of tufted wool or silk; usually worn on a hat

pomposity |pɑːmˈpɑːsətɪ| — lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity

pompous |ˈpɑːmpəs| — puffed up with vanity

ponce |pɑːns| — a man who is effeminate in his manner and fussy in the way he dresses

ponceau |pɑːnˈsəʊ| — (chemistry) Any of a number of red pigments, some of which are used as indicators

poncho |ˈpɑːntʃəʊ| — a blanket-like cloak with a hole in the center for the head

pond |pɑːnd| — a small lake

ponder |ˈpɑːndər| — reflect deeply on a subject

ponderability |ˌpɒndərəˈbɪlɪtɪ| — The quality or state of being ponderable.

ponderable |ˈpɒndərəbəl| — capable of being thought about

ponderosity |ˌpɑːndəˈrɑːsɪtiː| — the property of being large in mass

ponderous |ˈpɑːndərəs| — slow and laborious because of weight

pone |pəʊn| — cornbread often made without milk or eggs and baked or fried (southern)

pong |pɔːŋ| — an unpleasant smell

pongee |pɒnˈdʒiː| — a soft thin cloth woven from raw silk (or an imitation)

pongo |ˈpɒŋɡəʊ| — type genus of the family Pongidae: orangutans

poniard |ˈpɒnjəd| — a dagger with a slender blade

pontiff |ˈpɑːntɪf| — the head of the Roman Catholic Church

pontifical |pɑːnˈtɪfɪkl| — the vestments and other insignia of a pontiff (especially a bishop)

pontificate |pɑːnˈtɪfɪkeɪt| — the government of the Roman Catholic Church

ponton |ˈpɑːntən| — Alternative form of pontoon..

pontoon |pɑːnˈtuːn| — (nautical) a floating structure (as a flat-bottomed boat) that serves as a dock or to support a bridge

pony |ˈpəʊnɪ| — a range horse of the western United States

ponytail |ˈpəʊnɪteɪl| — a hair style that draws the hair back so that it hangs down in back of the head like a pony's tail

pooch |puːtʃ| — informal terms for dogs

pood |puːd| — a Russian unit of weight equal to approximately 36 pounds

poodle |ˈpuːdl| — an intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-colored coat that is usually clipped; an old breed sometimes trained as sporting dogs or as performing dogs

poof |pʊf| — offensive term for a homosexual man

poofter |ˈpʊftə| — Alternative spelling of pooftah.

pooh |puː| — Expression of dismissal or contempt.

Pooh-Bah |ˈpuːbɑː| — an arrogant or conceited person of importance

pooh-pooh |ˌpuː ˈpuː| — express contempt about

pool |puːl| — an excavation that is (usually) filled with water

pooled |ˈpuːld| — Simple past tense and past participle of pool.

poolroom |ˈpuːlruːm| — a room with pool tables where pool is played

poop |puːp| — obscene terms for feces

poor |pʊr| — people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group)

poor-box |ˈpʊə bɑːks| — A locked box with a slot for depositing coins into, usually placed in churches to accept donations for the needy.

poor-house |ˈpʊəhaʊs| — Alternative form of poorhouse.

poor-spirited |ˈpʊrˈspɪrətəd| — lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful

poorhouse |ˈpɔːrhaʊs| — an establishment maintained at public expense in order to provide housing for the poor and homeless

poorly |ˈpʊrlɪ| — (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well

poorness |ˈpɔːrnəs| — the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions

pop |pɑːp| — an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk

pop in |ˈpɑːp ɪn| — enter briefly

pop off |ˈpɑːp ˈɒf| — leave quickly

pop out |ˈpɑːp ˈaʊt| — appear suddenly

pop up |ˈpɑːp ʌp| — appear suddenly or unexpectedly

pop-art |ˈpɒpɑːt| — (art) A genre of art that uses elements of popular culture; often uses techniques from commercial art and advertising

pop-eyed |ˈpɑːpaɪd| — Alternative spelling of popeyed.

pop-up |pɒp ʌp| — a book (usually for children) that contains one or more pages such that a three-dimensional structure rises up when a page is opened

popcorn |ˈpɑːpkɔːrn| — corn having small ears and kernels that burst when exposed to dry heat

pope |pəʊp| — the head of the Roman Catholic Church

popedom  — The jurisdiction of the pope.

popery |ˈpəʊpərɪ| — offensive terms for the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church

popgun |ˈpɑːpɡʌn| — plaything consisting of a toy gun that makes a popping sound

popinjay |ˈpɒpɪndʒeɪ| — a vain and talkative person (chatters like a parrot)

popish |ˈpəʊpɪʃ| — of or relating to or supporting Romanism

poplar |ˈpɑːplər| — soft light-colored non-durable wood of the poplar

poplin |ˈpɑːplɪn| — a ribbed fabric used in clothing and upholstery

popliteal |pɑːpˈlɪtiːəl| — of or relating to the area behind the knee joint

poppa |ˈpɑːpə| — (US, colloquial, sometimes childish) father, papa.

popper |ˈpɑːpər| — British philosopher (born in Austria) who argued that scientific theories can never be proved to be true, but are tested by attempts to falsify them (1902-1994)

poppet |ˈpɑːpɪt| — a mushroom-shaped valve that rises perpendicularly from its seat; commonly used in internal-combustion engines

poppet-valve |ˈpɒpɪtˈvælv| — (mechanics) A valve (as in an internal combustion engine) which consists of a sliding shaft with a disk on the end (the disk being shaped to alternately plug and unplug a matching port) and which is operated by springs and possibly cams interacting with t

poppied |ˈpɑːpiːd| — Mingled or interspersed with poppies.

popple |ˈpɑːpəl| — (dialect) poplar

poppy |ˈpɑːpɪ| — annual or biennial or perennial herbs having showy flowers

poppycock |ˈpɑːpɪkɑːk| — senseless talk

pops |ˈpɑːps| — plural form of Pop

popster |ˈpɒpstə| — (informal) A pop musician.

popsy |ˈpɒpsɪ| — (informal) grandfather

populace |ˈpɑːpjələs| — people in general considered as a whole

popular |ˈpɑːpjələr| — carried on by or for the people (or citizens) at large

popularity |ˌpɑːpjʊˈlærətɪ| — the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after

popularization |ˌpɑːpjələrəˈzeɪʃən| — an interpretation that easily understandable and acceptable

popularize |ˈpɑːpjələraɪz| — cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use

popularly |ˈpɑːpjələrlɪ| — among the people

populate |ˈpɑːpjʊleɪt| — be an inhabitant of or reside in

populated |ˈpɑːpjəˌletəd| — furnished with inhabitants

population |ˌpɑːpjʊˈleɪʃn| — the people who inhabit a territory or state

populism |ˈpɑːpjəˌlɪzəm| — the political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite

populist |ˈpɑːpjəlɪst| — someone who advocates the rights of the common people over those of the elite

populous |ˈpɑːpjələs| — densely populated

porbeagle |ˈpɔːrbiːɡəl| — voracious pointed-nose shark of northern Atlantic and Pacific

porcelain |ˈpɔːrsəlɪn| — ceramic ware made of a more or less translucent ceramic

porcellaneous |ˌpɔːrsəˈleɪniːəs| — Of or relating to porcelain; resembling porcelain.

porch |pɔːrtʃ| — a structure attached to the exterior of a building often forming a covered entrance

porcine |ˈpɔːrsaɪn| — repellently fat

porcupine |ˈpɔːrkjʊpaɪn| — relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur

pore |pɔːr| — any tiny hole admitting passage of a liquid (fluid or gas)

porgy |ˈpɔːrɡɪ| — lean flesh of fish found in warm waters of southern Atlantic coast of the United States

poriferous |pəʊˈrɪfərəs| — full of pores or vessels or holes

pork |pɔːrk| — meat from a domestic hog or pig

pork-barrel |ˈpɔːrk bærəl| — (now rare) A barrel used to store pork. [from 18th c.]

porkbarrel  — Alternative spelling of pork barrel.

porker |ˈpɔːrkər| — a pig fattened to provide meat

porkling |ˈpɔːklɪŋ| — A pig; a porket.

porky |ˈpɔːrkɪ| — Resembling or characteristic of pork.

porn |pɔːrn| — creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire

porno |ˈpɔːrnəʊ| — creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire

pornographic |ˌpɔːrnəˈɡræfɪk| — designed to arouse lust

pornography |pɔːrˈnɑːɡrəfɪ| — creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire

porosity |pɔːrˈrɒsɪtɪ| — the property of being porous; being able to absorb fluids

porous |ˈpɔːrəs| — able to absorb fluids

porousness |ˈpɔːrəsnəs| — the property of being porous; being able to absorb fluids

porphyry |ˈpɔːrfərɪ| — any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals

porpoise |ˈpɔːrpəs| — any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth

porpoising |ˈpɔːpəsɪŋ| — Present participle of porpoise.

porridge |ˈpɔːrɪdʒ| — soft food made by boiling oatmeal or other meal or legumes in water or milk until thick

porringer |ˈpɒrɪndʒər| — a shallow metal bowl (usually with a handle)

port |pɔːrt| — a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country

portability |ˌpɔːrtəˈbɪlətɪ| — the quality of being light enough to be carried

portable |ˈpɔːrtəbl| — a small light typewriter; usually with a case in which it can be carried

portage |ˈpɔːrtɪdʒ| — the cost of carrying or transporting

portal |ˈpɔːrtl| — a grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically)

portative |ˈpɔːrtətɪv| — portable

portcullis |pɔːrtˈkʌlɪs| — gate consisting of an iron or wooden grating that hangs in the entry to a castle or fortified town; can be lowered to prevent passage

Porte |ˈpɔːrt| — the Ottoman court in Constantinople

porte-monnaie  — A wallet.

portend |pɔːrˈtend| — indicate, as with a sign or an omen

portent |ˈpɔːrtent| — a sign of something about to happen

portentous |pɔːrˈtentəs| — of momentous or ominous significance

porter |ˈpɔːrtər| — a person employed to carry luggage and supplies

porterage |ˈpɔːrtərɪdʒ| — the charge for carrying burdens by porters

porterhouse |ˈpɔːrtəhaʊs| — large steak from the thick end of the short loin containing a T-shaped bone and large piece of tenderloin

portfire |pɔːrtˌfaɪər| — A case of strong paper filled with a composition of nitre, sulphur, and mealed powder, used principally to ignite the priming in proving guns, and as an incendiary material in shells.

portfolio |pɔːrtˈfəʊlɪəʊ| — a large, flat, thin case for carrying loose papers or drawings or maps; usually leather

porthole |ˈpɔːrthəʊl| — a window in a ship or airplane

portico |ˈpɔːrtɪkəʊ| — a porch or entrance to a building consisting of a covered and often columned area

portiere |pɔːrˈtjer| — a heavy curtain hung across a doorway

portion |ˈpɔːrʃn| — something determined in relation to something that includes it

portion out |ˈpɔːrʃən ˈaʊt| — give out as one's portion or share

portionless |ˈpɔːʃənlɪs| — Lacking a portion.

Portland |ˈpɔːrtlənd| — freshwater port and largest city in Oregon; located in northwestern Oregon on the Willamette River which divides the city into east and west sections; renowned for its beautiful natural setting among the mountains

portliness |ˈpɔːtlɪnɪs| — The quality of being portly

portly |ˈpɔːrtlɪ| — euphemisms for `fat'

portman |ˈpɔːrtmən| — A burgess of a port, especially of one of the Cinque Ports

portmanteau |pɔːrtˈmæntəʊ| — a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings

portmanteaux |pɔːrtˈmæntəʊz| — plural form of portmanteau

portrait |ˈpɔːrtrət| — a word picture of a person's appearance and character

portraitist |ˈpɔːrtrɪtɪst| — a painter or drawer of portraits

portraiture |ˈpɔːrtrətʃər| — a word picture of a person's appearance and character

portray |pɔːrˈtreɪ| — portray in words

portrayal |pɔːrˈtreɪəl| — a word picture of a person's appearance and character

portrayed |pɔːrˈtreɪd| — represented graphically by sketch or design or lines

portreeve |ˈpɔːtriːv| — A port warden.

portress |pɔːrtriːs| — a female porter (person in control of the entrance to a building)

portside  — On the port side of a ship.

Portuguese |ˌpɔːrtʃʊˈɡiːz| — the Romance language spoken in Portugal and Brazil

portulaca  — a plant of the genus Portulaca having pink or red or purple or white ephemeral flowers

pose |pəʊz| — affected manners intended to impress others

poser |ˈpəʊzər| — a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not

poseur |pəʊˈzɜːr| — a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not

poseuse |pəʊˈzɜːz| — a woman poseur

posh |pɑːʃ| — elegant and fashionable

posit |ˈpɑːzɪt| — (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

position |pəˈzɪʃn| — the particular portion of space occupied by something

positional |pəˈzɪʃənəl| — of or relating to or determined by position

positioning |pəˈzɪʃənɪŋ| — the act of putting something in a certain place

positive |ˈpɑːzətɪv| — the primary form of an adjective or adverb; denotes a quality without qualification, comparison, or relation to increase or diminution

positively |ˈpɑːzətɪvlɪ| — extremely

positiveness |ˈpɒzətɪvnəs| — the character of the positive electric pole

positivism |ˈpɑːzətɪvɪzəm| — the form of empiricism that bases all knowledge on perceptual experience (not on intuition or revelation)

positivist |ˈpɒsɪtɪvɪst| — someone who emphasizes observable facts and excludes metaphysical speculation about origins or ultimate causes

positivity  — the character of the positive electric pole

positron |ˈpɑːzɪtrɑːn| — an elementary particle with positive charge; interaction of a positron and an electron results in annihilation

posse |ˈpɑːsɪ| — a temporary police force

possess |pəˈzes| — have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill

possessed |pəˈzest| — influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion

possessing |pəˈzesɪŋ| — Present participle of possess.

possession |pəˈzeʃn| — the act of having and controlling property

possessions |pəˈzeʃənz| — plural form of possession

possessive |pəˈzesɪv| — the case expressing ownership

possessor |pəˈzesər| — a person who owns something

possessory |pəˈzesəriː| — Of, pertaining to, having or arising from possession

posset |ˈpɑːsɪt| — sweet spiced hot milk curdled with ale or beer

possibility |ˌpɑːsəˈbɪlətɪ| — a future prospect or potential

possible |ˈpɑːsəbl| — something that can be done

possibly |ˈpɑːsəblɪ| — by chance

possum |ˈpɑːsəm| — nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America

post |pəʊst| — the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand

post-bellum |ˈpəʊstˈbeləm| — Of the period following a war.

post-captain  — (obsolete, UK, US) A captain of a war vessel whose name appeared, or was "posted", in the seniority list of the navy.

post-chaise |pəʊst ˈʃeɪz| — A horse-drawn carriage, closed and with four wheels, historically used to transport mail and passengers.

post-communist  — no longer communist; subsequent to being communistic

post-free |pəʊst ˈfriː| — having the postage paid by the sender

post-haste |pəʊst ˈheɪst| — as fast as possible; with all possible haste

post-horse |ˈpəʊst hɔːrs| — a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers

post-house |ˈpəʊsthaʊs| — Alternative form of posthouse.

post-mortem |ˌpəʊst ˈmɔːrtəm| — discussion of an event after it has occurred

post-obit |ˈpəʊstˈɒbɪt| — (law) A bond in which the obligor, in consideration of having received a certain sum of money, binds himself to pay a larger sum, on unusual interest, on the death of some specified individual from whom he has expectations.

post-office |ˈɔːfɪs| — A place (building, office, shop, or counter) concerned with the business of delivering letters, post or mail and selling stamps, etc.

post-paid |pəʊst ˈpeɪd| — having the postage paid by the sender

post-traumatic  — Alternative spelling of posttraumatic.

postage |ˈpəʊstɪdʒ| — the charge for mailing something

postal |ˈpəʊstl| — of or relating to the system for delivering mail

postbag |ˈpəʊstbæɡ| — letter carrier's shoulder bag

postbox |ˈpəʊstbɑːks| — public box for deposit of mail

postboy |ˈpəʊstˌbɔɪ| — (historical) A male postilion.

postcard |ˈpəʊstkɑːrd| — a card for sending messages by post without an envelope

postdate |pəʊsˈdeɪt| — be later in time

postdiluvial |ˈpəʊstdaɪˈluːvjəl| — After the Biblical Flood.

postdiluvian |ˌpəʊstdɪˈluːviːən| — anything living after Noah's flood

postdoc |pəʊs(t)ˈdɒk| — a grant that funds postdoctoral study or research

postdoctoral |ˌpəʊstˈdɑːktərəl| — a grant that funds postdoctoral study or research

poster |ˈpəʊstər| — a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement

posterior |pɑːˈstɪrɪər| — the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

posteriority |pɑːˌstiːərɪˈɑːriːtiː| — the quality of being toward the back or toward the rear end

posteriorly |pɒsˈtɪərɪəlɪ| — after (in time)

posterity |pɑːˈsterətɪ| — all of the offspring of a given progenitor

postern |ˈpɒstən| — a small gate in the rear of a fort or castle

postglacial |pəʊstˈɡleɪʃəl| — relating to or occurring during the time following a glacial period

postgraduate |ˌpəʊstˈɡrædʒʊət| — a student who continues studies after graduation

posthaste |ˈpəʊstˈheɪst| — quickly, as fast as someone travelling post; with great speed

posthumous |ˈpɑːstʃəməs| — occurring or coming into existence after a person's death

posthumously |ˈpɑːstʃʊməslɪ| — after death

postiche |pɒˈstiːʃ| — a covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used for disguise or adornment

postie |ˈpəʊstɪ| — (British colloquial) Postman.

postilion |pɒˈstɪlɪən| — someone who rides the near horse of a pair in order to guide the horses pulling a carriage (especially a carriage without a coachman)

postillion |pɒˈstɪlɪən| — someone who rides the near horse of a pair in order to guide the horses pulling a carriage (especially a carriage without a coachman)

posting |ˈpəʊstɪŋ| — a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement

postman |ˈpəʊstmən| — a man who delivers the mail

postmark |ˈpəʊstmɑːrk| — a cancellation mark stamped on mail by postal officials; indicates the post office and date of mailing

postmaster |ˈpəʊstmæstər| — the person in charge of a post office

postmeridian |ˌpəʊstməˈrɪdiːən| — after noon

postmistress |ˈpəʊstmɪstrəs| — a woman postmaster

postmodern |ˌpəʊstˈmɑːdərn| — of or relating to postmodernism

postmodernism |ˌpəʊstˈmɑːdərnɪzəm| — genre of art and literature and especially architecture in reaction against principles and practices of established modernism

postmodernist |ˌpəʊstˈmɒdənɪzəm| — of or relating to postmodernism

postmortem |ˈpəʊstˈmɔːtem| — discussion of an event after it has occurred

postnatal |ˌpəʊstˈneɪtl| — occurring immediately after birth

postnuptial |pəʊstˈnʌpʃəl| — relating to events after a marriage

postoperative  — happening or done after a surgical operation

postoperatively |pɒstɒperatɪvelɪ| — after the operation

postpaid |ˈpəʊstˈpeɪd| — used especially of mail; paid in advance

postpartum |pəʊstˈpɑrtəm| — occurring immediately after birth

postpone |pəʊˈspəʊn| — hold back to a later time

postponement |pəʊˈspəʊnmənt| — time during which some action is awaited

postposition |ˌpəʊstpəˈzɪʃn| — (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element after another (as placing a modifier after the word that it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix after the base to which it is attached)

postpositive |pəʊstˈpɑːzɪtɪv| — (of a modifier) placed after another word

postprandial |ˌpəʊstˈprændɪəl| — following a meal (especially dinner)

postscript |ˈpəʊstskrɪpt| — a note appended to a letter after the signature

postscriptum  — (rare or stilted) Written afterwards; appended. Abbreviated as P.S. or PS.

posttest  — A test given after an event or experience.

postulant |ˈpɒstjʊlənt| — one submitting a request or application especially one seeking admission into a religious order

postulate |ˈpɑːstʃəleɪt| — (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

postural |ˈpɒstʃərəl| — of or relating to or involving posture

posture |ˈpɑːstʃər| — the arrangement of the body and its limbs

postwar |ˈpəʊstˈwɔːr| — belonging to the period after a war

posy |ˈpəʊzɪ| — an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present

pot |pɑːt| — metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually round and deep; often has a handle and lid

pot-boiler |ˈpɒtbɔɪlər| — (mildly derogatory) A lurid, sensational creative work (book, art, etc) produced merely to earn a living or for profit, as opposed to serious creative expression.

pot-boy |ˈpɑːtbɔɪ| — (UK) Alternative spelling of potboy.

pot-hole |ˈpɒthəʊl| — A hole in a road made by precipitation and traffic.

pot-house |ˈpɒthaʊs| — A pub; a tavern.

pot-pourri |ˌpəʊˈpʊəriː| — Alternative spelling of potpourri.

pot-roast |ˈpɒtrəʊst| — A dish made by browning a roast-sized piece of beef (often taken from the tougher chuck cut) to induce a Maillard reaction, then slow-cooking in liquid in a covered dish.

pot-shot |ˈpɑːt ʃɒt| — A haphazard shot with a firearm, taken with careless aim, often fired at a random target.

pot-still |ˈpɒtstɪl| — a still used for distillation in the production of whisky; a still used for crude separations in chemical plant.

pot-valiant |ˈpɒtˌvæljənt| — Alternative form of pot-valiant.

potability |ˌpəʊtəˈbɪlɪtɪ| — The quality of being potable

potable |ˈpəʊtəbl| — any liquid suitable for drinking

potables  — Potable liquids.

potamic  — Of or relating to rivers

potash |ˈpɑːtæʃ| — a potassium compound often used in agriculture and industry

potass |ˈpɑːtˌæs| — potassium (in older pharmaceutical nomenclature)

potassic  — (chemistry) Containing potassium.

potassium |pəˈtæsɪəm| — a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite

potation |pəʊˈteɪʃən| — a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg

potato |pəˈteɪtəʊ| — an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland

potatoes |pəˈteɪtəʊz| — plural form of potato

potatory |pəʊˈteɪtəriː| — Of or pertaining to drinking.

potbelly |ˈpɑtˌbelɪ| — slang for a paunch

potboiler |ˈpɑːtbɔɪlər| — a literary composition of poor quality that was written quickly to make money (to boil the pot)

potboy |ˈpɑːtbɔɪ| — a worker in an inn or public house who serves customers and does various chores

poteen |pəˈtiːn| — unlawfully distilled Irish whiskey

potence  — the state of being potent; a male's capacity to have sexual intercourse

potency |ˈpəʊtnsɪ| — the power or right to give orders or make decisions

potent |ˈpəʊtnt| — having great influence

potentate |ˈpəʊtnteɪt| — a ruler who is unconstrained by law

potential |pəˈtenʃl| — the inherent capacity for coming into being

potentiality |pəˌtenʃɪˈælɪtɪ| — the inherent capacity for coming into being

potentially |pəˈtenʃəlɪ| — with a possibility of becoming actual

potentiate |pəˈtenʃiːˌeɪt| — increase the effect of or act synergistically with (a drug or a physiological or biochemical phenomenon)

potentiometer |pəˌtenʃɪˈɑːmɪtər| — a measuring instrument for measuring direct current electromotive forces

potheen |pəʊˈθiːn| — Alternative form of poteen.

pother |ˈpɒðə| — an excited state of agitation

potherb |ˈpɒthɜːb| — any of various herbaceous plants whose leaves or stems or flowers are cooked and used for food or seasoning

pothole |ˈpɑːthəʊl| — a pit or hole produced by wear or weathering (especially in a road surface)

potholer |ˈpɒthəʊlər| — a person who explores caves

pothook |ˈpɒthʊk| — an S-shaped hook to suspend a pot over a fire

pothouse |ˈpɒthaʊs| — tavern consisting of a building with a bar and public rooms; often provides light meals

pothunter |ˈpɒthʌntər| — a nonprofessional archeologist

potion |ˈpəʊʃn| — a medicinal or magical or poisonous beverage

potluck |ˈpɑːˌtlək| — whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all

potman |ˈpɒtmæn| — a worker in an inn or public house who serves customers and does various chores

potomac |pəˈtɒmək| — a river in the east central United States; rises in West Virginia in the Appalachian Mountains and flows eastward, forming the boundary between Maryland and Virginia, to the Chesapeake Bay

potpourri |ˌpəʊpʊˈriː| — a collection containing a variety of sorts of things

potsherd |ˈpɒt ʃɜːd| — a shard of pottery

pott |ˈpɑːt| — Obsolete form of pot.

pottage |ˈpɑːtɪdʒ| — a stew of vegetables and (sometimes) meat

potted |ˈpɑːtɪd| — preserved in a pot or can or jar

potter |ˈpɑːtər| — a craftsman who shapes pottery on a potter's wheel and bakes them it a kiln

pottery |ˈpɑːtərɪ| — ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln

pottle |ˈpɑːtəl| — a pot that holds 2 quarts

potto |ˈpɑːtəʊ| — arboreal fruit-eating mammal of tropical America with a long prehensile tail

potty |ˈpɑːtɪ| — a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

pouch |paʊtʃ| — a small or medium size container for holding or carrying things

pouched |paʊtʃt| — having a pouch

pouchy |ˈpaʊtʃɪ| — Resembling a pouch; baggy

poulpe  — (archaic) An octopus.

poult |paʊlt| — A young table-bird: turkey, partridge, grouse etc.

poulterer |ˈpəʊltərər| — a dealer in poultry and poultry products

poultice |ˈpəʊltɪs| — a medical dressing consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat inflamed areas or improve circulation etc.

poultry |ˈpəʊltrɪ| — a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl

poultryman |ˈpəʊltrɪmən| — a dealer in poultry and poultry products

pounce |paʊns| — the act of pouncing

pound |paʊnd| — 16 ounces avoirdupois

pound-cake |ˈpaʊndkeɪk| — (US) A dense yellow cake, the traditional recipe for which consists of equal quantities (nominally one pound) of butter, eggs, flour, and sugar.

poundage |ˈpaʊndɪdʒ| — a charge based on weight measured in pounds

pounded |ˈpaʊndəd| — simple past tense and past participle of pound

pounder |ˈpaʊndər| — (used only in combination) something weighing a given number of pounds

pounding |ˈpaʊndɪŋ| — repeated heavy blows

pour |pɔːr| — cause to run

pour out |ˈpɔːr ˈaʊt| — express without restraint

poured |ˈpɔːrd| — simple past tense and past participle of pour

pouring |ˈpɔːrɪŋ| — flowing profusely

pourparler |pʌɑːˈleɪ| — A diplomatic consultation, preliminary to a treaty.

pout |paʊt| — a disdainful grimace

pouter |ˈpaʊdər| — someone with a habitually sullen or gloomy expression

poverty |ˈpɑːvərtɪ| — the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions

poverty-stricken |ˈpɒvətɪ strɪkən| — poor enough to need help from others

pow-wow |ˈpaʊˌwɑːw| — Alternative spelling of powwow.

powder |ˈpaʊdər| — a solid substance in the form of tiny loose particles; a solid that has been pulverized

powder-horn |ˈpaʊdə hɔːrn| — A tool used to put gunpowder into a gun or cannon.

powder-keg |ˈpaʊdər ˌkeɡ| — A barrel containing gunpowder.

powder-mill |ˈpaʊdəˈmɪl| — mill that manufactures black powder (type of gunpowder)

powder-monkey |ˈpaʊdəˌmʌŋkɪ| — (informal) An explosives expert. A person who sets explosives.

powder-puff |ˈpaʊdər ˌpəf| — used of competitive activities in which only women take part

powder-room |ˈpaʊdə ruːm| — (US, euphemistic) A women's toilet, especially in a public venue such as a restaurant, boutique, or hotel lobby.

powdered |ˈpaʊdərd| — consisting of fine particles

powdery |ˈpaʊdərɪ| — consisting of fine particles

power |ˈpaʊər| — possession of controlling influence

power-dive |ˈpaʊə daɪv| — make a power dive

power-driven  — powered by a motor

power-plant |ˈpaʊ(ə)r ˌplant| — A station built for the production of electric power; a power station.

power-saw |ˈpaʊəˈsɔː| — Any of various types of saw now usually powered by electricity.

power-station |ˈpaʊə steɪʃən| — an industrial complex where electricity is produced.

powerboat |ˈpaʊərbəʊt| — a boat propelled by an internal-combustion engine

powered |ˈpaʊərd| — (often used in combination) having or using or propelled by means of power or power of a specified kind

powerful |ˈpaʊərfl| — strong enough to knock down or overwhelm

powerfully |ˈpaʊərflɪ| — in a powerful manner

powerhouse |ˈpaʊərhaʊs| — a highly energetic and indefatigable person

powerless |ˈpaʊərləs| — lacking power

powerlessness |ˈpaʊərləsnəs| — the quality of lacking strength or power; being weak and feeble

powwow |ˈpaʊwaʊ| — (informal) a quick private conference

pox |pɑːks| — a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)

poxy |ˈpɑːksɪ| — (medicine) suffering from pox

pozzy |ˈpɒzɪ| — (UK, military slang) Jam (fruit conserve made from fruit boiled with sugar).

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