Friday - definition, transcription

Amer.  |ˈfraɪdeɪ|
Brit.  |ˈfraɪdeɪ|


- the sixth day of the week; the fifth working day (syn: friday)

Extra examples

She was here last Friday.

My birthday falls on a Friday this year.

I'll arrive on Monday and leave on Friday.

It's Kate's birthday on Friday.

Diane won't be here Friday. American English

Can you meet me Friday morning?

I had a terrible time last Friday.

We're flying to Vienna this Friday.

Her appointment is next Friday.

We got married on a Friday.

In answer to your question, our next meeting will be on Friday.

She doesn't have class on Friday afternoons.

The distribution of paychecks will happen every other Friday.

There is a remote possibility that I'll be free Friday night.

His funeral will be held on Friday.

Word forms

singular: Friday
plural: Fridays
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