Acquaint - definition, pronunciation, transcription
- cause to come to know personally (syn: introduce, present)
permit me to acquaint you with my son
- make familiar or conversant with (syn: familiarize)you should acquaint yourself with your new computer
- informPlease acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move
Extra examples
This class is designed to acquaint students with the region's most important writers.
...Mr. King spent the first week of the summer internship acquainting everyone with the new computers....
The lawyer acquainted himself with the facts of the case.
Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move
I need to acquaint myself with the new regulations.
You need to acquaint the police with the facts.
Word forms
I/you/we/they: acquaint
he/she/it: acquaints
present participle: acquainting
past tense: acquainted
past participle: acquainted
I/you/we/they: acquaint
he/she/it: acquaints
present participle: acquainting
past tense: acquainted
past participle: acquainted
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