Any - definition, pronunciation, transcription
not any milk is left
any child would know that
pick any card
any day now
cars can be rented at almost any airport
at twilight or any other time
beyond any doubt
need any help we can get
Extra examples
The food there is never any good.
He won't be any happier there than he was here.
I could not walk any farther.
I can't eat any more pizza.
He cannot find any book on the subject.
He hasn't any money.
Ask any person you meet.
We miss any attempt to explain.
I am not any better.
I am surprised you come here any more.
I wonder if any of our men are alive.
He asked me for a cigarette but I didn't have any.
She had never helped with any of the bills.
You're not taking any of my pilots.
They may find themselves in any of the following situations.
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