Battles - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈbætəlz|  American pronunciation of the word battles
Brit.  |ˈbætəlz|  British pronunciation of the word battles
- this word is used as a present tense form (he/she/it) of the verbto battle
- this word is used as a plural form of the nounbattle


- plural form of battle


- third-person singular simple present indicative form of battle

Extra examples

That two-day conflict has become one of the most famous battles in history.

He fought his bloodless battles in the courtroom. the book the conjurer battles a barbarian swordsman...

Every summer, our history club performs mock battles to relive our country's greatest war.

The decisive battles were fought in the air.

Legal battles have stalled the project.

Mum, I can fight my own battles now.

Scientology has fought long battles for acceptance as a religion.

It's all right, Mum. I can fight my own battles.

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