Conducted - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |kənˈdəktəd|  American pronunciation of the word conducted
Brit.  |kənˈdʌktɪd|  British pronunciation of the word conducted
- this word is a past tense form of the verbto conduct
- this word is a past participle form of the verbto conduct

Extra examples

The magazine conducted a survey.

Our guide slowly conducted us through the museum.

Our guide conducted us along the path.

The agency conducted an environmental study.

We conducted an opinion survey on the issue and found that most people agree.

Surveys of each department were conducted earlier this year.

The group conducted a pilot program.

The magazine conducted a poll to find out the favorite 100 movies of all time.

The ceremony was conducted with great dignity.

They conducted a survey in which several hundred people were queried about their dietary habits.

...the police conducted an inquest into the case...

She conducted herself with propriety.

They conducted the experiments with scientific rigor.

A study was conducted on sensory stimulation and its effects on the brain.

The guards conducted a shakedown of the prisoners' cells to look for weapons.

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