Creditors - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈkredətərz|
Brit.  |ˈkredɪtəz|  British pronunciation of the word creditors
- this word is used as a plural form of the nouncreditor

Extra examples

She owes thousands of dollars to creditors.

Creditors dogged him until he finally paid his bills.

The owners were ordered to liquidate the company and pay their creditors.

They were still wrangling with his mother and his many creditors.

Haydon came to an agreement with his creditors.

Creditors and investors stand to lose (=risk losing) vast sums after the company's collapse.

He was able to settle with his creditors, and avoid going to jail.

The remaining property is sold to repay creditors.

He bilked his creditors

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