Cynic - definition, pronunciation, transcription
- someone who is critical of the motives of others
- a member of a group of ancient Greek philosophers who advocated the doctrine that virtue is the only good and that the essence of virtue is self-control
- a member of a group of ancient Greek philosophers who advocated the doctrine that virtue is the only good and that the essence of virtue is self-control
Extra examples
He's too much of a cynic to see the benefits of marriage.
A cynic might think that the governor visited the hospital just to gain votes.
Reporters who cover politics often become cynics.
Only cynics survive.
The cynics said it wouldn't work.
Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step towards peace.
He is a skeptic and a cynic.
Word forms
singular: cynic
plural: cynics
singular: cynic
plural: cynics
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