Dwell - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |dwel|  American pronunciation of the word dwell
Brit.  |dwel|  British pronunciation of the word dwell
irregular verb:  p.t. — dwelled or dwelt  p.p. — dwelled or dwelt


- think moodily or anxiously about something (syn: brood)
- originate (in) (syn: consist, lie, lie in)
The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country
- be an inhabitant of or reside in (syn: inhabit, live, populate)
this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean
- exist or be situated within (syn: inhabit)
- come back to (syn: harp)
Don't dwell on the past

Extra examples

...dwelling with a farm family as an exchange student in France...

They dwelt in the forest.

The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country

Don't dwell on the past

... to insist on its being either symbol or fact is to dwell needlessly on a false dichotomy.

...hilarity is the last thing you expect to find at a funeral, but we were there to celebrate his life rather than to dwell on his death...

Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell

Word forms

I/you/we/they: dwell
he/she/it: dwells
present participle: dwelling
past tense: dwelled or dwelt
past participle: dwelled or dwelt
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