Fruitful - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈfruːtfl|  American pronunciation of the word fruitful
Brit.  |ˈfruːtfʊl|  British pronunciation of the word fruitful


- productive or conducive to producing in abundance
be fruitful and multiply

Extra examples

We had a fruitful discussion about the problems with the schedule.

...a very fruitful tree that gives us plenty of apples every year...

The talks had been fruitful, but much remained to be done.

Today's meeting proved more fruitful than last week's. extended, highly fruitful anamnesis that was triggered by the simple act of biting into a madeleine...

His researches have been fruitful.

Irregular suckling is a fruitful cause of illness in the infant. have a fruitful discussion, we need to decouple fact from opinion...

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