High-priest - definition, pronunciation
- A clergyman with a higher function than a normal priest.
- In the history of the Hebrew Testament (Tanakh), the male person who was responsible for making the annual sacrifice on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Always a descendant of Aaron the older brother of Moses.
- Jesus Christ.
- (Mormonism) The second-lowest office in the Melchizedek priesthood.
- (Wicca) A third degree (sometimes forth degree) male witch in Wicca.
- In the history of the Hebrew Testament (Tanakh), the male person who was responsible for making the annual sacrifice on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Always a descendant of Aaron the older brother of Moses.
- Jesus Christ.
- (Mormonism) The second-lowest office in the Melchizedek priesthood.
Jake was ordained a high priest when he was called to be a counselor in a bishopric.
- A person holding a position of power or influence; an authority in a field of study, doctrine, art or a movement.- (Wicca) A third degree (sometimes forth degree) male witch in Wicca.
Extra examples
...the high priest of tax relief for the state's property owners...
...as the high priest of nouvelle cuisine, he was enormously influential in the food world...
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