Lived - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈlaɪvd|  American pronunciation of the word lived
Brit.  |lɪvd|  British pronunciation of the word lived
- this word is a past tense form of the verbto live
- this word is a past participle form of the verbto live

Extra examples

We learned about the people who lived during colonial times.

She's one of the greatest writers who ever lived.

It was one of the largest animals that has ever lived.

He lived to the age of 92.

We lived in the city.

They have lived there for 30 years.

She lived in the Soviet Union, as it then was called.

They have lived here for 30 years.

He lived in an unfashionable area of the city.

It interested me to learn that she had once lived in California.

He lived among artists and writers.

It was a period in American history when most people lived and worked on farms.

He lived simply on the farm.

I've only lived here for a short time.

He has lived in places as various as New York and Beijing.

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