Mice - definition, pronunciation, transcription
Extra examples
The house was infested with mice and rats.
...the mice clustered together into a small burrow...
...the mice showed an odd reluctance to eat the cheese we had put out for them...
...those rascally boys had let all of the lab mice out of their cages...
Mice scurried around the house.
Mice skittered across the floor.
Mice were living in the thatch of the roof.
Mice gnaw.
Mice are apt to bark and to kill young trees.
Lady Mice was borne away with joy when her child was given back to her.
Owls feed on mice and other small animals.
A family of mice had made their nest in the roof.
The house was overrun with mice.
The only way to catch mice is to set a trap.
The eagle stooped on the mice in the field
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