On-screen - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈɔːnˈskrɪn|  American pronunciation of the word on-screen
Brit.  |ɒnˈskriːn|  British pronunciation of the word on-screen


- As seen on a screen (as of television, film, or computer) rather than in real life.
The two actors had very realistic on-screen romance, but in reality they couldn't stand each other.
- Alternative form of onscreen.


- Inside the frame of the cinema or television screen

Extra examples

It was her first onscreen kiss.

Read the on-screen lyrics and sing along.

An on-screen tutorial is included in the price of the software.

The background music is not harmonized with the action on-screen.

...an actor known more for his outré offscreen antics than for his on-screen performances...

Press enter and follow the on-screen instructions.

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