Originally - definition, pronunciation, transcription
Extra examples
That van originally belonged to us.
The building was originally a school.
They originally planned to fix their old car, but they decided to buy a new one instead.
Originally, the word had a very different meaning from its current meaning.
She has shown an ability to think originally about ways to improve the company.
He is originally German.
The bricks had originally been a deep dark red.
The author treats this subject very originally.
The family originally came from France.
The building was originally used as a prison.
We originally intended to stay for just a few days.
Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland but we didn't go in the end.
She drives a red truck that was originally owned by her grandfather.
The renovations will cost much more than we originally supposed.
...the leaders of the American suffragists were originally regarded by many people as uppity moderns who should have stayed in their place...
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