Ouch - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |aʊtʃ|  American pronunciation of the word ouch
Brit.  |aʊtʃ|  British pronunciation of the word ouch


- An expression of one's own physical pain.
Ouch! You stepped on my toe! That hurt!
- An expression in sympathy at another's pain.
Ouch! Her sunburn looks awful.
- A reply to an insult (frequently one that is tongue-in-cheek or joking).
Ouch. How could you say that?
- An expression of disappointment.
Ouch, I really wanted to do that.
- (slang, Australia, New Zealand, UK) Expressing surprise at the high price of something.
Ouch, one hundred thousand dollars for a car! I could never afford that!


- Alternative form of ouche.

Extra examples

Ouch! That hurt!

Ouch! You're hurting my arm!

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