Oxygen - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈɑːksɪdʒən|  American pronunciation of the word oxygen
Brit.  |ˈɒksɪdʒ(ə)n|  British pronunciation of the word oxygen


- a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas; constitutes 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume; the most abundant element in the earth's crust

Extra examples

The blood's job is to carry oxygen to the different parts of the body.

Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.

Near the top of the mountain, the climbers relied on bottled oxygen to breathe.

Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen.

She was breathing oxygen through a tube.

Oxygen is quite a dense gas.

Nitrogen and oxygen are feeble absorbers and radiators.

We cannot exist without oxygen.

Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas.

This chemical substance can he resolved into an acid and oxygen.

The action of heat will separate the chemical into a substance and oxygen.

The hydrogen molecule binds with the oxygen molecule.

Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

Sulphur dioxide is a compound of sulphur and oxygen.

Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.

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