Parrot - definition, pronunciation, transcription
- usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds
- a copycat who does not understand the words or acts being imitated
- a copycat who does not understand the words or acts being imitated
- repeat mindlessly
The students parroted the teacher's words
Extra examples
Some of the students were just parroting what the teacher said.
...the toddler parroted everything her father said, often to the latter's embarrassment...
He just parroted his father's opinions.
The students parroted the teacher's words
She's inordinately fond of her parrot.
We recited poems parrot fashion.
Word forms
I/you/we/they: parrot
he/she/it: parrots
present participle: parroting
past tense: parroted
past participle: parroted
I/you/we/they: parrot
he/she/it: parrots
present participle: parroting
past tense: parroted
past participle: parroted
singular: parrot
plural: parrots
singular: parrot
plural: parrots
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