Phrases - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈfreɪzəz|  American pronunciation of the word phrases
Brit.  |ˈfreɪzɪz|  British pronunciation of the word phrases
- this word is used as a present tense form (he/she/it) of the verbto phrase
- this word is used as a plural form of the nounphrase

Extra examples

Answer the questions in complete sentences, not phrases.

Underline the key words or phrases in the paragraph.

Underline key words and phrases as you read.

The speech was peppered with phrases borrowed from Winston Churchill.

The phrases “am seeing,” “had been seeing,” and “is being seen” are all in continuous tenses.

The baby is beginning to form articulate words and phrases.

The salesperson kept using the same canned phrases.

She knows a few Danish phrases.

In the phrases “the finishing touches” and “the finished product,” “finishing” and “finished” are participles formed from the verb “finish.” letters that were filled with poetical phrases...

He had a low voice, with a sweet cadence at the end of the phrases.

Their phrases clung to his memory.

Reviewers have nibbled at phrases, but have avoided the principal questions.

Phrases are nested in the dictionary entry for the first major word.

The President's speech was long on colorful phrases but short on solutions.

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