Privately - definition, pronunciation, transcription
privately, she thought differently
some member of his own party hoped privately for his defeat
Extra examples
It was the first time many had seen works from the artist's private collection.
At work he was always very serious, but in his private life, he was actually very funny and relaxed.
Please keep all my personal information private.
He's a very private person.
I must talk to you privately.
Laura praised the pictures, though she privately thought they were rather ordinary.
Privately, Harriet had to agree.
Privately, senior officials agreed that not many people had voted.
Both children are privately educated.
He took her aside to speak to her privately.
Because of the delicacy of the situation, we needed to speak privately.
“Can we speak privately?” she said in a low voice.
You shouldn't listen in when other people are talking privately.
The General and I retired to his study to talk privately.
Privately, Zarich was piqued that his offer was rejected.
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