Pupil - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈpjuːpl|  American pronunciation of the word pupil
Brit.  |ˈpjuːpɪl|  British pronunciation of the word pupil


- a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution (syn: student)
- the contractile aperture in the center of the iris of the eye; resembles a large black dot
- a young person attending school (up through senior high school) (syn: schoolchild)

Extra examples

About 20 pupils study music here.

The pupil has the property of contracting and dilating.

The pupil gives the teacher much trouble.

As a girl she has been a model pupil.

Teachers should not show favour to any pupil.

The teacher's task is to help the pupil learn.

Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.

The tests are only a rough and ready guide to a pupil's future development.

Pupil behaviour was seen as 'the touchstone of quality' of the school system.

The pupil recited his lesson for the day

Word forms

singular: pupil
plural: pupils
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