Regional - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈriːdʒənl|  American pronunciation of the word regional
Brit.  |ˈriːdʒənl|  British pronunciation of the word regional


- related or limited to a particular region
a regional dialect

Extra examples

Regional accents are common in the U.S.

The regional manager visits the office on a monthly basis.

Regional markets have flourished in recent years.

Unlike France, Italy relies on dozens of indigenous regional grape varieties for its prodigious range of wines.

The restaurant serves delicious sausages and other regional delicacies.

Two of the company's regional affiliates lost money in the past year.

...I desperately want to join our regional theater's acting troupe and perhaps get a lead role....

The establishment of the regional government did not end terrorism.

All new buildings must conform with the regional development plan.

Regional clashes could develop into larger quarrels.

The stories have a strong regional flavour.

He adjudicated at all the regional music competitions.

These changes are taking place at regional level.

The agency has a network of regional offices.

The closure of the regional offices was phased over an 18-month period.

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