Rugged - definition, pronunciation, transcription
- topographically very uneven (syn: broken)
rugged ground
- very difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution (syn: tough)a rugged competitive examination
the rugged conditions of frontier life
the rugged conditions of frontier life
Extra examples
She did a painting of the region's rugged coastline.
People are attracted to his rugged good looks.
I admire her rugged individualism.
...a forest in California is set aside to preserve the unique brushy, rugged habitat required by nesting California condors...
...a rugged individualist who refused to be bounden to any man...
She left her comfortable home for a rugged life in the desert.
California's rugged coastline
Stendhal's Sorel, this exemplar of rugged individualism
...the doctor predicted a quick snapback for the rugged young soldier...
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