Saturate - definition, pronunciation, transcription
- cause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
- infuse or fill completely (syn: impregnate)
- infuse or fill completely (syn: impregnate)
Extra examples
...the test will only work if the sample cloth is saturate with solution...
Our clothes were saturated with the sudden heavy rain.
The book is saturated with Hollywood.
The market was saturated with the fruit.
The room was saturated with smoke.
Water poured through the hole, saturating the carpet.
Our culture is saturated with television and advertising.
Choose a type of spread that's lower in saturates than butter.
Saturate the sponge with water.
Word forms
I/you/we/they: saturate
he/she/it: saturates
present participle: saturating
past tense: saturated
past participle: saturated
I/you/we/they: saturate
he/she/it: saturates
present participle: saturating
past tense: saturated
past participle: saturated
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