Staff - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |stæf|  American pronunciation of the word staff
Brit.  |stɑːf|  British pronunciation of the word staff


- personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task
the hospital has an excellent nursing staff
the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions
- a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose
he walked with the help of a wooden staff
- the body of teachers and administrators at a school (syn: faculty)
the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university
- building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration
- a rod carried as a symbol
- (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written (syn: stave)


- provide with staff
This position is not always staffed
- serve on the staff of
The two men staff the reception desk

Extra examples

The entire staff has done a great job this year.

The staff is at a meeting.

She's a new member of the staff.

The general's staff is planning the army's next move.

She joined the staff as an editor.

He was on the general staff.

She was assigned to the staff as an intelligence officer.

The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.

They employ a total of 150 staff.

The staff were very helpful.

Our department has a staff of seven.

I'd like to welcome a new member of staff.

We were both on the staff of the British Film Institute at the time.

Joan is the only lawyer we have on staff.

The centre is staffed mainly by volunteers.

Word forms

I/you/we/they: staff
he/she/it: staffs
present participle: staffing
past tense: staffed
past participle: staffed
singular: staff
plural: staffs
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