Unkind - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˌʌnˈkaɪnd|  American pronunciation of the word unkind
Brit.  |ʌnˈkaɪnd|  British pronunciation of the word unkind


- deficient in humane and kindly feelings (syn: pitiless)

Extra examples

It was unkind of you not to invite her.

How could you be so unkind?

It was unkind of him to say that.

A lot of unkind things were said.

Her husband is very unkind to her.

...telling a friend's secrets is indiscreet, and unkind as well...

...the virulent look on her face warned me that she was about to say something unkind...

Mary bridled at her mother's unkind remark about Jim.

It's unkind to coop the dog up all day.

His family are most unkind to Harry, always crying him down.

He made an unkind remark, intended to put her down.

It's unkind to sport with a young girl's feelings like that.

Such a lie is unkind because it keeps false hope alive.

Sometimes she seems a very impersonal, even unkind, mother.

What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind.

Word forms

comparative: unkinder
superlative: unkindest
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