Vacate - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈveɪkeɪt|  American pronunciation of the word vacate
Brit.  |vəˈkeɪt|  British pronunciation of the word vacate


- leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily (syn: give up, renounce, resign)
She vacated the position when she got pregnant
- leave behind empty; move out of (syn: abandon, empty)
You must vacate your office by tonight
- cancel officially (syn: annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, rescind, reverse, revoke)
vacate a death sentence

Extra examples

She refused to vacate her post even under increased pressure.

The election will fill the congressional seat vacated by the retiring senator.

The police told everyone to vacate the premises.

Students must vacate their rooms at the end of the semester.

The court vacated the conviction.

Clay will vacate the position on June 19.

Guests must vacate their rooms by 11:00.

Guests must vacate their rooms by 11 o'clock.

The appeals court vacated the judgement of a federal court.

She vacated the position when she got pregnant

You must vacate your office by tonight

Word forms

I/you/we/they: vacate
he/she/it: vacates
present participle: vacating
past tense: vacated
past participle: vacated
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