Wake - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |weɪk|  American pronunciation of the word wake
Brit.  |weɪk|  British pronunciation of the word wake
irregular verb:  p.t. — woke  p.p. — woken


- the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event) (syn: aftermath, backwash)
in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured
- an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii
- the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward (syn: backwash)
the motorboat's wake capsized the canoe
- a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial (syn: viewing)
there's no weeping at an Irish wake


- be awake, be alert, be there
- stop sleeping (syn: arouse, awake, awaken, waken)
- arouse or excite feelings and passions (syn: fire up, heat, ignite, inflame, stir up)
- make aware of
- cause to become awake or conscious (syn: arouse, awaken, rouse, waken)
Please wake me at 6 AM.

Extra examples

She can never remember her dreams upon waking.

...my banging around in the kitchen woke my wife...

His superiority has woken an ambition in me.

He woke to danger.

Dolphins sometimes play in the wake of the boats.

When she woke, the sun was streaming through the windows.

Try not to wake the baby.

Nancy woke to the sound of birds outside her window (=she heard birds singing when she woke).

Finnegan's Wake

What time did you wake up this morning?

Be quiet, your father's asleep: don't wake him up.

You promised to wake with me the night before my wedding. (Ch. Brontë)

Please wake me at 6 AM.

He made enough noise to wake the whole house.

The negotiations have taken on added importance in the wake of the bomb attack.

Word forms

I/you/we/they: wake
he/she/it: wakes
present participle: waking
past tense: woke
past participle: woken
singular: wake
plural: wakes
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