Shyer - traduction, prononciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈʃaɪər|
Brit.  |ˈʃaɪə|  British pronunciation of the word shyer


- forme comparative de timide: plus timideEd

Matrix of words


- timideshy, timid, tentative, bashful, modest, coy
- réservéreserved, booked, shy, retiring, modest, noncommittal
- sauvagewild, savage, untamed, feral, uncivilized, shy
- peureuxfearful, timid, shy, scared, scary, sissy
- embarrasséembarrassed, perplexed, confused, conscious, shy, involved
- prudentcareful, prudent, cautious, wise, safe, wary
- gaucheleft, gauche, clumsy, ungainly, gawky, shy
- lâchecowardly, dastardly, dastard, unmanly, yellow, faint
- ladrestingy, miserly, niggardly, niggard, measly, pitiable
- isoléisolated, insulated, secluded, remote, lone, lonely
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