Passions - परिभाषा (अनुवाद), उच्चारण, प्रतिलिपि

Amer.  |ˈpæʃənz|  American pronunciation of the word passions
Brit.  |ˈpæʃənz|  British pronunciation of the word passions
- this word is used as a plural form of the nounpassion

Matrix of words


- जोशpassion, zeal, enthusiasm, fervor, incandescence, pep
- रागmelody, passion, attachment, singing, song, tone
- उत्साहenthusiasm, prompting, zeal, euphoria, rapture, fervor
- वासनाdesire, passion, phantasy, hope, fantasy
- आवेगimpulse, impulsiveness, impulsion, paroxysm, passion, spirt
- आवेशcharge, huff, passion, frenzy, conniption, intense emotion
- अनुरागaffection, passion, fondness, devotion, oestrus, heart service
- लालसाlonging, desire, lust, impulsiveness, passion, ambition
- शौक़deep longing, passion, hobby, desire, yearning, fondness
- अभिलाषाdesire, lust, ambition, pleasure, intent, passion
- मनोविकारpsychosis, feeling, mental disorder, emotion, passion, psychic disorder
- मदitem, head, estrus, drunkenness, intoxication, rapture
- सरगर्मीstirring, pep, nerve, heartiness, zeal, sedulity
- आगfire, conflagration, passion, lust
- तमकrage, passion
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