Such-and-such - परिभाषा (अनुवाद), उच्चारण, प्रतिलिपि
- इस तरह के और इस तरह के वैकल्पिक रूप।Ed
- (मुहावरेदार) एक जगह बनाने वाला या सामान्य बात।Ed
- (मुहावरेदार) एक जगह बनाने वाला या सामान्य बात।Ed
It's a poor system, because if you want to do such-and-such you must first find that function in a long and disorderly list.
- अस्थिर; Ed
I am troubled by the rush of young researchers attempting to prove that females are not inferior to males in such-and-such an ability or such-and-such a trait, especially when it is by no means clear what difference it makes.
Matrix of words
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