Pay-off - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción
- (informal) Para sobornar, especialmente para disuadir la supervisión.Ed
I thought the guards would give us trouble, but apparently he had paid them off.
- (intransitivo) Para que valga la pena; EdHer years of Spanish classes finally paid off when she found herself in Mexico and realized she could communicate with people.
- Para pagar de vuelta; EdHe paid off the loan three months early.
- Pagar (reembolsar, cancelar) la totalidad de un préstamo, con lo que se efectúa la liberación de un gravamen.EdThis contract requires you to pay off the car by 2024.
- Un pago.Ed
- Una recompensa.Ed
- Un soborno.Ed
- Una recompensa.Ed
- Un soborno.Ed
Matrix of words
- la recompensa
— reward,
- el pago — payment, paying, fee, repayment, payout, settlement
- la rentabilidad — profitability, profitableness, profit-earning capacity
- el resultado final — bottom line, payoff
- el desenlace — outcome, denouement, end, ending
- el factor decisivo — payoff
- el día de paga — payday, payoff
- el pago — payment, paying, fee, repayment, payout, settlement
- la rentabilidad — profitability, profitableness, profit-earning capacity
- el resultado final — bottom line, payoff
- el desenlace — outcome, denouement, end, ending
- el factor decisivo — payoff
- el día de paga — payday, payoff
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