English dictionary


knack |næk| — a special way of doing something

knacker |ˈnækər| — someone who buys old buildings or ships and breaks them up to recover the materials in them

knackered |ˈnækərd| — very tired

knackers |ˈnækəz| — plural form of knacker

knackery |ˈnækʌriː| — The workplace of a knacker; a knacker’s yard

knacky |ˈnækɪ| — (UK, dialect) Having a knack; cunning; crafty.

knag |næɡ| — A short spur or stiff projection from the trunk or branch of a tree, such as the stunted dead branch of a fir

knaggy |ˈnæɡiː| — Having many protuberances, knobs or knots; knotty, rough or rugged.

knap |nap| — strike sharply

knapsack |ˈnæpsæk| — a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder

knapweed |ˈnæpˌwiːd| — any of various plants of the genus Centaurea having purple thistlelike flowers

knar |nɑːr| — A knot or burl in a tree; a knurl, a gnarl.

knarred |nɑːd| — knotty; gnarled

knarry |ˈnɑːrɪ| — (obsolete) knotty; gnarled

knave |neɪv| — a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel

knavery |ˈneɪvərɪ| — lack of honesty; acts of lying or cheating or stealing

knavish |ˈneɪvɪʃ| — marked by skill in deception

knead |niːd| — make uniform

kneading |ˈniːdɪŋ| — Present participle of knead.

kneading-trough |ˈniːdɪŋtrɒf| — A (usually wooden) trough in which dough is kneaded before baking into bread.

knee |niː| — hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella

knee-cap |ˈniːkæp| — Alternative spelling of kneecap.

knee-deep |niː ˈdiːp| — up to the knees

knee-high |niː ˈhaɪ| — a sock or stocking that reaches up to just below the knees

knee-jerk |ˈniːdʒɜːk| — Alternative spelling of knee-jerk.

kneecap |ˈniːkæp| — a small flat triangular bone in front of the knee that protects the knee joint

kneed |ˈniːd| — (in combination) Having some specific type of knee or knees.

kneehole |ˈniːhəʊl| — A space for the knees (lower legs), especially under a desk

kneel |niːl| — supporting yourself on your knees

kneepan  — a small flat triangular bone in front of the knee that protects the knee joint

knell |nel| — the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death or a funeral or the end of something

knelt |nelt| — simple past tense and past participle of kneel.

knew |nuː| — simple past tense of know

knick-knack |ˈnɪk næk| — A small ornament of minor value.

Knickerbocker |ˈnɪkərˌbɑːkər| — 1905, Daniel Leavens Cady, Stray Breaths of North East Song

knickerbockers |ˈnɪkərˌbɑːkərz| — (used in the plural) trousers ending above the knee

knickers |ˈnɪkərz| — (used in the plural) trousers ending above the knee

knife |naɪf| — edge tool used as a cutting instrument; has a pointed blade with a sharp edge and a handle

knife-edge |ˈnaɪf edʒ| — a narrow boundary

knife-rest |ˈnaɪfrest| — A piece of kitchenware for resting a used knife without touching the table.

knife-switch |ˈnaɪfswɪtʃ| — A switch used to control the flow of electricity in a circuit, consisting of a hinge which allows a metal lever, or knife, to be lifted from or inserted into a slot or jaw.

knifeboard  — A board on which knives are cleaned or polished.

knifepoint |ˈnaɪfpɔɪnt| — The pointed end of a knife.

knight |naɪt| — originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit

knight-errant |naɪt ˈerənt| — a wandering knight travelling in search of adventure

knight-errantry |ˈnaɪtˈerəntriː| — The character or actions of wandering knights; the practice of wandering in quest of adventures.

knightage |ˈnaɪtɪdʒ| — knighthood; state of being a knight

knighthood |ˈnaɪthʊd| — aristocrats holding the rank of knight

knightly |ˈnaɪtlɪ| — characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages

knit |nɪt| — a fabric made by knitting

knitted |ˈnɪtəd| — made by intertwining threads in a series of connected loops rather than by weaving

knitter |ˈnɪtər| — someone who makes garments (or fabrics) by intertwining yarn or thread

knitting |ˈnɪtɪŋ| — needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine

knitting-needle |ˈnɪtɪŋ niːdəl| — A long, thin, pointed rod, used in pairs to knit yarn

knitwear |ˈnɪtwer| — knitted clothing

knitwork |ˈnɪtwɜːk| — needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine

knive |knɪve| — Common misspelling of connive.

knives |naɪvz| — plural form of knife

knob |nɑːb| — a circular rounded projection or protuberance

knobble |ˈnɒbəl| — a small knob

knobby |ˈnɑːbɪ| — having knobs

knobstick |ˈnɑːbstɪk| — A stick with a rounded knob at the end.

knock |nɑːk| — the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing)

knock about |ˈnɑːk əˈbaʊt| — strike against forcefully

knock down |ˈnɑːk ˈdaʊn| — cause to come or go down

knock off |ˈnɑːk ˈɒf| — get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing

knock out |ˈnɑːk ˈaʊt| — eliminate

knock up |ˈnɑːk ʌp| — make pregnant

knock-down |daʊn| — strong enough to knock down or overwhelm

knock-kneed |nɒk ˈniːd| — having the knees abnormally close together and the ankles wide apart

knock-out |ˈnɒkaʊt| — To strike or bump (someone or something) out.

knock-up |ˈnɒkʌp| — (sports) A short practise session before a tennis match

knockabout |ˈnɑːkəbaʊt| — a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit

knockdown |ˈnɑːkˌdaʊn| — a blow that knocks the opponent off his feet

knocker |ˈnɑːkər| — (Yiddish) a big shot who knows it and acts that way; a boastful immoderate person

knocker-up |ˈnɒkərˈʌp| — (UK, dated) A person whose job was to go from house to house in the early morning and wake up workers by tapping on the bedroom window with a long pole.

knocking |ˈnɑːkɪŋ| — the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing)

knockout |ˈnɑːkaʊt| — a very attractive or seductive looking woman

knoll |nəʊl| — a small natural hill

knot |nɑːt| — a tight cluster of people or things

knotgrass |ˈnɒtɡrɑːs| — low-growing weedy grass with spikelets along the leaf stems

knothole |ˈnɒthəʊl| — a hole in a board where a knot came out

knotted |ˈnɑːtəd| — tied with a knot

knotting |ˈnɒtɪŋ| — Present participle of knot.

knotty |ˈnɑːtɪ| — making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe

knout |naʊt| — a whip with a lash of leather thongs twisted with wire; used for flogging prisoners

know |nəʊ| — the fact of being aware of information that is known to few people

know-all |ˈnəʊ ɔːl| — someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others

know-how |ˈnəʊ haʊ| — the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something

know-it-all |ˈnəʊɪtɔːl| — someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others

know-nothing |ˈnʌθɪŋ| — A member of a secret antiforeigner political organization in the nineteenth-century United States.

knowable |ˈnəʊəbl| — capable of being known

knower |ˈnəʊər| — a person who knows or apprehends

knowing |ˈnəʊɪŋ| — a clear and certain mental apprehension

knowingly |ˈnəʊɪŋlɪ| — with full knowledge and deliberation

knowledge |ˈnɑːlɪdʒ| — the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning

knowledgeable |ˈnɑːlɪdʒəbl| — highly educated; having extensive information or understanding

known |nəʊn| — apprehended with certainty

knuckle |ˈnʌkl| — a joint of a finger when the fist is closed

knuckle down |ˈnʌkəl ˈdaʊn| — work very hard, like a slave

knuckle under |nʌkl ˈʌndə| — consent reluctantly

knuckle-duster |ˈnʌkldʌstər| — Alternative spelling of knuckle duster.

knucklebone |ˈnʌkəlˌbəʊn| — A bone that forms a knuckle in the human hand, in an animal's paw or any bone that forms a similar bump.

knucklebones  — a game in which jackstones are thrown and picked up in various groups between bounces of a small rubber ball

knuckles |ˈnʌkəlz| — (used in the plural) a small metal weapon; worn over the knuckles on the back of the hand

knur |nər| — knurl

knurl |nərl| — A contorted knot in wood.

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