English dictionary


veal |viːl| — meat from a calf

vealy  — Resembling veal.

vector |ˈvektər| — a variable quantity that can be resolved into components

Veda |ˈveɪdə| — (from the Sanskrit word for `knowledge') any of the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism written in early Sanskrit; traditionally believed to comprise the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, and the Upanishads

vedette |vəˈdet| — A sentinel, usually on horseback, stationed on the outpost of an army, to watch an enemy and give notice of danger.

veep |viːp| — (informal) The Vice President of the United States; the office of Vice President of the United States, especially during an election cycle where several are in the running for the nomination.

veer |vɪr| — turn sharply; change direction abruptly

veering |ˈvɪrɪŋ| — the act of turning aside suddenly

vegan |ˈviːɡən| — a strict vegetarian; someone who eats no animal or dairy products at all

vegetable |ˈvedʒtəbl| — edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant

vegetables |ˈvedʒtəbəlz| — plural form of vegetable

vegetal |ˈvedʒətl| — (of reproduction) characterized by asexual processes

vegetarian |ˌvedʒəˈterɪən| — eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products

vegetarianism |ˌvedʒəˈterɪəˌnɪzəm| — a diet excluding all meat and fish

vegetate |ˈvedʒəteɪt| — lead a passive existence without using one's body or mind

vegetating |ˈvedʒɪteɪtɪŋ| — Present participle of vegetate.

vegetation |ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn| — all the plant life in a particular region or period

vegetative |ˈvedʒɪteɪtɪv| — relating to involuntary bodily functions

veggie |ˈvedʒɪ| — edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant

veggies |ˈvedʒɪz| — plural form of veggie

vegies  — Alternative spelling of veggies.

vehemence |ˈviːəməns| — intensity or forcefulness of expression

vehement |ˈviːəmənt| — marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid

vehemently |ˈviːəməntlɪ| — in a vehement manner

vehicle |ˈviːəkl| — a conveyance that transports people or objects

vehicular |vɪˈhɪkjələr| — of or relating to or intended for (motor) vehicles

veil |veɪl| — a garment that covers the head and face

veiled |veɪld| — muted or unclear

veiling |ˈveɪlɪŋ| — a net of transparent fabric with a loose open weave

vein |veɪn| — a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart

veined |veɪnd| — having or showing markings that resemble veins

veinstone |ˈveɪnˌstəʊn| — gangue

veiny |ˈveɪniː| — Having prominent veins.

vela |ˈvelə| — a constellation in the southern hemisphere between Carina and Pyxis

velar |ˈviːlər| — a consonant produced with the back of the tongue touching or near the soft palate

velarium |vəˈleriːəm| — (zoology) The marginal membrane of certain medusae belonging to the Discophora.

veld |velt| — elevated open grassland in southern Africa

veldt |veldt| — elevated open grassland in southern Africa

vellum |ˈveləm| — a heavy creamy-colored paper resembling parchment

velocipede |vəˈlɒsɪpiːd| — any of several early bicycles with pedals on the front wheel

velocity |vəˈlɑːsətɪ| — distance travelled per unit time

velodrome |ˈvelədrəʊm| — a banked oval track for bicycle or motorcycle racing

velour |vəˈlʊr| — heavy fabric that resembles velvet

velours |vəˈlʊr| — heavy fabric that resembles velvet

velum |ˈviːləm| — a membranous covering attached to the immature fruiting body of certain mushrooms

velvet |ˈvelvɪt| — a silky densely piled fabric with a plain back

velveteen |ˌvelvəˈtiːn| — a usually cotton fabric with a short pile imitating velvet

velveting |ˈvelvɪtɪŋ| — Present participle of velvet.

velvety |ˈvelvətɪ| — smooth and soft to sight or hearing or touch or taste

vena |ˈviːnə| — a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart

venal |ˈviːnl| — capable of being corrupted

venality |vəˈnælətɪ| — prostitution of talents or offices or services for reward

venation |vɪˈneɪʃən| — (botany) the arrangement of veins in a leaf

vend |vend| — sell or offer for sale from place to place

vendee |ˈvenˈdiː| — a person who buys

vender |ˈvendər| — someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

vendetta |venˈdetə| — a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other

vendible |ˈvendəbəl| — fit to be offered for sale

vendor |ˈvendər| — someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

veneer |vəˈnɪr| — coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood

venerability  — the quality of deserving veneration

venerable |ˈvenərəbl| — impressive by reason of age

venerate |ˈvenəreɪt| — regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of

veneration |ˌvenəˈreɪʃn| — a feeling of profound respect for someone or something

venerator |ˈvenəreɪtə| — someone who regards with deep respect or reverence

venereal |vəˈnɪrɪəl| — of or relating to the external sex organs

venereologist |vɪˌnɪərɪˈɒlədʒɪst| — One who works in venereology.

venesection |venɪˈsekʃən| — surgical incision into a vein; used to treat hemochromatosis

Venetian |vəˈniːʃən| — a resident of Venice

Venezuelan |ˌvenəˈzweɪlən| — a native or inhabitant of Venezuela

vengeance |ˈvendʒəns| — the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life

vengeful |ˈvendʒfl| — disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge

venial |ˈviːnɪəl| — warranting only temporal punishment

venire |vɪˈnaɪərɪ| — (law) a group of people summoned for jury service (from whom a jury will be chosen)

venison |ˈvenɪsn| — meat from a deer used as food

venom |ˈvenəm| — toxin secreted by animals; secreted by certain snakes and poisonous insects (e.g., spiders and scorpions)

venomous |ˈvenəməs| — extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom

venose |ˈviːnəʊs| — having or showing markings that resemble veins

venous |ˈviːnəs| — of or contained in or performing the function of the veins

vent |vent| — a hole for the escape of gas or air

vent-hole |ˈvent həʊl| — a hole for the escape of gas or air

ventage |ˈventɪdʒ| — a puff of air coming through a hole in a wind instrument

venter |ˈven(t)ər| — a speaker who expresses or gives vent to a personal opinion or grievance

ventiduct |ˈventɪˌdʌkt| — A ventilation duct

ventilate |ˈventɪleɪt| — expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen

ventilation |ˌventɪˈleɪʃn| — the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air

ventilator |ˈventɪleɪtər| — a device (such as a fan) that introduces fresh air or expels foul air

venting |ˈventɪŋ| — the act of venting

ventral |ˈventrəl| — toward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal)

ventricle |ˈventrɪkl| — one of four connected cavities in the brain; is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid

ventricular |venˈtrɪkjuːlər| — of or relating to a ventricle (of the heart or brain)

ventriloquism |venˈtrɪləkwɪzəm| — the art of projecting your voice so that it seems to come from another source (as from a ventriloquist's dummy)

ventriloquist |venˈtrɪləkwɪst| — a performer who projects the voice into a wooden dummy

ventriloquize |venˈtrɪləkwaɪz| — To speak the words of (another person), as though by ventriloquism.

ventripotent |venˈtrɪpət(ə)nt| — Having a big belly.

venture |ˈventʃər| — any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome

venturer |ˈventʃərər| — a merchant who undertakes a trading venture (especially a venture that sends goods overseas)

venturesome |ˈventʃərsəm| — disposed to venture or take risks

venturous |ˈventʃərəs| — disposed to venture or take risks

venue |ˈvenjuː| — the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting)

Venus |ˈviːnəs| — the second nearest planet to the sun; it is peculiar in that its rotation is slow and retrograde (in the opposite sense of the Earth and all other planets except Uranus); it is visible from Earth as an early `morning star' or an `evening star'

veracious |vəˈreɪʃəs| — habitually speaking the truth

veracity |vəˈræsətɪ| — unwillingness to tell lies

veranda |vəˈrændə| — a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)

verandah |vəˈrændə| — a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)

verb |vɜːrb| — the word class that serves as the predicate of a sentence

verbal |ˈvɜːrbl| — communicated in the form of words

verbalism |ˈvərbəˌlɪzəm| — the communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions

verbalist |ˈvɜːbəlɪst| — One who possesses verbal or oratorical skill.

verbalization  — the words that are spoken in the activity of verbalization

verbalize |ˈvɜːrbəlaɪz| — be verbose

verbally |vərˈbælɪ| — as a verb

verbatim |vɜːrˈbeɪtɪm| — using exactly the same words

verbena |vɜːrˈbiːnə| — any of numerous tropical or subtropical American plants of the genus Verbena grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers

verbiage |ˈvɜːrbɪɪdʒ| — overabundance of words

verbification  — the use of a noun as though it were a verb; conversion into a verb

verbify |ˈvɜːrbəˌfaɪ| — make into a verb

verbose |vɜːrˈbəʊs| — using or containing too many words

verbosity |vɜːrˈbɑːsətɪ| — an expressive style that uses excessive or empty words

verdancy |ˈvɜːdnsɪ| — the lush appearance of flourishing vegetation

verdant |ˈvɜːrdnt| — characterized by abundance of verdure

verdict |ˈvɜːrdɪkt| — (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment

verdigris |ˈvɜːrdɪɡriː| — a blue or green powder used as a paint pigment

verdure |ˈvɜːrdjər| — green foliage

verdurous |ˈvɜːdʒərəs| — Freshly green; verdant; covered with verdure, or consisting of it.

verge |vɜːrdʒ| — a region marking a boundary

verger |ˈvɜːrdʒər| — a church officer who takes care of the interior of the building and acts as an attendant (carries the verge) during ceremonies

veridical |vəˈrɪdək(ə)l| — coinciding with reality

verifiable |ˈverəˌfaɪəbəl| — capable of being verified

verification |ˌverɪfɪˈkeɪʃn| — additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct

verify |ˈverɪfaɪ| — confirm the truth of

verily |ˈverɪlɪ| — in truth; certainly

verisimilar |ˌverɪˈsɪmɪlə| — appearing to be true or real

verisimilitude |ˌverɪsɪˈmɪlɪtuːd| — the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true

veritable |ˈverɪtəbl| — often used as intensifiers

verity |ˈverətɪ| — conformity to reality or actuality

verjuice |ˈvərjəs| — A very acidic juice made by pressing unripe grapes.

vermeil |ˈvɜːrmɪl| — (poetic, now rare) Bright scarlet, vermilion.

vermicelli |ˌvɜːrmɪˈtʃelɪ| — pasta in strings thinner than spaghetti

vermicide |ˈvɜːrmɪsaɪd| — an agent that kills worms (especially those in the intestines)

vermicular |vɜːˈmɪkjʊlə| — decorated with wormlike tracery or markings

vermiform |ˈvɜːmɪfɔːrm| — resembling a worm; long and thin and cylindrical

vermifuge |ˈvɜːrməˌfjuːdʒ| — a medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms

vermilion |vərˈmɪlɪən| — a variable color that is vivid red but sometimes with an orange tinge

vermin |ˈvɜːrmɪn| — an irritating or obnoxious person

verminous |ˈvɜːmɪnəs| — of the nature of vermin; very offensive or repulsive

vermouth |vərˈmuːθ| — any of several white wines flavored with aromatic herbs; used as aperitifs or in mixed drinks

vermuth |ˈvɜːməθ| — Alternative spelling of vermouth.

vernacular |vərˈnækjələr| — a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)

vernacularism |vərˈnækjʌləˌrɪzəm| — A vernacular idiom.

vernal |ˈvɜːrnl| — suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh

vernalization |ˌvɜːrnəlaɪˈzeɪʃən| — The treatment of seeds or bulbs by exposure to low temperatures so as to decrease the vegetative period or to cause the plant to flower or bear fruit more quickly.

vernation |vərˈneɪʃən| — (botany) the arrangement of young leaves in a leaf bud before it opens

vernier |ˈvɜːnɪər| — French mathematician who described the vernier scale (1580-1637)

vernissage |ˌvɜːrnɪˈsɑːʒ| — A private viewing of an art exhibition before it opens to the public.

Veronese |veɑːɔːˈneze| — Italian painter of the Venetian school (1528-1588)

veronica |vəˈrɑːnɪkə| — any plant of the genus Veronica

verruca |vəˈruːkə| — (pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin; caused by a virus

versatile |ˈvɜːrsətl| — having great diversity or variety

versatility |ˌvərsəˈtɪlətɪ| — having a wide variety of skills

verse |vɜːrs| — literature in metrical form

versed |vɜːrst| — an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation and for reducing pain during uncomfortable medical procedures

versemaker  — One who composes verses; a poet.

versemonger |ˈvɜːsˌmʌŋɡə| — (humorous or derogatory) A writer of verses or of commonplace poetry.

verses |ˈvɜːsəz| — plural form of 'verse

versicolored  — Alternative spelling of versicoloured.

versicolour  — (rare) Having changing or varied colours.

versicoloured |ˈvɜːsɪˌkʌləd| — Alternative spelling of versicolored.

versification |ˌvɜːsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən| — a metrical adaptation of something (e.g., of a prose text)

versifier |ˈvɜːsɪfaɪər| — a writer who composes rhymes; a maker of poor verses (usually used as terms of contempt for minor or inferior poets)

versify |ˈvɜːrsɪfaɪ| — compose verses or put into verse

version |ˈvɜːrʒn| — an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint

versionist  — One who makes or favours a version of a text; a translator.

verso |ˈvɜːrsəʊ| — left-hand page

versus |ˈvɜːrsəs| — Used to link two or more opposing or contrasting elements.

versute  — crafty; wily; artful

vert |vərt| — (heraldry) A green colour, now only in heraldry; represented in engraving by diagonal parallel lines 45 degrees counter-clockwise.

vertebra |ˈvɜːrtɪbrə| — one of the bony segments of the spinal column

vertebrae |ˈvɜːtəˌbre| — plural form of vertebra; the bones that make up the spinal column.

vertebral |ˈvɜːtəbrəl| — of or relating to or constituting vertebrae

vertebrate |ˈvɜːrtɪbrət| — animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium

vertex |ˈvɜːrteks| — the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure

vertical |ˈvɜːrtɪkl| — something that is oriented vertically

vertically |ˈvɜːtɪkəlɪ| — in a vertical direction

vertices |ˈvɜːtɪsiːz| — plural form of vertex

verticil |ˈvɜːrtɪsɪl| — a whorl of leaves growing around a stem

vertiginous |vɜːrˈtɪdʒɪnəs| — having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling

vertigo |ˈvɜːrtɪɡəʊ| — a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall

vervain |ˈvɜːrveɪn| — any of numerous tropical or subtropical American plants of the genus Verbena grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers

verve |vɜːrv| — an energetic style

very |ˈverɪ| — used as intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is informal

vesicant |ˈvesəkənt| — a chemical agent that causes blistering (especially mustard gas)

vesicate |ˈvesəˌkeɪt| — get blistered

vesicle |ˈvesɪkl| — a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike structure (especially one containing fluid)

vesicular |vəˈsɪkjələr| — of or relating to or involving vesicles

vesper |ˈvespər| — a planet (usually Venus) seen at sunset in the western sky

vespertine |ˈvespəˌtaɪn| — (poetic) Of or related to the evening; that occurs in the evening.

vespiary |ˈvespiːˌeriː| — A nest built by a social wasp species.

vessel |ˈvesl| — a tube in which a body fluid circulates

vessels |ˈvesəlz| — plural form of vessel

vest |vest| — a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat

vest-pocket |ˈpɑːkɪt| — Alternative spelling of vest-pocket.

vesta |ˈvestə| — (Roman mythology) goddess of the hearth and its fire whose flame was tended by vestal virgins; counterpart of Greek Hestia

vestal |ˈvestl| — a chaste woman

vested |ˈvestəd| — fixed and absolute and without contingency

vestiary |ˈvestiːˌeriː| — relating to clothing (especially vestments)

vestibular |veˈstɪbjʊlə| — relating to the sense of equilibrium

vestibule |ˈvestɪbjuːl| — a large entrance or reception room or area

vestige |ˈvestɪdʒ| — an indication that something has been present

vestigial |veˈstɪdʒɪəl| — not fully developed in mature animals

vestiture |ˈvestɪtʃə ˈvestɪtjə| — an archaic term for clothing

vestment |ˈvestmənt| — gown (especially ceremonial garments) worn by the clergy

vestry |ˈvestrɪ| — in the Protestant Episcopal Church: a committee elected by the congregation to work with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the church

vestryman |ˈvestrɪmən| — a man who is a member of a church vestry

vesture |ˈvestʃər| — something that covers or cloaks like a garment

vestured |ˈvestʃəd| — simple past tense and past participle of vesture

vet |vet| — a doctor who practices veterinary medicine

vetch |vetʃ| — any of various climbing plants of the genus Vicia having pinnately compound leaves that terminate in tendrils and small variously colored flowers; includes valuable forage and soil-building plants

veteran |ˈvetərən| — a serviceman who has seen considerable active service

veterinarian |ˌvetərɪˈnerɪən| — a doctor who practices veterinary medicine

veterinary |ˈvetərənerɪ| — a doctor who practices veterinary medicine

veto |ˈviːtəʊ| — a vote that blocks a decision

vex |veks| — cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations

vexation |vekˈseɪʃn| — anger produced by some annoying irritation

vexatious |vekˈseɪʃəs| — causing irritation or annoyance

vexed |vekst| — troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances

vexillary  — A standard-bearer.

vexing |ˈveksɪŋ| — extremely annoying or displeasing

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