English dictionary


wo |ˈwəʊ| — (astronomy) the prefix of catalog entries in the Gliese star catalog, the Richard van der Riet Woolley expansion

woadwaxen  — small Eurasian shrub having clusters of yellow flowers that yield a dye; common as a weed in Britain and the United States; sometimes grown as an ornamental

wobble |ˈwɑːbl| — an unsteady rocking motion

wobbler |ˈwɒblər| — something that wobbles

wobbling |ˈwɑːbəlɪŋ| — (of sound) fluctuating unsteadily

wobbly |ˈwɑːblɪ| — a member of the Industrial Workers of the World

Woden |ˈwəʊdn| — chief god; counterpart of Norse Odin and Teutonic Wotan

wodge |wɑːdʒ| — (chiefly UK, colloquial) A bulk quantity; usually of small items, particularly money.

woe |wəʊ| — misery resulting from affliction

woebegone |ˈwəʊbɪɡɔːn| — worn and broken down by hard use

woeful |ˈwəʊfl| — affected by or full of grief or woe

woefully |ˈwəʊfəlɪ| — in an unfortunate or deplorable manner

woes |wəʊz| — plural form of woe

woesome |ˈwəʊsəm| — (obsolete) woeful

woke |wəʊk| — Simple past tense and past participle of wake.

woken |ˈwəʊkən| — Past participle of wake

wold |wəʊld| — a tract of open rolling country (especially upland)

wolf |wʊlf| — any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs

wolf-cub |ˈwʊlf kʌb| — A young wolf.

wolf-dog |ˈwʊlfdɒɡ| — a dog trained to hunt wolves

wolf-whistle |ˈwʊlfˌwɪsl| — whistle or howl approvingly at a female, of males

wolfhound |ˈwʊlfhaʊnd| — the largest breed of dogs; formerly used to hunt wolves

wolfish |ˈwʊlfɪʃ| — devouring or craving food in great quantities

wolfling  — A wolf cub.

wolfman |ˈwʊlfmən| — a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf and back again

wolfram |ˈwʊlˌfræm| — a heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite

wolframite |ˈwʊlfrəˌmaɪt| — a mineral consisting of iron and manganese tungstate in crystalline form; the principal ore of tungsten; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks

wolfsbane |ˈwʊlfsbeɪn| — poisonous Eurasian perennial herb with broad rounded leaves and yellow flowers and fibrous rootstock

wolfskin |ˈwʊlfskɪn| — The skin of a wolf.

wolverene |ˈwʊlvəriːn| — Alternative spelling of wolverine.

wolverine |ˈwʊlvəriːn| — a native or resident of Michigan

wolves |wʊlvz| — plural form of wolf

woman |ˈwʊmən| — an adult female person (as opposed to a man)

womanhood |ˈwʊmənhʊd| — the state of being an adult woman

womanish |ˈwʊmənɪʃ| — having characteristics associated with women and considered undesirable in men

womanishness  — the trait of being effeminate (derogatory of a man)

womanizer |ˈwʊməˌnaɪzər| — a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them

womankind |ˈwʊmənkaɪnd| — women as distinguished from men

womanlike |ˈwʊmənlaɪk| — the trait of being womanly; having the characteristics of an adult female

womanly |ˈwʊmənlɪ| — befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman

womb |wuːm| — a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females; contains the developing fetus

wombat |ˈwɑːmbæt| — burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupials about the size of a badger

women |ˈwɪmɪn| — Plural form of woman

womenfolk |ˈwɪmɪnfəʊk| — women collectively

won |wʌn| — the basic unit of money in South Korea

wonder |ˈwʌndər| — the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising

wonder-struck |ˈwʌndə strʌk| — affected by or overcome with wonder

wonderful |ˈwʌndərfl| — extraordinarily good or great; used especially as intensifiers

wonderfully |ˈwʌndərfəlɪ| — (used as an intensifier) extremely well

wonderingly |ˈwʌndrɪŋlɪ| — in a curious and questioning manner

wonderland |ˈwʌndərlænd| — a place or scene of great or strange beauty or wonder

wonderment |ˈwʌndərmənt| — the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising

wonderwork |ˈwʌndərˌwɜːrk| — A wonderful work or act; a miracle.

wondrous |ˈwʌndrəs| — (used as an intensifier) extremely well

wonk |wɑːŋk| — an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious

wonky |ˈwɑːŋkɪ| — turned or twisted toward one side

wont |wɔːnt| — an established custom

wonted |ˈwəʊntɪd| — commonly used or practiced; usual

woo |wuː| — seek someone's favor

wood |wʊd| — the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees

wood-block |ˈwʊd blɑːk| — a woodcut

wood-grouse |ˈwʊdɡræʊs| — The capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus.

wood-pulp |ˈwʊd pʌlp| — pulp made from wood (most often softwood, but sometimes hardwood) that is used to make paper

woodbind |ˈwʊdbaɪnd| — Obsolete form of woodbine.

woodbine |ˈwʊdˌbaɪn| — common North American vine with compound leaves and bluish-black berrylike fruit

woodcarver |ˈwʊdˌkɑːrvər| — makes decorative wooden panels

woodchuck |ˈwʊdtʃʌk| — reddish brown North American marmot

woodcock |ˈwʊdkɑːk| — game bird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe

woodcraft |ˈwʊdkræft| — skill and experience in matters relating to the woods (as hunting or fishing or camping)

woodcut |ˈwʊdkʌt| — a print made from a woodcut

woodcutter |ˈwʊdkʌtər| — cuts down trees and chops wood as a job

woodcutting |ˈwʊdˌkʌtɪŋ| — The felling of trees, or the cutting of wood

wooded |ˈwʊdɪd| — covered with growing trees and bushes etc

wooden |ˈwʊdn| — made or consisting of (entirely or in part) or employing wood

woodenware  — ware for domestic use made of wood

woodland |ˈwʊdlənd| — land that is covered with trees and shrubs

woodlander |ˈwʊdlandə| — A dweller in a woodland.

woodless |ˈwʊdlɪs| — Without wood.

woodman |ˈwʊdmən| — someone who lives in the woods

woodpecker |ˈwʊdpekər| — bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects

woodpile |ˈwʊdpaɪl| — a pile or stack of wood to be used for fuel

woodruff |ˈwʊdrəf| — Old World fragrant stoloniferous perennial having small white flowers and narrow leaves used as flavoring and in sachets; widely cultivated as a ground cover; in some classifications placed in genus Asperula

woods |ˈwʊdz| — the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area

woodshed |ˈwʊdʃed| — a shed for storing firewood or garden tools

woodsman |ˈwʊdzmən| — someone who lives in the woods

woodsy |ˈwʊdzɪ| — characteristic or suggestive of woods

woodward |ˈwʊˌdwɔːrd| — United States historian (1908-1999)

woodwaxen |ˈwʊdˌwæksʌn| — small Eurasian shrub having clusters of yellow flowers that yield a dye; common as a weed in Britain and the United States; sometimes grown as an ornamental

woodwork |ˈwʊdwɜːrk| — work made of wood; especially moldings or stairways or furniture

woodworker |ˈwʊˌdwərkər| — makes things out of wood

woodworking |ˈwʊdˌwərkɪŋ| — the craft of a carpenter: making things out of wood

woody |ˈwʊdɪ| — abounding in trees

wooer |ˈwuːər| — a man who courts a woman

woof |wʊf| — the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

woofed  — simple past tense and past participle of woof

woofer |ˈwuːfər| — a loudspeaker that reproduces lower audio frequency sounds

wooing |ˈwuːɪŋ| — a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage)

wool |wʊl| — a fabric made from the hair of sheep

wool-gathering |ˈwʊlɡæðərɪŋ| — Alternative spelling of woolgathering.

woolen |ˈwʊlən| — a fabric made from the hair of sheep

woolens |ˈwʊlənz| — (US) woolen clothes collectively

wooliness  — Alternative spelling of woolliness.

woollen |ˈwʊlən| — a fabric made from the hair of sheep

woollens |ˈwʊlənz| — Fabrics or clothing made from wool

woollies |ˈwʊlɪ| — plural form of woolly

woolliness |ˈwʊlɪ| — The state of being woolly

woolly |ˈwʊlɪ| — having a fluffy character or appearance

woolsack |ˈwʊlˌsæk| — A wool bale or cushion, the traditional seat of the Lord Speaker in the British House of Lords.

woolwork |ˈwʊlwɜːk| — Work made from wool.

wooly |ˈwʊlɪ| — having a fluffy character or appearance

woozy |ˈwuːzɪ| — having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling

wop |wɑːp| — (ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Italian descent

word |wɜːrd| — a unit of language that native speakers can identify

word-hoard  — Alternative form of word-hoard.

word-painting |ˈwɜːdˌpeɪntɪŋ| — a graphic or vivid verbal description

word-perfect |ˌwərdˈpərfəkt| — correct to the last detail; especially being in or following the exact words

word-play |ˈwɜːdpleɪ| — Used other than as an idiom: see word,‎ play.

word-splitting |ˈwɜːd splɪtɪŋ| — making too fine distinctions of little importance

wordbook |ˈwɜːdbʊk| — a reference book containing words (usually with their meanings)

wordiness |ˈwɜːdɪnəs| — boring verbosity

wording |ˈwɜːrdɪŋ| — the manner in which something is expressed in words

wordless |ˈwɜːdləs| — expressed without speech

wordplay |ˈwɜːrdpleɪ| — a humorous play on words

words |ˈwɜːdz| — the words that are spoken

wordsmith |ˈwɜːrdsmɪθ| — a fluent and prolific writer

wordy |ˈwɜːrdɪ| — using or containing too many words

wore |wɔːr| — Simple past tense of wear.

work |wɜːrk| — activity directed toward making or doing something

work in |ˈwɜːk ɪn| — add by mixing or blending on or attaching

work off |ˈwɜːk ˈɒf| — cause to go away through effort or work

work on |ˈwɜːk ɑːn| — to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something

work out |ˈwɜːk ˈaʊt| — come up with

work over |ˈwɜːk ˈəʊvər| — give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression

work through |ˈwɜːk θruː| — apply thoroughly; think through

work up |ˈwɜːk ʌp| — form or accumulate steadily

work-in |ˈwɜːk ɪn| — occasion when workers continue to work as a protest against e.g. proposed dismissal or closure of the factory

work-out |ˈwɜːkaʊt| — (with object after out) To calculate.

work-shy |ʃaɪ| — disinclined to work or exertion

workability |ˌwɜːkəˈbɪlɪtɪ| — The ease with which something can be worked or fashioned

workable |ˈwɜːrkəbl| — capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are

workaday |ˈwɜːrkədeɪ| — found in the ordinary course of events

workbag |ˈwɜːkbæɡ| — container for holding implements and materials for work (especially for sewing)

workbasket |ˈwɜːkbæskɪt| — container for holding implements and materials for work (especially for sewing)

workbench |ˈwɜːrkbentʃ| — a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic

workbook |ˈwɜːrkbʊk| — a student's book or booklet containing problems with spaces for solving them

workbox |ˈwɜːrkbɑːks| — container for holding implements and materials for work (especially for sewing)

workday |ˈwɜːrkdeɪ| — a day on which work is done

worker |ˈwɜːrkər| — a person who works at a specific occupation

workfolk  — People who labour.

workforce |ˈwɜːrkfɔːrs| — the force of workers available

workgroup |ˈwɜːkˌɡruːp| — A group of workers engaged in a series of collaborative tasks who usually work together.

workhorse |ˈwɜːrkhɔːrs| — machine that performs dependably under heavy use

workhouse |ˈwɜːrkhaʊs| — a poorhouse where able-bodied poor are compelled to labor

working |ˈwɜːrkɪŋ| — a mine or quarry that is being or has been worked

working-class |ˌwɜːkɪŋˈklɑːs| — of those who work for wages especially manual or industrial laborers

working-out |ˌwɜːkɪŋ ˈaʊt| — Present participle of work out.

workless  — Having no work: unemployed.

workload |ˈwɜːrkləʊd| — work that a person is expected to do in a specified time

workman |ˈwɜːrkmən| — an employee who performs manual or industrial labor

workmanlike |ˈwɜːrkmənlaɪk| — worthy of a good workman

workmanship |ˈwɜːrkmənʃɪp| — skill in an occupation or trade

workout |ˈwɜːrkaʊt| — the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit

workpeople |ˈwɜːkpiːp(ə)l| — plural form of workperson

workplace |ˈwɜːrkpleɪs| — a place where work is done

workroom |ˈwɜːrkruːm| — room where work is done

works |ˈwɜːks| — buildings for carrying on industrial labor

worksheet |ˈwɜːrkʃiːt| — a sheet of paper with multiple columns; used by an accountant to assemble figures for financial statements

workshop |ˈwɜːrkʃɑːp| — small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done

worksite |ˈwɜːksaɪt| — A site where work occurs; usually used in reference to construction work

workstation |ˈwɜːrksteɪʃn| — a desktop digital computer that is conventionally considered to be more powerful than a microcomputer

worktop |ˈwɜːrktɑːp| — A surface, usually resting on cupboards or drawers that can be used to work on. Usually in a kitchen.

workweek |ˈwɜːrkwiːk| — hours or days of work in a calendar week

workwoman |ˈwɜːrkˌwʊmən| — A woman who performs manual labour; the female equivalent of a workman

world |wɜːrld| — everything that exists anywhere

world-class |ˈˌwərld ˈˌklas| — ranking above all others

world-power |wərld ˈpaʊ(ə)r| — A nation or state so powerful that it can influence world affairs.

world-weary |ˈwɜːld wɪərɪ| — tired of the world

world-wide |waɪd| — involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope

worldliness |ˈwɜːldlɪnəs| — the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment

worldling |ˈwɜːrldlɪŋ| — a person absorbed by the concerns and interests and pleasures of the present world

worldly |ˈwɜːrldlɪ| — very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world

worldly-minded |ˈmaɪndɪd| — marked by materialism

worldly-wise |ˈwaɪz| — experienced in and wise to the ways of the world

worldview  — One's personal view of the world and how one interprets it.

worldwide |ˈwɜːrldwaɪd| — spanning or extending throughout the entire world

worm |wɜːrm| — any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvae

worm-eaten |ˈwɜːm iːtən| — infested with or damaged (as if eaten) by worms

wormhole |ˈwɜːrmhəʊl| — hole made by a burrowing worm

wormlike |ˈwɜːmˌlaɪk| — totally submissive

wormseed |ˈwɜːmsiːd| — rank-smelling tropical American pigweed

wormwood |ˈwɜːrmwʊd| — any of several low composite herbs of the genera Artemisia or Seriphidium

wormy |ˈwɜːrmɪ| — infested with or damaged (as if eaten) by worms

worn |wɔːrn| — showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering

worn-out |aʊt| — used until no longer useful

worried |ˈwɜːrɪd| — afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief

worrier |ˈwɜːrɪər| — thinks about unfortunate things that might happen

worrisome |ˈwɜːrɪsəm| — causing distress or worry or anxiety

worrit |ˈwʌriːt| — (dialect, nonstandard) Worry; anxiety.

worry |ˈwɜːrɪ| — something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness

worrying |ˈwɜːrɪɪŋ| — the act of harassing someone

worse |wɜːrs| — something inferior in quality or condition or effect

worsen |ˈwɜːrsn| — grow worse

worsening |ˈwɜːsənɪŋ| — process of changing to an inferior state

worship |ˈwɜːrʃɪp| — the activity of worshipping

worshiper |ˈwɜːʃəpər| — someone who admires too much to recognize faults

worshipful |ˈwɜːrʃɪpfl| — showing adoration

worshipped |ˈwɜːʃəpt| — regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god)

worshipper |ˈwɜːʃɪpər| — a person who has religious faith

worshipping |ˈwɜːʃəpɪŋ| — (UK) Present participle of worship.

worst |wɜːrst| — the least favorable outcome

worst-case |ˈwɜrstˌkeɪs| — In the least favorable of all possible circumstances.

worsted |ˈwʊstɪd| — a woolen fabric with a hard textured surface and no nap; woven of worsted yarns

worth |wɜːrθ| — an indefinite quantity of something having a specified value

worth-while |hwaɪl| — Alternative spelling of worthwhile.

worthily |ˈwɜːðɪlɪ| — in a worthy manner; with worthiness

worthless |ˈwɜːrθləs| — morally reprehensible

worthwhile |ˌwɜːrθˈwaɪl| — sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest

worthy |ˈwɜːrðɪ| — an important, honorable person (word is often used humorously)

wot |wɑːt| — (archaic) To know.

would |wʊd| — (archaic) Wanted to (+ bare infinitive). [from 9th c.]

would-be |ˈwʊd bɪ| — unfulfilled or frustrated in realizing an ambition

wound |wuːnd| — an injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin)

wound-up  — simple past tense and past participle of wind-up

wounded |ˈwuːndəd| — people who are wounded

wove |wəʊv| — Simple past tense of weave.

woven |ˈwəʊvn| — made or constructed by interlacing threads or strips of material or other elements into a whole

wow |waʊ| — a joke that seems extremely funny

wowser |ˈwaʊzər| — (Australia, New Zealand, derogatory) One with strong moral views against excessive consumption of alcohol, gambling, pornography, etc., who seeks to promulgate those views.

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