English dictionary


zeal |ziːl| — a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)

zealot |ˈzelət| — a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first century who fought to the death against the Romans and who killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romans

zealotry |ˈzelətrɪ| — excessive intolerance of opposing views

zealous |ˈzeləs| — marked by active interest and enthusiasm

zebra |ˈziːbrə| — any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines

zebu |ˈziːbuː| — domesticated ox having a humped back and long horns and a large dewlap; used chiefly as a draft animal in India and east Asia

zed |ˈzed| — the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet

zee |ˈziː| — the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet

Zeitgeist |ˈzaɪtɡaɪst| — the spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation

zemindar |ˈzemɪndɑː| — Alternative spelling of zamindar.

Zen |zen| — school of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith; China and Japan

zenana |zeˈnɑːnə| — A harem on the Indian subcontinent; a part of the house reserved for high-caste women; a system of segregating women into harems.

Zend |zend| — an ancient Iranian language

Zend-Avesta |ˌzendəˈvestə| — a collection of Zoroastrian texts gathered during the 4th or 6th centuries

zenith |ˈzenɪθ| — the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected

zenithal |ˈzenɪθəl| — relating to or located at or near the zenith

zeolite |ˈziːəˌlaɪt| — any of a family of glassy minerals analogous to feldspar containing hydrated aluminum silicates of calcium or sodium or potassium; formed in cavities in lava flows and in plutonic rocks

zephyr |ˈzefər| — a slight wind (usually refreshing)

Zeppelin |ˈzepəlɪn| — German inventor who designed and built the first rigid motorized dirigible (1838-1917)

zero |ˈzɪrəʊ| — a quantity of no importance

zero-gravity |ˈzɪərəʊˌɡrævɪtɪ| — The state of apparent weightlessness which occurs in a very low gravity field, or in free fall.

zero-sum |ˈzɪərəʊ ˌsʌm| — Of any system where all gains are offset by exactly equal losses.

zest |zest| — vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

zetetic |zəˈtedɪk| — (rare) Seeking; proceeding by inquiry.

zeugma |ˈzuːɡmə| — use of a verb with two or more complements, playing on the verb's polysemy, for humorous effect

Zeus |ˈzuːs| — (Greek mythology) the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology; son of Rhea and Cronus whom he dethroned; husband and brother of Hera; brother of Poseidon and Hades; father of many gods; counterpart of Roman Jupiter

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