Role - definition, pronunciation, transcription
- what something is used for (syn: function, purpose, use)
- normal or customary activity of a person in a particular social setting
Extra examples
He plays the role of the villain.
She was given the starring role.
I had a minor role in the play.
After her husband left her, she had to take on the dual role of mother and father for her children.
She likes to play the role of matchmaker with her friends.
She challenged the traditional roles assigned to women.
We'll switch roles this time, and you can wash the dishes while I dry them.
It was a case of role reversal: the father stayed home with the children while the mother worked.
Everyone had a role in the show's success.
Scientists can also play a role in improving energy efficiency in their laboratories.
Parents play an important role in their child's learning.
His interest in education was reflected in his active role in founding University College, Liverpool.
The state has a dual role: to support business on the one hand and to be the guardian of social welfare on the other.
Matthews plays the role of a young doctor suspected of murder.
Costner only plays a minor role in the movie.
Word forms
singular: role
plural: roles
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