Travelled - definition, pronunciation, transcription

Amer.  |ˈtrævld|  American pronunciation of the word travelled
Brit.  |ˈtræv(ə)ld|  British pronunciation of the word travelled
- this word is a past tense form of the verbto travel
- this word is a past participle form of the verbto travel


- familiar with many parts of the world (syn: traveled)

Extra examples

She travelled incognita, of course.

The lad who travelled post-haste to bring the news.

He travelled by rail to his home town.

His eyes travelled over the picture.

His mind travelled over recent events.

He travelled in whisky.

They travelled to Chicago by train.

We never travelled abroad when we were kids.

Some members travelled a considerable distance to attend the meeting.

He travelled throughout Latin America drumming up support for the confederation.

He's travelled everywhere in Europe.

As a student, he travelled extensively in the Middle East.

He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life.

We had travelled a fair way (=quite a long distance) by lunch time.

My sister was the one who travelled farthest.

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