Heighten - परिभाषा (अनुवाद), उच्चारण, प्रतिलिपि

Amer.  |ˈhaɪtn|  American pronunciation of the word heighten
Brit.  |ˈhaɪt(ə)n|  British pronunciation of the word heighten


- अधिक चरम हो जानाEd (syn: rise)
The tension heightened
- अधिक चरम बनाओ; Ed
heightened interest
- बढ़नाEd (syn: enhance, raise)
heighten the tension
- की ऊंचाई बढ़ाते हैंEd
The athletes kept jumping over the steadily heightened bars
- बनाना (किसी के होश) अधिक तीव्रEd (syn: sharpen)
- अधिक गहन, मजबूत, या अधिक चिह्नित करेंEd (syn: compound, deepen, intensify)
Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness

Matrix of words


- बढ़ानाincrease, amplify, magnify, raise, elongate, heighten
- ऊंचा करनाhoist, heighten, subtilize, put up, gentle, take up
- बढ़ाके दिखानाheighten, overact, overcolour, overcolor, blow up
- अत्युक्ति करनाovercolor, heighten, overact, pile it on, overcolour
- बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर बयान करनाheighten, overact, pile on, overcolour, overcolor
- उठानाincur, bear, raising, heighten, Conveyance, heft
- चमकानाIrradiate, heighten, furbish, glitter, garnishing, illume
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