Along - traducción, pronunciación, transcripción
- con un movimiento hacia adelanteEd (syn: on)
we drove along admiring the view
the horse trotted along at a steady pace
move along
- en acompañamiento o como acompañanteEdthe horse trotted along at a steady pace
move along
His little sister came along to the movies
I brought my camera along
working along with his father
- a un estado más avanzadoEdI brought my camera along
working along with his father
the work is moving along
well along in their research
hurrying their education along
getting along in years
- además (generalmente seguido de 'con')Edwell along in their research
hurrying their education along
getting along in years
we sent them food and some clothing went along in the package
along with the package came a bill
consider the advantages along with the disadvantages
- en línea con una longitud o dirección (a menudo seguida de "por" o "al lado")Edalong with the package came a bill
consider the advantages along with the disadvantages
pass the word along
ran along beside me
cottages along by the river
ran along beside me
cottages along by the river
Matrix of words
- a lo largo de
— along,
- por — by, for, per, to, through, along
- según — according to, by, in accordance with, depending on, to, along
- por — by, for, per, to, through, along
- según — according to, by, in accordance with, depending on, to, along
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