English dictionary


clabber |ˈklabər| — raw milk that has soured and thickened

clack |klæk| — a sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeated

clad |klæd| — having an outer covering especially of thin metal

claim |kleɪm| — an assertion of a right (as to money or property)

claimant |ˈkleɪmənt| — someone who claims a benefit or right or title

claiming |ˈkleɪmɪŋ| — Present participle of claim.

clairvoyance |klerˈvɔɪəns| — apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses

clairvoyant |klerˈvɔɪənt| — someone who has the power of clairvoyance

clam |klæm| — burrowing marine mollusk living on sand or mud; the shell closes with viselike firmness

clamant |klæmənt| — conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry

clamber |ˈklæmbər| — an awkward climb

clamberer  — A person who clambers

clamminess |ˈklæmɪnɪs| — unpleasant wetness

clammy |ˈklæmɪ| — unpleasantly cool and humid

clamor |ˈklæmər| — a loud harsh or strident noise

clamorous |ˈklæmərəs| — conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry

clamorously |ˈklæmərlɪ| — in manner that attracts attention

clamour |ˈklæmər| — loud and persistent outcry from many people

clamp |klæmp| — a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together

clamp down |ˈklæmp ˈdaʊn| — repress or suppress (something regarded as undesirable)

clamshell |ˈklæmʃel| — the shell of a clam

clan |klæn| — group of people related by blood or marriage

clandestine |klænˈdestɪn| — conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

clang |klæŋ| — a loud resonant repeating noise

clanger |ˈklæŋər| — a conspicuous mistake whose effects seem to reverberate

clangor  — a loud resonant repeating noise

clangour |ˈklæŋɡər| — a loud resonant repeating noise

clank |klæŋk| — a loud resonant repeating noise

clanks |klæŋks| — plural form of clank

clannish |ˈklænɪʃ| — characteristic of a clan especially in being unified

clannishness  — tendency to associate with only a select group

clanship |ˈklænʃɪp| — The state of being united together, as if in a clan; an association under a chieftain.

clansman |ˈklænzmən| — a member of a clan

clap |klæp| — a sudden very loud noise

clap on |ˈklæp ɑːn| — apply carelessly

clap up |ˈklæp ʌp| — make hastily and carelessly

clap-net |ˈklæpnet| — A net for catching birds, made to close or clap together.

clapboard |ˈklæbərd| — a long thin board with one edge thicker than the other; used as siding by lapping one board over the board below

clapper |ˈklæpər| — someone who applauds

clapperclaw |ˈklæpʌrˌklɔː| — claw with the nails

clapping |ˈklæpɪŋ| — a demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together

claptrap |ˈklæptræp| — pompous or pretentious talk or writing

claque |klæk| — a group of followers hired to applaud at a performance

claqueur |klaˈkər| — One of the claque employed to applaud at a theatre.

clarence |ˈklerəns| — a closed carriage with four wheels and seats for four passengers

clarendon |ˈklerəndən| — A surname​.

claret |ˈklærət| — a dark purplish-red color

clarification |ˌklærəfɪˈkeɪʃn| — an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding

clarify |ˈklærəfaɪ| — make clear and (more) comprehensible

clarifying |ˈklerəˌfaɪɪŋ| — that makes clear

clarinet |ˌklærəˈnet| — a single-reed instrument with a straight tube

clarinettist |ˌklærɪˈnetɪst| — a musician who plays the clarinet

clarion |ˈklerɪən| — a medieval brass instrument with a clear shrill tone

clarionet |klæriːəˈnet| — A clarinet.

clarity |ˈklærətɪ| — free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression

clary |ˈklerɪ| — aromatic herb of southern Europe; cultivated in Great Britain as a potherb and widely as an ornamental

clash |klæʃ| — a loud resonant repeating noise

clasp |klæsp| — a fastener (as a buckle or hook) that is used to hold two things together

clasp-knife |ˈklæsp naɪf| — Alternative spelling of clasp-knife.

class |klæs| — a collection of things sharing a common attribute

class-conscious |klæs ˈkɒnʃəs| — (used of society) socially hierarchical

classic |ˈklæsɪk| — a creation of the highest excellence

classical |ˈklæsɪkl| — traditional genre of music conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste

classically |ˈklæsɪklɪ| — in the manner of Greek and Roman culture

classicism |ˈklæsɪsɪzəm| — a movement in literature and art during the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe that favored rationality and restraint and strict forms

classicize |ˈklæsɪˌsaɪz| — make classic or classical

classics |ˈklæsɪks| — study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome

classification |ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn| — the act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type

classificatory  — relating to or involving classification

classified |ˈklæsɪfaɪd| — a short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same type

classify |ˈklæsɪfaɪ| — arrange or order by classes or categories

classless |ˈklæsləs| — favoring social equality

classman |ˈklɑːsmæn| — A member of a class; a classmate.

classmate |ˈklæsmeɪt| — an acquaintance that you go to school with

classroom |ˈklæsruːm| — a room in a school where lessons take place

classy |ˈklæsɪ| — elegant and fashionable

clastic |ˈklastɪk| — of or belonging to or being a rock composed of fragments of older rocks (e.g., conglomerates or sandstone)

clatter |ˈklætər| — a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement)

clause |klɔːz| — (grammar) an expression including a subject and predicate functioning as a part of a complex sentence

claustral |ˈklɔːstr(ə)l| — Of or pertaining to a cloister.

clave |ˈkleɪv| — (archaic) simple past tense and past participle of cleave

clavichord |ˈklævɪkɔːrd| — an early stringed instrument like a piano but with more delicate sound

clavicle |ˈklævɪkl| — bone linking the scapula and sternum

clavicular |kləˈvɪkjʊlər| — Of, or relating to the clavicle.

clavier |kləˈvɪr| — a bank of keys on a musical instrument

claw |klɔː| — sharp curved horny process on the toe of a bird or some mammals or reptiles

claw-hammer |ˈklɔːrhæmər| — Any size hammer with 2 prongs protruding back from the head to allow for removing nails from wood.

claws |ˈklɒz| — plural form of claw

clay |kleɪ| — a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired

clayey |ˈkleɪɪ| — (used of soil) compact and fine-grained

clayish  — Resembling clay.

claymore |ˈkleɪmɔːr| — a large double-edged broadsword; formerly used by Scottish Highlanders

clayware  — ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln

clean |kliːn| — a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead

clean out |ˈkliːn ˈaʊt| — empty completely

clean up |ˈkliːn ʌp| — put (things or places) in order

clean-cut |kliːn ˈkʌt| — neat and smart in appearance

clean-handed |ˈkliːnˈhændɪd| — free from evil or guilt

clean-limbed |kliːn ˈlɪmd| — having well-proportioned limbs

clean-living |kliːn ˈlɪvɪŋ| — morally pure

clean-shaven |kliːn ˈʃeɪvən| — closely shaved recently

clean-up |ˈkliːn ʌp| — To make an area or a thing clean; to pick up a mess; to tidy.

cleaned |ˈkliːnd| — simple past tense and past participle of clean

cleaner |ˈkliːnər| — a preparation used in cleaning something

cleaners |ˈkliːnərz| — shop where dry cleaning is done

cleaning |ˈkliːnɪŋ| — the act of making something clean

cleanliness |ˈklenlɪnəs| — the habit of keeping free of superficial imperfections

cleanly |ˈkliːnlɪ| — smoothly and without difficulty; precisely and deftly

cleanness |ˈkliːnnəs| — the state of being clean; without dirt or other impurities

cleanse |klenz| — clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing

cleansed |ˈklenzd| — simple past tense and past participle of cleanse

cleanser |ˈklenzər| — a preparation used in cleaning something

cleansing |ˈklenzɪŋ| — the act of making something clean

cleanup |ˈkliːˌnəp| — a very large profit

clear |klɪr| — the state of being free of suspicion

clear away |ˈklɪr əˈweɪ| — remove from sight

clear off |ˈklɪr ˈɒf| — remove from sight

clear out |ˈklɪr ˈaʊt| — move out and leave nothing behind

clear up |ˈklɪr ʌp| — make clear and (more) comprehensible

clear-cut |ˈklɪ(ə)r ˈˌkət| — remove all the trees at one time

clear-headed |klɪə ˈhedɪd| — Alternative spelling of clearheaded.

clear-sighted |ˌklɪr ˈsaɪtəd| — having sharp clear vision

clearance |ˈklɪrəns| — the distance by which one thing clears another; the space between them

clearcole |ˈkliːrˌkəʊl| — A primer (for paint) containing white lead

clearing |ˈklɪrɪŋ| — a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area

clearing-house |ˈklɪrɪŋ haʊs| — A central point where clearing banks exchange checks etc and settle accounts

clearinghouse |ˈklɪrɪŋˌhɑːws| — Alternative spelling of clearing house.

clearly |ˈklɪrlɪ| — without doubt or question

clearness |ˈklɪrnəs| — free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression

clearstarch |ˈkliːrˌstɑːrtʃ| — To stiffen with starch, and then make clear by clapping with the hands.

clearstory |kliːrˌstɔːriː| — part of an interior wall rising above the adjacent roof with windows admitting light

clearway |ˈklɪrweɪ| — a road on which you are not allowed to stop (unless you have a breakdown)

cleat |kliːt| — a metal or leather projection (as from the sole of a shoe); prevents slipping

cleavage |ˈkliːvɪdʒ| — the state of being split or cleft

cleave |kliːv| — separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument

cleaver |ˈkliːvər| — a butcher's knife having a large square blade

cleavers |ˈkliːvəz| — annual having the stem beset with curved prickles; North America and Europe and Asia

clef |klef| — a musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it

cleft |kleft| — a split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin)

cleg |kleɡ| — large swift fly the female of which sucks blood of various animals

cleistogamous  — exhibiting or relating to cleistogamy

cleistogamy |klaɪˈstɒɡəmɪ| — the production of small nonopening self-pollinating flowers

clem |ˈklem| — (intransitive) To be hungry.

clematis |ˈklemətɪs| — any of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy flowers

clemency |ˈklemənsɪ| — good weather with comfortable temperatures

clement |ˈklemənt| — (of weather or climate) physically mild

clench |klentʃ| — a small slip noose made with seizing

clepsydra |ˈklepsədrə| — clock that measures time by the escape of water

cleptomania  — Dated form of kleptomania.

cleptomaniac  — Alternative spelling of kleptomaniac.

clerestory |ˈklɪrstɔːrɪ| — part of an interior wall rising above the adjacent roof with windows admitting light

clergy |ˈklɜːrdʒɪ| — in Christianity, clergymen collectively (as distinguished from the laity)

clergyman |ˈklɜːrdʒɪmən| — a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church

cleric |ˈklerɪk| — a clergyman or other person in religious orders

clerical |ˈklerɪkl| — appropriate for or engaged in office work

clericalism |ˈklerɪkəˌlɪzəm| — a policy of supporting the influence and power of the clergy in secular or political matters

clericalist |ˈklerɪkəlɪst| — one who advocates clericalism

clerihew |ˈklerɪhjuː| — a witty satiric verse containing two rhymed couplets and mentioning a famous person

clerk |klɜːrk| — an employee who performs clerical work (e.g., keeps records or accounts)

clerkly |ˈklɜːrkliː| — Of clerks; befitting a clerk.

clerkship |ˈklɜːrkʃɪp| — the job of clerk

clever |ˈklevər| — showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others

cleverly |ˈklevərlɪ| — in a clever manner

cleverness |ˈklevərnəs| — the power of creative imagination

clevis |ˈklevəs| — a coupler shaped like the letter U with holes through each end so a bolt or pin can pass through the holes to complete the coupling; used to attach a drawbar to a plow or wagon or trailer etc.

clew |kluː| — a ball of yarn or cord or thread

clewline |ˈkluːlaɪn| — (nautical) Outermost of the ropes with which a square sail is rolled up to the yard

cliche |klɪˈʃeɪ| — a trite or obvious remark

click |klɪk| — a short light metallic sound

clicker |ˈklɪkər| — (slang) The remote-control device used to change settings on a television set, VCR, or other electronic equipment.

client |ˈklaɪənt| — a person who seeks the advice of a lawyer

clientage |ˈklaɪəntɪdʒ| — relation of a client to a patron

clientele |ˌklaɪənˈtel| — customers collectively

cliff |klɪf| — a steep high face of rock

cliff-hanger |ˈklɪf hæŋər| — Alternative spelling of cliffhanger.

climacteric |klaɪˈmæktərɪk| — a period in a man's life corresponding to menopause

climactic |klaɪˈmæktɪk| — consisting of or causing a climax

climate |ˈklaɪmət| — the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time

climatic |klaɪˈmætɪk| — of or relating to a climate

climatology |ˌklaɪməˈtɑːlədʒɪ| — meteorology of climates and their phenomena

climax |ˈklaɪmæks| — the highest point of anything conceived of as growing or developing or unfolding

climb |klaɪm| — an upward slope or grade (as in a road)

climb down |ˈklaɪm ˈdaʊn| — come down

climb-down |ˈklaɪm daʊn| — a retraction of a previously held position

climber |ˈklaɪmər| — a vine or climbing plant that readily grows up a support or over other plants

climbers |ˈklaɪmərz| — plural form of climber

climbing |ˈklaɪmɪŋ| — an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)

clime |klaɪm| — the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time

clinch |klɪntʃ| — (boxing) the act of one boxer holding onto the other to avoid being hit and to rest momentarily

clincher |ˈklɪntʃər| — an argument that is conclusive

cling |klɪŋ| — fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit

clinging |ˈklɪŋɪŋ| — Present participle of cling.

clingstone |ˈklɪŋˌstəʊn| — fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit

clingy |ˈklɪŋiː| — Having a tendency to cling.

clinic |ˈklɪnɪk| — a medical establishment run by a group of medical specialists

clinical |ˈklɪnɪkl| — scientifically detached; unemotional

clinically |ˈklɪnɪklɪ| — in a clinical manner

clinician |klɪˈnɪʃn| — a practitioner (of medicine or psychology) who does clinical work instead of laboratory experiments

clink |klɪŋk| — a short light metallic sound

clinker |ˈklɪŋkər| — a fragment of incombustible matter left after a wood or coal or charcoal fire

clinker-built |ˈklɪŋkə bɪlt| — having overlapping hull planks

clinking |ˈklɪŋkɪŋ| — like the light sharp ringing sound of glasses being tapped

clinkstone |ˈklɪŋkˌstəʊn| — phonolite

clinometer |klaɪˈnɑːmɪtər| — an instrument used by surveyors in order to measure an angle of inclination or elevation

clip |klɪp| — a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun

clipboard |ˈklɪpbɔːrd| — a small writing board with a clip at the top for holding papers

clipped |klɪpt| — cut or trimmed by clipping

clipper |ˈklɪpər| — (electronics) a nonlinear electronic circuit whose output is limited in amplitude; used to limit the instantaneous amplitude of a waveform (to clip off the peaks of a waveform)

clippers |ˈklɪpərz| — plural form of clipper

clippie |ˈklɪpiː| — (UK, informal) A bus conductress.

clipping |ˈklɪpɪŋ| — an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine

clique |kliːk| — an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

cliquey |ˈkliːkɪ| — Having the characteristics of a clique

cliquishness  — tendency to associate with only a select group

cliquism  — The tendency to associate in cliques; the spirit of cliques.

cliquy |ˈkliːkɪ| — Alternative spelling of cliquey.

clitoris |ˈklɪtərɪs| — a female sexual organ homologous to the penis

clivers |ˈklɪvərz| — annual having the stem beset with curved prickles; North America and Europe and Asia

cloaca |kləʊˈeɪkə| — (zoology) the cavity (in birds, reptiles, amphibians, most fish, and monotremes but not mammals) at the end of the digestive tract into which the intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts open

cloak |kləʊk| — anything that covers or conceals

cloak-and-dagger |ˈkləʊkənˈdæɡʌr| — conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

cloaking |ˈkləʊkɪŋ| — Present participle of cloak.

cloakroom |ˈkləʊkruːm| — a private lounge off of a legislative chamber

clobber |ˈklɑːbər| — informal terms for personal possessions

cloche |kləʊʃ| — a low transparent cover put over young plants to protect them from cold

clock |klɑːk| — a timepiece that shows the time of day

clock off |ˈklɑːk ˈɒf| — register one's departure from work

clock-face |ˈklɒk feɪs| — The surface of a clock that contains the dial and hands.

clocking |ˈklɒkɪŋ| — the time taken to traverse a measured course

clockwise |ˈklɑːkwaɪz| — in the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock

clockwork |ˈklɑːkwɜːrk| — any mechanism of geared wheels that is driven by a coiled spring; resembles the works of a mechanical clock

clod |klɑːd| — a compact mass

cloddish |ˈklɑːdɪʃ| — heavy and dull and stupid

clodhopper |ˈklɑːdhɑːpər| — a thick and heavy shoe

clodpoll  — Alternative form of clodpole.

clog |klɑːɡ| — footwear usually with wooden soles

cloggy |ˈklɒɡɪ| — (used of soil) compact and fine-grained

cloisonne |ˌklɔɪzəˈneɪ| — enamelware in which colored areas are separated by thin metal strips

cloister |ˈklɔɪstər| — residence that is a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery)

cloistered |ˈklɔɪstərd| — of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows

cloisterer |ˈklɔɪstərə| — One belonging to, or living in, a cloister; a recluse.

cloistral |klɔɪstrəl| — of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows

cloistress |ˈklɔɪstrɪs| — (obsolete) A nun.

clone |kləʊn| — a person who is almost identical to another

cloning |ˈkləʊnɪŋ| — a general term for the research activity that creates a copy of some biological entity (a gene or organism or cell)

clonk |klɑːŋk| — The abrupt sound of two hard objects coming into contact.

clonus |ˈkləʊnəs| — convulsion characterized by alternating contractions and relaxations

clop |klɑːp| — the sound of a horse's hoofs hitting on a hard surface

close |kləʊz| — the temporal end; the concluding time

close down |ˈkləʊz daʊn| — cease to operate or cause to cease operating

close in |kləʊz ɪn| — advance or converge on

close up |ˈkləʊs ʌp| — cease to operate or cause to cease operating

close-down |ˈkləʊz daʊn| — (intransitive) To stop trading as a business.

close-fitting |ˌkləʊs ˈfɪtɪŋ| — fitting closely but comfortably

close-grained |kləʊs ˈɡreɪnd| — dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells

close-hauled |kləʊs ˈhɔːld| — having the sails trimmed for sailing as close to the wind as possible

close-in |ˈkləʊsɪn| — To enclose, lock up inside something.

close-knit |ˌkləʊs ˈnɪt| — held together as by social or cultural ties

close-out |ˈkləʊsˈaʊt| — to terminate; to call the end of.

close-stool |ˈkləʊzˌstuːl| — (historical) A chamber pot enclosed in a stool or box; a commode.

close-up |ˈkləʊs ʌp| — (film) A video or film recording made with the camera positioned close to an actor, often so that only the head or face is visible.

closed |kləʊzd| — requiring union membership

closedown |ˈkləʊzdaʊn| — termination of operations

closely |ˈkləʊslɪ| — in a close relation or position in time or space

closeness |ˈkləʊsnəs| — a feeling of being intimate and belonging together

closeout |ˈkləʊzaʊt| — a sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock

closer |ˈkləʊzə| — a person who closes something

closest |ˈkləʊsəst| — (superlative of `near' or `close') within the shortest distance

closet |ˈklɑːzət| — a small room (or recess) or cabinet used for storage space

closing |ˈkləʊzɪŋ| — the act of closing something

closing-time |ˈkləʊzɪŋtaɪm| — Used other than as an idiom: see closing,‎ time.

closure |ˈkləʊʒər| — approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap

clot |klɑːt| — a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid

cloth |klɔːθ| — artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers

clothe |kləʊð| — provide with clothes or put clothes on

clothes |kləʊðz| — clothing in general

clothes-brush |ˈkləʊðzbrʌʃ| — A type of brush designed for dusting and tidying (especially formal) clothes.

clothes-line |ˈkləʊðzlaɪn| — (UK, New Zealand) A cord or wire for hanging washing to dry; a device for the same purpose comprising several such cords or wires and a framework supporting them.

clotheshorse |ˈkləʊðzhɔːs| — a framework on which to hang clothes (as for drying)

clothesline |ˈkləʊzˌlɑɪn| — a cord on which clothes are hung to dry

clothespin  — wood or plastic fastener; for holding clothes on a clothesline

clothier |ˈkləʊðɪər| — a merchant who sells men's clothing

clothing |ˈkləʊðɪŋ| — a covering designed to be worn on a person's body

cloths |ˈklɒθs| — plural form of cloth

clotted |ˈklɑːtəd| — thickened or coalesced in soft thick lumps (such as clogs or clots)

clotting |ˈklɑːtɪŋ| — the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid

cloture |ˈkləʊtʃə| — a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body

cloud |klaʊd| — any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible

cloud over |ˈklaʊd ˈəʊvər| — become covered with clouds

cloud up |ˈklaʊd ʌp| — become covered with clouds

cloud-burst |ˈklaʊdbɜːst| — Alternative spelling of cloudburst.

cloud-cuckoo-land |ˌklaʊd ˈkʊkuː lænd| — an imaginary place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality

cloudberry |ˈklaʊdˌberiː| — creeping raspberry of north temperate regions with yellow or orange berries

cloudburst |ˈklaʊdbɜːrst| — a heavy rain

clouded |ˈklaʊdəd| — made troubled or apprehensive or distressed in appearance

cloudiness |ˈklaʊdɪnəs| — the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds

cloudland |ˈklaʊdland| — fantasy land, dreamland

cloudless |ˈklaʊdləs| — free from clouds

cloudlet |ˈklaʊdlɪt| — A small, or a tiny cloud.

cloudy |ˈklaʊdɪ| — lacking definite form or limits

clough |ˈklaʊ| — (Northern England, US) A ravine.

clout |klaʊt| — a target used in archery

clout-nail |ˈklaʊtneɪl| — (obsolete): A wrought-iron nail heaving a large flat head; -- used for fastening clouts to axletrees, plowshares, etc., also for studding timber, and for various purposes.

clove |kləʊv| — aromatic flower bud of a clove tree; yields a spice

cloven |ˈkləʊvən| — (used of hooves) split, divided

clover |ˈkləʊvər| — a plant of the genus Trifolium

clown |klaʊn| — a rude or vulgar fool

clownery |ˈklaʊnəriː| — The behaviour of a clown; clownishness, tomfoolery.

clownish |ˈklaʊnɪʃ| — like a clown

cloy |klɔɪ| — supply or feed to surfeit

club |klʌb| — a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together

club-foot |ˈklʌbˈfʊt| — Alternative spelling of clubfoot.

club-law |ˈklʌbˈlɔː| — (obsolete) government by violence; lynch law; anarchy

club-shaped |ʃeɪpt| — shaped in the form of the black trefoil or clover leaf on some playing cards

clubbable |ˈkləbəbəl| — inclined to club together

clubber |ˈklʌbər| — One who partakes in clubbing, who frequents nightclubs

clubbing |ˈklʌbɪŋ| — a condition in which the ends of toes and fingers become wide and thick; a symptom of heart or lung disease

clubfoot |ˈklʌbfʊt| — congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle and heel and toes

clubfooted  — having a deformed foot

clubhouse |ˈklʌbhaʊs| — a building that is occupied by a social club

clubman |ˈkləbmən| — (dated) A man who attends a social club.

clubs |ˈkləbz| — third-person singular simple present indicative form of club

clubwoman |ˈklʌbˌwʊmən| — (dated) A woman who is a member of a club.

cluck |klʌk| — the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks)

clue |kluː| — a slight indication

clump |klʌmp| — a grouping of a number of similar things

clumsiness |ˈklʌmzɪnəs| — unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training

clumsy |ˈklʌmzɪ| — lacking grace in movement or posture

clung |klʌŋ| — simple past tense of cling

clunk |klʌŋk| — a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)

cluster |ˈklʌstər| — a grouping of a number of similar things

clustering |ˈklʌstərɪŋ| — a grouping of a number of similar things

clutch |klʌtʃ| — the act of grasping

clutches |ˈklʌtʃəz| — the act of grasping

clutter |ˈklʌtər| — a confused multitude of things

Clydesdale |ˈklaɪdzˌdel| — heavy feathered-legged breed of draft horse originally from Scotland

clyster |ˈklɪstər| — an injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes

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