English dictionary


el |el| — angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object)

elaborate |ɪˈlæbərət| — add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing

elaborated |əˈlæbəretəd| — developed or executed with care and in minute detail

elaborately |ɪˈlæbərətlɪ| — with elaboration

elaboration |ɪˌlæbəˈreɪʃn| — addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail

elan |eɪˈlɑːŋ| — a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)

eland |ˈiːlənd| — either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragus having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes

elapse |ɪˈlæps| — pass by

elapsed |əˈlæpst| — (of time) having passed or slipped by

elastic |ɪˈlæstɪk| — a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together

elasticity |iːlaˈstɪsɪtɪ| — the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed

elate |əˈleɪt| — fill with high spirits; fill with optimism

elated |ɪˈleɪtəd| — full of high-spirited delight

elation |ɪˈleɪʃn| — an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression

elbow |ˈelbəʊ| — hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped

elbow-chair |ˈelbəʊˈtʃeə| — A chair with long armrests for the elbows.

elbow-grease |ˈelbəʊɡriːs| — (idiomatic) Effort or hard work, especially physical work involving repeated motion of the forearm, such as scrubbing.

elbow-room |ˈelbəʊrʊm| — (idiomatic) Room or space in which to move or maneuver.

eld |eld| — a late time of life

elder |ˈeldər| — a person who is older than you are

elderberry |ˈeldərberɪ| — a common shrub with black fruit or a small tree of Europe and Asia; fruit used for wines and jellies

elderly |ˈeldərlɪ| — people who are old collectively

elders |ˈeldərz| — plural form of elder

eldest |ˈeldɪst| — the offspring who came first in the order of birth

eldritch |ˈeldrɪtʃ| — suggesting the operation of supernatural influences

elecampane |ˌeləkæmˈpeɪn| — tall coarse Eurasian herb having daisylike yellow flowers with narrow petals whose rhizomatous roots are used medicinally

elect |ɪˈlekt| — an exclusive group of people

elected |əˈlektəd| — subject to popular election

election |ɪˈlekʃn| — a vote to select the winner of a position or political office

electioneer |əˌlekʃəˈnɪr| — work actively for a political candidate or a party

electioneering |əˌlekʃəˈnɪrɪŋ| — persuasion of voters in a political campaign

elections |əˈlekʃənz| — plural form of election

elective |ɪˈlektɪv| — a course that the student can select from among alternatives

elector |ɪˈlektər| — a citizen who has a legal right to vote

electoral |ɪˈlektərəl| — relating to or composed of electors

electorate |ɪˈlektərət| — the body of enfranchised citizens; those qualified to vote

electorial  — electoral

electric |ɪˈlektrɪk| — a car that is powered by electricity

electrical |ɪˈlektrɪkl| — relating to or concerned with electricity

electrically |ɪˈlektrɪklɪ| — by electricity

electrician |ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn| — a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines

electricity |ɪˌlekˈtrɪsətɪ| — a physical phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electrons and protons

electricize  — To electrify.

electrification |ɪˌlektrɪfɪˈkeɪʃn| — the activity of thrilling or markedly exciting some person or group

electrified |əˈlektrəˌfaɪd| — Powered by electricity.

electrify |ɪˈlektrɪfaɪ| — excite suddenly and intensely

electrifying |əˈlektrəˌfaɪɪŋ| — causing a surge of emotion or excitement

electrization |ɪˌlektrɪˈzeɪʃən| — electrification

electrize |ɪˈlektraɪz| — To electrify

electrized  — simple past tense and past participle of electrize

electrizing  — Present participle of electrize.

electro |ɪˈlektrəʊ| — (uncountable, music) An electronic style of hip hop; electrofunk

electrocardiogram |ɪˌlektrəʊˈkɑːrdɪəʊɡræm| — a graphical recording of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrocardiograph

electrochemical |ɪˌlektrəʊˈkemɪkəl| — of or involving electrochemistry

electrochemistry |ɪˌlektrəʊˈkemɪstrɪ| — branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of electricity and the production of electricity by chemical reactions

electrocute |ɪˈlektrəkjuːt| — kill by electric shock

electrocution |ɪˌlektrəˈkjuːʃn| — execution by electricity

electrode |ɪˈlektrəʊd| — a conductor used to make electrical contact with some part of a circuit

electrodynamics |ɪˌlektrəʊdaɪˈnæmɪks| — (physics) The phenomena associated with moving electric charges, and their interaction with electric and magnetic fields; the study of these phenomena.

electrokinetics |ɪˌlektrəʊkɪˈnetɪks| — (physics) the electrodynamics of electrical circuits

electrolier |əˌlektrəˈlɪr| — A fixture, usually hanging from the ceiling, for holding electric lamps.

electrolyse |ɪˈlektrəˌlaɪz| — Alternative spelling of electrolyze.

electrolysis |ɪˌlekˈtrɑːləsɪs| — (chemistry) a chemical decomposition reaction produced by passing an electric current through a solution containing ions

electrolyte |ɪˈlektrəlaɪt| — a solution that conducts electricity

electrolyze  — To decompose by means of, or as a result of electrolysis

electromagnet |ɪˈlektrəʊmæɡnət| — a temporary magnet made by coiling wire around an iron core; when current flows in the coil the iron becomes a magnet

electromagnetic |ɪˌlektrəʊmæɡˈnetɪk| — pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion

electromechanical |ɪlektrəmɪˈkænɪkl| — of or relating to or involving an electrically operated mechanical device

electrometallurgy |ɪˌlektrəʊˈmetˌlɜːrdʒiː| — The deposit of a metal coating on a prepared surface by electrochemical means, as in electroplating and electrotyping.

electrometer |ˌɪlekˈtrɑːmɪtər| — meter to measure electrostatic voltage differences; draws no current from the source

electromotive |ɪˌlektrəˈməʊtɪv| — concerned with or producing electric current

electromotor |ɪˌlektrəˈməʊtər| — (physics) Any device that generates electricity

electron |ɪˈlektrɑːn| — an elementary particle with negative charge

electron-volt |vəʊlt| — (physics) A unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles; the energy equal to that attained by an electron moving through a potential difference of one volt. Equivalent to 1.6022 x 10-19 joules.

electronegative |əˌlektrəˈneɡədɪv| — having a negative charge

electronic |ɪˌlekˈtrɑːnɪk| — of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons

electronically |ɪˌlekˈtrɑːnɪklɪ| — by electronic means

electronics |ɪˌlekˈtrɑːnɪks| — the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices

electropathy |ɪlekˈtrɒpəθɪ| — (medicine) The treatment of disease by electricity.

electrophone |ɪˈlektrəˌfəʊn| — (music) any instrument designed to create sounds using electrical currents

electroplate |ɪˈlektrəpleɪt| — any artifact that has been plated with a thin coat of metal by electrolysis

electroplating |əˈlektrəˌpletɪŋ| — Present participle of electroplate.

electropositive |ɪˌlektrəˈpɑːzɪtɪv| — having a positive charge

electroscope |ɪˈlektrəˌskəʊp| — measuring instrument that detects electric charge; two gold leaves diverge owing to repulsion of charges with like sign

electrostatic |ɪˌlektrəʊˈstætɪk| — concerned with or producing or caused by static electricity

electrostatics |ɪˌlektrəʊˈstætɪks| — the branch of physics that deals with static electricity

electrotherapy |ɪˌlektrəʊˈθerəpiː| — the therapeutic application of electricity to the body (as in the treatment of various forms of paralysis)

electrotype |ɪˈlektrəˌtaɪp| — a plate, made by electroplating a mold, such as used in letterpress printing

electuary |ɪˈlektʃuːˌeriː| — (medicine) Any preparation of a medicine mixed with honey or similar in order to make it more palatable to swallow.

eleemosynary |ˌelɪiːˈmɒsɪnərɪ| — generous in assistance to the poor

elegance |ˈelɪɡəns| — a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste

elegancy |ˈeləɡənsiː| — Alternative form of elegance.

elegant |ˈelɪɡənt| — suggesting taste, ease, and wealth

elegantly |ˈelɪɡəntlɪ| — with elegance; in a tastefully elegant manner

elegiac |ˌelɪˈdʒaɪək| — expressing sorrow often for something past

elegiacal  — elegiac; expressing sorrow.

elegize |ˈelɪdʒaɪz| — compose an elegy

elegy |ˈelədʒɪ| — a mournful poem; a lament for the dead

element |ˈelɪmənt| — an abstract part of something

elemental |ˌelɪˈmentl| — of or being the essential or basic part

elementary |ˌelɪˈmentrɪ| — easy and not involved or complicated

elements |ˈelɪmənts| — violent or severe weather (viewed as caused by the action of the four elements)

elephant |ˈelɪfənt| — five-toed pachyderm

elephantiasis |ˌelɪfənˈtaɪəsɪs| — hypertrophy of certain body parts (usually legs and scrotum); the end state of the disease filariasis

elephantine |ˌelɪˈfæntiːn| — of great mass; huge and bulky

elevate |ˈelɪveɪt| — give a promotion to or assign to a higher position

elevated |ˈelɪveɪtɪd| — a railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level

elevating |ˈeləˌvetɪŋ| — Present participle of elevate.

elevation |ˌelɪˈveɪʃn| — the event of something being raised upward

elevator |ˈelɪveɪtər| — lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building

eleven |ɪˈlevn| — the cardinal number that is the sum of ten and one

elevenses |ɪˈlevnzɪz| — (UK) A snack that is similar to afternoon tea, but eaten in the late morning.

eleventh |ɪˈlevnθ| — position 11 in a countable series of things

elf |elf| — (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous

elfin |ˈelfɪn| — suggestive of an elf in strangeness and otherworldliness

elfish |ˈelfɪʃ| — usually good-naturedly mischievous

elicit |ɪˈlɪsɪt| — call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)

elicitation |ɪˌlɪsɪˈteɪʃən| — stimulation that calls up (draws forth) a particular class of behaviors

elide |ɪˈlaɪd| — leave or strike out

eligibility |ˌelɪdʒəˈbɪlətɪ| — the quality or state of being eligible

eligible |ˈelɪdʒəbl| — qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen

Elijah |eˈlaɪdʒə| — a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament who opposed the worship of idols; he was persecuted for rebuking Ahab and Jezebel (king and queen of Israel); he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire (circa 9th century BC)

eliminable  — able to be eliminated.

eliminate |ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt| — terminate, end, or take out

eliminated |əˈlɪməˌnetəd| — simple past tense and past participle of eliminate

eliminating |əˈlɪməˌnetɪŋ| — Present participle of eliminate.

elimination |ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃn| — the act of removing or getting rid of something

eliminative  — Of, pertaining to, or producing elimination

eliminator |ɪˈlɪməˌneɪtər| — an agent that eliminates something

eliminatory  — Tending to eliminate.

elision |ɪˈlɪʒn| — omission of a sound between two words (usually a vowel and the end of one word or the beginning of the next)

elite |eɪˈliːt| — a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status

elitism |eɪˈliːtɪzəm| — the attitude that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals

elitist |eɪˈliːtɪst| — someone who believes in rule by an elite group

elixir |ɪˈlɪksər| — a sweet flavored liquid (usually containing a small amount of alcohol) used in compounding medicines to be taken by mouth in order to mask an unpleasant taste

Elizabethan |ɪˌlɪzəˈbiːθn| — a person who lived during the reign of Elizabeth I

elk |elk| — large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male; called `elk' in Europe and `moose' in North America

ell |el| — an extension at the end and at right angles to the main building

ellipse |ɪˈlɪps| — a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it

ellipses |ɪˈlɪpsiːz| — plural form of ellipse

ellipsis |ɪˈlɪpsɪs| — omission or suppression of parts of words or sentences

ellipsoid |əˈlɪpsɔɪd| — a surface whose plane sections are all ellipses or circles

elliptic |ɪˈlɪptɪk| — (of a leaf shape) in the form of an ellipse

elliptical |ɪˈlɪptɪkl| — rounded like an egg

elm |elm| — any of various trees of the genus Ulmus: important timber or shade trees

elocution |ˌeləˈkjuːʃn| — an expert manner of speaking involving control of voice and gesture

elocutionist |ˌeləˈkjuːʃənɪst| — a public speaker trained in voice production and gesture and delivery

elongate |ɪˈlɔːŋɡeɪt| — make long or longer by pulling and stretching

elongated |ɪˈlɔːŋˌɡeɪtɪd| — drawn out or made longer spatially

elongation |ˌiːlɔːŋˈɡeɪʃn| — the quality of being elongated

elope |ɪˈləʊp| — run away secretly with one's beloved

elopement |ɪˈləʊpmənt| — the act of running away with a lover (usually to get married)

eloquence |ˈeləkwəns| — powerful and effective language

eloquent |ˈeləkwənt| — expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

eloquently |ˈeləkwəntlɪ| — with eloquence

else |els| — Other; in addition to previously mentioned items.

elsewhere |ˌelsˈwer| — in or to another place

elucidate |ɪˈluːsɪdeɪt| — make clear and (more) comprehensible

elucidating |ɪˈluːsɪdeɪtɪŋ| — Present participle of elucidate.

elucidation |ɪˌluːsɪˈdeɪʃn| — an act of explaining that serves to clear up and cast light on

elucidative |əˈluːsəˌdetɪv| — that makes clear

elucidatory |ɪˈluːsɪdeɪtərɪ| — Serving to elucidate.

elude |ɪˈluːd| — escape, either physically or mentally

elusion |ɪˈluːʒən| — the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)

elusive |ɪˈluːsɪv| — difficult to describe

elusiveness |əˈluːsɪvnəs| — the quality of being difficult to grasp or pin down

elusory |ɪˈluːsəriː| — That tends to elude

elutriate |ɪˈluːtriːˌeɪt| — to decant; to purify something by straining it

eluvium |ɪˈluːviːəm| — Residual deposits of soil, dust, and rock particles produced by the action of the wind.

elver |ˈelvər| — young eel; may be sauteed or batter-fried

elves |elvz| — an acronym for emissions of light and very low frequency perturbations due to electromagnetic pulse sources; extremely bright extremely short (less than a msec) electrical flashes forming a huge ring (up to 400 km diameter) in the ionosphere

elvish |ˈelvɪʃ| — usually good-naturedly mischievous

Elysium |əˈlɪzɪəm| — a place or condition of ideal happiness

elytra |ˈelɪtrə| — plural form of elytron

elytron |ˈelɪˌtrɑːn| — either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings

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