English dictionary


fealty |ˈfiːəltɪ| — the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)

fear |fɪr| — an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)

fear-monger |ˈfɪəˌmʌŋɡə| — Alternative spelling of fearmonger.

feared |ˈfɪrd| — Pertaining to someone or thing that causes great fear in others.

fearful |ˈfɪrfl| — experiencing or showing fear

fearfully |ˈfɪrfəlɪ| — in fear

fearless |ˈfɪrləs| — invulnerable to fear or intimidation

fearlessness |ˈfɪrləsnəs| — feeling no fear

fearnought |ˈfiːrˌnɔːt| — Alternative form of fearnaught.

fearsome |ˈfɪrsəm| — causing fear or dread or terror

feasibility |ˌfiːzəˈbɪlətɪ| — the quality of being doable

feasible |ˈfiːzəbl| — capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are

feasibly |ˈfiːzəblɪ| — in a practicable manner; so as to be feasible

feast |fiːst| — a ceremonial dinner party for many people

feast-day |ˈfiːst deɪ| — a day allocated to a particular saint.

feat |fiːt| — a notable achievement

feather |ˈfeðər| — the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds

feather-bed |ˈfeðəbed| — A featherbed.

feather-brain |ˈfeðəbreɪn| — (derogatory) a feather-brained or stupid person (especially a woman)

feather-brained |ˈfeðəˈbreɪnd| — Foolish or scatterbrained.

feather-headed |ˈfeðəˈhedɪd| — (colloquial) giddy; frivolous; foolish

featherbed |ˈfeðərˌbed| — a mattress stuffed with feathers

featherbrain  — A foolish person.

featherbrained |ˈfeðəbreɪnd| — lacking seriousness; given to frivolity

feathered |ˈfeðərd| — adorned with feathers or plumes

featherhead  — A foolish person.

feathering |ˈfeðərɪŋ| — turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls

featherstitch  — A kind of embroidery stitch made of open, looped stitches worked alternately to the right and left of a central rib.

featherweight |ˈfeðərweɪt| — an amateur boxer who weighs no more than 126 pounds

feathery |ˈfeðərɪ| — resembling or suggesting a feather or feathers

feature |ˈfiːtʃər| — a prominent attribute or aspect of something

feature-length |leŋkθ| — (film) Having the length of a feature film.

featured |ˈfiːtʃərd| — made a feature or highlight; given prominence

featureless |ˈfiːtʃərləs| — lacking distinguishing characteristics or features

features |ˈfiːtʃərz| — third-person singular simple present indicative form of feature

featurette |fiːtʃəˈret| — (film) A relatively short feature film.

febrifuge |ˈfebrəˌfjuːdʒ| — any medicine that lowers body temperature to prevent or alleviate fever

febrile |ˈfiːbraɪl| — of or relating to or characterized by fever

February |ˈfebrʊerɪ| — the month following January and preceding March

fecal |ˈfiːkəl| — of or relating to feces

feces |ˈfɪsɪz| — solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

feckless |ˈfekləs| — not fit to assume responsibility

fecklessly |ˈfeklɪslɪ| — with ineptitude; in an incompetent manner

feculence |ˈfekjʊləns| — something that is feculent

feculent |ˈfekjʊl(ə)nt| — foul with waste matter

fecund |ˈfiːkənd| — capable of producing offspring or vegetation

fecundate |ˈfiːkənˌdeɪt| — make fertile or productive

fecundation  — creation by the physical union of male and female gametes; of sperm and ova in an animal or pollen and ovule in a plant

fecundity |fɪˈkʌndətɪ| — the intellectual productivity of a creative imagination

fed |fed| — any federal law-enforcement officer

fed-up |ˌfed ˈəp| — (idiomatic) Frustrated, annoyed, tired.

federal |ˈfedərəl| — a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War

federalism |ˈfedərəlɪzəm| — the idea of a federal organization of more or less self-governing units

federalist |ˈfedərəlɪst| — a member of a former political party in the United States that favored a strong centralized federal government

federally |ˈfedərəlɪ| — by federal government

federate |ˈfedəreɪt| — enter into a league for a common purpose

federation |ˌfedəˈreɪʃn| — an organization formed by merging several groups or parties

federative |ˈfedərətɪv| — Uniting in a league; forming a confederacy; federal.

fedora |fɪˈdɔːrə| — a hat made of felt with a creased crown

fee |fiː| — a fixed charge for a privilege or for professional services

fee-faw-fum |ˈfiːfɔːˈfʌm| — A nonsensical exclamation attributed to giants and ogres.

feeble |ˈfiːbl| — pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness

feeble-minded |ˌfiːbl ˈmaɪndɪd| — Weak in intellectual power; wanting firmness or constancy; lacking intelligence; irresolute; vacillating; imbecile.

feeble-mindedness  — The quality of being feeble-minded

feebleness |ˈfiːblnəs| — the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)

feed |fiːd| — food for domestic livestock

feed on |ˈfiːd ɑːn| — be sustained by

feedback |ˈfiːdbæk| — the process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input in order to regulate its further output

feedbag |ˈfiːdbæɡ| — a canvas bag that is used to feed an animal (such as a horse); covers the muzzle and fastens at the top of the head

feeder |ˈfiːdər| — an animal being fattened or suitable for fattening

feeding |ˈfɪdɪŋ| — the act of consuming food

feeding-bottle |ˈfiːdɪŋ bɒtəl| — A bottle for feeding milk to babies or to the young of other animals.

feedstock |ˈfiːdstɑːk| — the raw material that is required for some industrial process

feedstuff |ˈfiːdstʌf| — (uncountable) feed for animals; fodder

feel |fiːl| — an intuitive awareness

feeler |ˈfiːlər| — one of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans; typically sensitive to touch and taste

feeling |ˈfiːlɪŋ| — the experiencing of affective and emotional states

feelingly |ˈfiːlɪŋlɪ| — with great feeling

feelings |ˈfiːlɪŋz| — emotional or moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity)

feet |fiːt| — plural form of foot.

feetless  — Without feet.

feeze |fiːz| — a race; a run; a running start, as for a leap

feign |feɪn| — make believe with the intent to deceive

feigned |ˈfeɪnd| — not genuine

feigningly |ˈfeɪnɪŋlɪ| — With feigning or deception.

feint |feɪnt| — any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack)

feist |ˈfaɪst| — a nervous belligerent little mongrel dog

feisty |ˈfaɪstɪ| — showing courage

feldspar |ˈfeldspɑːr| — any of a group of hard crystalline minerals that consist of aluminum silicates of potassium or sodium or calcium or barium

felicitate |fəˈlɪsɪteɪt| — express congratulations

felicitation |fəˌlɪsɪˈteɪʃən| — (usually plural) an expression of pleasure at the success or good fortune of another

felicitous |fəˈlɪsɪtəs| — marked by good fortune

felicitously |fəˈlɪsɪtəslɪ| — in a felicitous manner

felicity |fəˈlɪsətɪ| — pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression)

feline |ˈfiːlaɪn| — any of various lithe-bodied roundheaded fissiped mammals, many with retractile claws

fell |fel| — the dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal)

fella |ˈfelər| — a boy or man

fellah |ˈfelə| — an agricultural laborer in Arab countries

feller |ˈfelər| — a person who fells trees

felling |ˈfelɪŋ| — Present participle of fell.

felloe |ˈfeləʊ| — rim (or part of the rim) into which spokes are inserted

fellow |ˈfeləʊ| — a boy or man

fellow-feeling |ˌfeləʊ ˈfiːlɪŋ| — A sense of sympathy for, consideration of, or shared interests with one or more other human beings.

fellowman  — Alternative spelling of fellow man.

fellowship |ˈfeləʊʃɪp| — an association of people who share common beliefs or activities

felly |ˈfeliː| — rim (or part of the rim) into which spokes are inserted

felo-de-se |ˌfiːləʊ deɪ ˈseɪ| — a person who kills himself intentionally

felon |ˈfelən| — someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime

felonious |fəˈləʊnɪəs| — involving or being or having the nature of a crime

felonry |ˈfelənriː| — felons as a group

felony |ˈfelənɪ| — a serious crime (such as murder or arson)

felspar |ˈfelspɑːrr| — any of a group of hard crystalline minerals that consist of aluminum silicates of potassium or sodium or calcium or barium

felt |felt| — a fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers

felucca |fəˈləkə| — a fast narrow sailing ship of the Mediterranean

female |ˈfiːmeɪl| — an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)

feme |fem| — (law, historical) A woman.

femineity |ˌfemɪˈniːɪtɪ| — The condition of being feminine; femininity

feminine |ˈfemənɪn| — a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to females or to objects classified as female

femininity |ˌfeməˈnɪnətɪ| — the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women

feminism |ˈfemənɪzəm| — a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women

feminist |ˈfemənɪst| — a supporter of feminism

feminize |ˈfemənaɪz| — assume (more) feminine characteristics

femme |fem| — (archaic, rare) A woman, a wife, particularly in heraldry.

femora |ˈfemərə| — plural form of femur

femoral |ˈfemərəl| — of or relating to or near the femur or thigh

femur |ˈfiːmər| — the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton; extends from the pelvis to the knee

fen |fen| — 100 fen equal 1 yuan in China

fence |fens| — a barrier that serves to enclose an area

fence in |ˈfens ɪn| — enclose with a fence

fenced |ˈfenst| — past participle of fence

fenceless |ˈfensləs| — Without a fence; unfenced.

fencer |ˈfensər| — someone skilled at fencing

fencing |ˈfensɪŋ| — a barrier that serves to enclose an area

fend |fend| — try to manage without help

fender |ˈfendər| — a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud

Fenian |ˈfiːnɪən| — (UK, Ireland) An Irish nationalist or republican.

fenland |ˈfenlænd| — low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water

fennel |ˈfenl| — any of several aromatic herbs having edible seeds and leaves and stems

fenny |ˈfeniː| — Characteristic of a fen; marshy, swampy.

fens |fenz| — plural form of fen

fenugreek |ˈfenjʊɡriːk| — annual herb or southern Europe and eastern Asia having off-white flowers and aromatic seeds used medicinally and in curry

feoff |fiːf| — a piece of land held under the feudal system

feoffee |ˈfefiː| — A vassal holding a fief.

feral |ˈferəl| — wild and menacing

feretory |ferɪˈtɔːriː| — a receptacle that houses relics of saints

ferial |ˈfiːriːəl| — of or relating to or being a feria

ferine |ˈfiːraɪn| — wild and menacing

ferity |ˈferɪtiː| — The quality or fact of being wild or in a wild state; wildness, brutishness.

fermata |fɜːrˈmɑːtə| — a musical notation (over a note or chord or rest) that indicates it is to be prolonged by an unspecified amount

ferment |fərˈment| — a state of agitation or turbulent change or development

fermentable |fɜːˈmentəbl| — capable of being fermented

fermentation |ˌfɜːrmenˈteɪʃn| — a state of agitation or turbulent change or development

fermentative  — Of, pertaining to, causing or undergoing fermentation

fermenting |fərˈmentɪŋ| — a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol

fern |fɜːrn| — any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores

fernery |ˈfɜːnərɪ| — A specialized garden for the cultivation and display of ferns.

ferny |ˈfɜːnɪ| — resembling ferns especially in leaf shape

ferocious |fəˈrəʊʃəs| — marked by extreme and violent energy

ferociousness  — the trait of extreme cruelty

ferocity |fəˈrɑːsətɪ| — the property of being wild or turbulent

ferrate |ˈfereɪt| — (inorganic chemistry) The anion FeO42- in which iron is in a +6 formal oxidation state.

ferreous  — Containing or resembling iron.

ferret |ˈferɪt| — musteline mammal of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct

ferret out |ˈferət ˈaʊt| — search and discover through persistent investigation

ferreting |ˈferətɪŋ| — Present participle of ferret.

ferriage |ˈferiːɪdʒ| — (uncountable) Transportation by ferry.

ferric |ˈferɪk| — of or relating to or containing iron

ferriferous |fəˈrɪfərəs| — Containing iron (as in ferriferous rock).

ferroalloy  — any alloy of iron and another metal, especially one of silicon, manganese, chromium, vanadium, tungsten, titanium and molybdenum; used in the production of specialist steels as they have a lower melting point than the pure metal

ferroconcrete |ˌferəʊˈkɒŋkriːt| — concrete with metal and/or mesh added to provide extra support against stresses

ferromagnetic |ˌferəʊmæɡˈnetɪk| — relating to or demonstrating ferromagnetism

ferrotype |ˈferəˌtaɪp| — an early photographic process in which the image is made on an iron plate having a sensitized surface film

ferrous |ˈferəs| — of or relating to or containing iron

ferruginous |fəˈruːdʒɪnəs| — Containing iron.

ferrule |ˈferəl| — a metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting

ferry |ˈferɪ| — a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule

ferry-boat |ˈferɪbəʊt| — Alternative form of ferryboat.

ferryboat |ˈferɪbəʊt| — a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule

ferryman |ˈferɪmən| — a man who operates a ferry

fertile |ˈfɜːrtl| — intellectually productive

fertility |fərˈtɪlətɪ| — the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year

fertilization |ˌfɜːrtələˈzeɪʃn| — creation by the physical union of male and female gametes; of sperm and ova in an animal or pollen and ovule in a plant

fertilize |ˈfɜːrtəlaɪz| — provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to

fertilized |ˈfɜːtəˌlaɪzd| — simple past tense and past participle of fertilize

fertilizer |ˈfɜːrtəlaɪzər| — any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile

ferula |ˈferjʊlə| — A taxonomic genus within the family Apiaceae — many aromatic plants, including asafoetida.

ferule |ˈferəl| — a switch (a stick or cane or flat paddle) used to punish children

fervency |ˈfɜːvənsɪ| — feelings of great warmth and intensity

fervent |ˈfɜːrvənt| — characterized by intense emotion

fervently |ˈfɜːrvəntlɪ| — with passionate fervor

fervid |ˈfɜːrvɪd| — characterized by intense emotion

fervidly |ˈfɜːvɪdlɪ| — with passionate fervor

fervor |ˈfɜːvər| — feelings of great warmth and intensity

fervour |ˈfɜːrvər| — the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up

fescue |ˈfeˌskjuː| — grass with wide flat leaves cultivated in Europe and America for permanent pasture and hay and for lawns

festal |ˈfest(ə)l| — offering fun and gaiety

fester |ˈfestər| — a sore that has become inflamed and formed pus

festival |ˈfestɪvl| — a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration

festive |ˈfestɪv| — offering fun and gaiety

festivities |feˈstɪvətɪz| — plural form of festivity

festivity |feˈstɪvətɪ| — any joyous diversion

festoon |feˈstuːn| — a curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful curves

festschrift |ˈfestʃrɪft| — a collection of writings published in honor of a scholar

fetal |ˈfiːtl| — of or relating to a fetus

fetch |fetʃ| — the action of fetching

fetch up |ˈfetʃ ʌp| — finally be or do something

fetching |ˈfetʃɪŋ| — very attractive; capturing interest

fete |feɪt| — an elaborate party (often outdoors)

fetich |ˈfetɪʃ| — a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

fetid |ˈfetɪd| — offensively malodorous

fetidness  — the attribute of having a strong offensive smell

fetish |ˈfetɪʃ| — a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body

fetishism |ˈfetɪˌʃɪzəm| — a belief in the magical power of fetishes (or the worship of a fetish)

fetishist |ˈfetɪʃɪst| — one who engages in fetishism (especially of a sexual nature)

fetlock |ˈfetlɑːk| — the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern

fetor |ˈfiːtər| — a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant

fetter |ˈfetər| — a shackle for the ankles or feet

fetterless |ˈfetərlɪs| — Without fetters.

fetters |ˈfetərz| — plural form of fetter

fettle |ˈfetl| — a state of fitness and good health

fettler |ˈfetlə| — A person who maintains railway lines.

fetus |ˈfiːtəs| — an unborn or unhatched vertebrate in the later stages of development showing the main recognizable features of the mature animal

feud |fjuːd| — a bitter quarrel between two parties

feudal |ˈfjuːdl| — of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism

feudalism |ˈfjuːdəlɪzəm| — the social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war

feudalist |ˈfjuːdəlɪst| — An advocate or practitioner of feudalism.

feudalistic |ˌfjuːdəˈlɪstɪk| — of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism

feudality |fjuːˈdælɪtiː| — The state or quality of being feudal; feudal form or constitution.

feudalize |ˈfjuːdˌlaɪz| — bring (a country or people) under feudalism

feudatory |ˈfjuːdətərɪ| — a person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord

feuding |ˈfjuːdɪŋ| — Present participle of feud.

feuilletonist  — A writer of feuilletons.

fever |ˈfiːvər| — a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection

fevered |ˈfiːvərd| — highly or nervously excited

feverfew |ˈfiːvərfjuː| — bushy aromatic European perennial herb having clusters of buttonlike white-rayed flower heads; valued traditionally for medicinal uses; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum

feverish |ˈfiːvərɪʃ| — marked by intense agitation or emotion

feverishly |ˈfiːvərɪʃlɪ| — in a feverish manner

feverous |ˈfiːvərəs| — having or affected by a fever

few |fjuː| — a small elite group

fewer |ˈfjuːər| — (comparative of `few' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning a smaller number of

fewness |ˈfjuːnəs| — the quality of being small in number

fey |feɪ| — slightly insane

fez |fez| — a city in north central Morocco; religious center

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