English dictionary


lea |liː| — a unit of length of thread or yarn

leach |liːtʃ| — the process of leaching

lead |liːd| — an advantage held by a competitor in a race

lead off |ˈliːd ɔːf| — teach immoral behavior to

lead on |ˈled ɑːn| — entice or induce especially when unwise or mistaken

lead up |ˈled ʌp| — set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for

lead-in |ˈliːd ɪn| — the introductory section of a story

lead-off |ˈliːd ɔːf| — (baseball) The first batter in the batting order.

leaded |ˈledɪd| — (of panes of glass) fixed in place by means of thin strips of lead

leaden |ˈledn| — darkened with overcast

leader |ˈliːdər| — a person who rules or guides or inspires others

leaderette |ˌliːdəˈret| — (US) a short editorial, or a paragraph in an editorial

leaders |ˈliːdərz| — the body of people who lead a group

leadership |ˈliːdərʃɪp| — the activity of leading

leading |ˈliːdɪŋ| — thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing

leading-strings |ˈliːdɪŋ strɪŋz| — plural form of leading-string

leadline |ˈledlaɪn| — A leash or strap for leading an animal.

leads |ˈliːdz| — plural form of lead

leadsman |ˈledzmən| — (obsolete) lodesman (a leader or guide)

leady  — Resembling lead (the metal).

leaf |liːf| — the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants

leafage |liːˈfɪdʒ| — the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants

leafed |ˈliːft| — having leaves or leaves as specified; often used in combination

leaflet |ˈliːflət| — a thin triangular flap of a heart valve

leafstalk |ˈliːfˌstɔːk| — the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf

leafy |ˈliːfɪ| — having or covered with leaves

league |liːɡ| — an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members

leaguer |ˈliːɡər| — A siege

leak |liːk| — an accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape

leak out |ˈliːk ˈaʊt| — be leaked

leakage |ˈliːkɪdʒ| — the discharge of a fluid from some container

leaky |ˈliːkɪ| — used informally; unable to retain urine

leal |ˈliːl| — faithful and true

lean |liːn| — the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical

lean-to |ˈliːn tuː| — rough shelter whose roof has only one slope

leaning |ˈliːnɪŋ| — an inclination to do something

leanness |ˈliːn nəs| — the quality of being meager

leant |lent| — (chiefly UK) Simple past tense and past participle of lean.

leap |liːp| — a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards

leap-day |ˈliːpdeɪ| — The extra day (currently February 29th in most countries, in Julian calendar February 24th) in a leap year.

leap-frog |ˈliːpfrɑːɡ| — A children's game of lining up, squatting down on all fours, with the person last in line then leaping over each of the others in turn, like a frog and squatting down when at the front of the line.

leap-year |ˈliːp jɜːr| — In the Gregorian calendar, a year having 366 days instead of the usual 365, with the extra day added to compensate for the fact that the Earth rotates approximately 365.25 times for each revolution it makes around the Sun.

leaper  — someone who bounds or leaps (as in competition)

leapfrog |ˈliːpfrɔːɡ| — advancing as if in the child's game, by leaping over obstacles or competitors

leaping |ˈliːpɪŋ| — a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards

leapt |ˈlept| — Simple past tense and past participle of leap.

lear |ˈlɪr| — British artist and writer of nonsense verse (1812-1888)

learn |lɜːrn| — gain knowledge or skills

learned |ˈlɜːrnɪd| — having or showing profound knowledge

learner |ˈlɜːrnər| — someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs

learning |ˈlɜːrnɪŋ| — the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge

learnt |ˈlɜːnt| — (UK, African American Vernacular, alternative in Canada) Simple past tense of learn.

leasable |ˈliːsəbəl| — Able to be leased.

lease |liːs| — property that is leased or rented out or let

leased |ˈliːst| — hired for the exclusive temporary use of a group of travelers

leasehold |ˈliːshəʊld| — land or property held under a lease

leaseholder |ˈliːshəʊldər| — a tenant who holds a lease

leaser |ˈliːsər| — (nonstandard) One who leases or gleans; lessor.

leash |liːʃ| — restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal

leasing |ˈliːsɪŋ| — (archaic) A lie; the act of lying, falsehood.

least |liːst| — something that is of no importance

leastways |ˈliːstweɪz| — if nothing else (`leastwise' is informal and `leastways' is colloquial)

leastwise |ˈliːstwaɪz| — if nothing else (`leastwise' is informal and `leastways' is colloquial)

leather |ˈleðər| — an animal skin made smooth and flexible by removing the hair and then tanning

leatherback |ˈleðərbæk| — wide-ranging marine turtle with flexible leathery carapace; largest living turtle

leathercloth |ˈleðəklɒθ| — A kind of artificial leather.

leatherette |ˌleðəˈret| — fabric made to look like leather

leatherhead |ˈleðəhed| — The friarbird.

leathering |ˈleðərɪŋ| — Present participle of leather.

leatherjacket |ˈleðədʒakɪt| — any of several brightly colored tropical filefishes

leathern |ˈleðən| — (dated) Made of leather.

leatherneck |ˈleðənek| — a member of the United States Marine Corps

leathers |ˈleðərz| — plural form of leather

leathery |ˈleðərɪ| — resembling or made to resemble leather; tough but pliable

leave |liːv| — the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty

leave behind |ˈliːv bəˈhaɪnd| — depart and not take along

leave off |ˈliːv ˈɒf| — come to an end, stop or cease

leave out |ˈliːv ˈaʊt| — prevent from being included or considered or accepted

leave-taking |ˈliːv teɪkɪŋ| — the act of departing politely

leaved |liːvd| — having leaves or leaves as specified; often used in combination

leaven |ˈlevn| — a substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid

leavened |ˈlevənd| — made light by aerating, as with yeast or baking powder; often used as a combining form

leaves |liːvz| — plural form of leaf

leaving |ˈliːvɪŋ| — the act of departing

leavings |ˈliːvɪŋz| — A worthless and incidental residuum, as scraps from a meal or shavings or sawdust from wood.

Lebanese |ˈlebəˌnɪz| — a native or inhabitant of Lebanon

lech |letʃ| — man with strong sexual desires

lecher |ˈletʃər| — man with strong sexual desires

lecherous |ˈletʃərəs| — given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity

lechery |ˈletʃərɪ| — unrestrained indulgence in sexual activity

lecithin |ˈlesɪθɪn| — a yellow phospholipid essential for the metabolism of fats; found in egg yolk and in many plant and animal cells; used commercially as an emulsifier

lectern |ˈlektərn| — desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text at the proper height for a lecturer

lection |ˈlekʃən| — (ecclesiastical) A reading of a religious text; a lesson to be read in church etc.

lector |ˈlektɔːr| — someone who reads the lessons in a church service; someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Church

lecture |ˈlektʃər| — a speech that is open to the public

lecturer |ˈlektʃərər| — a public lecturer at certain universities

lectureship |ˈlektʃərʃɪp| — the post of lecturer

led |led| — diode such that light emitted at a p-n junction is proportional to the bias current; color depends on the material used

ledge |ledʒ| — a projecting ridge on a mountain or submerged under water

ledger |ˈledʒər| — a record in which commercial accounts are recorded

lee |liː| — United States filmmaker whose works explore the richness of black culture in America (born in 1957)

leech |liːtʃ| — carnivorous or bloodsucking aquatic or terrestrial worms typically having a sucker at each end

leek |liːk| — plant having a large slender white bulb and flat overlapping dark green leaves; used in cooking; believed derived from the wild Allium ampeloprasum

leer |lɪr| — a facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls

leery |ˈlɪrɪ| — openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

lees |ˈliːz| — the sediment from fermentation of an alcoholic beverage

leeward |ˈliːwərd| — the direction in which the wind is blowing

leeway |ˈliːweɪ| — (of a ship or plane) sideways drift

left |left| — location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east

left-hand |ˈleftˌhænd| — intended for the left hand

left-handed |ˌleftˈhandəd| — (of marriages) illicit or informal

left-handedness  — the status of being born of a morganatic marriage

left-hander |ˈleftˈhændə| — a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand

left-over |ˈleftəʊvə| — Remaining unused, of a portion of something.

left-wing |left ˈwɪŋ| — believing in or supporting tenets of the political left

leftist |ˈleftɪst| — a person who belongs to the political left

leftmost |ˈleftməʊst| — farthest to the left

leftover |ˈleftəʊvər| — a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists

leftovers |ˈleftəʊvəz| — food remaining from a previous meal

leftward |ˈleftwərd| — To or from the left.

leftwards |ˈleftwədz| — Leftward; towards the left.

leg |leɡ| — a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle

leg-pull |ˈleɡ pʊl| — as a joke: trying to make somebody believe something that is not true

leg-up  — (literally) the act of assisting another's progress over a wall or other obstacle by forming a step for one of their feet with one's hands

legacy |ˈleɡəsɪ| — (law) a gift of personal property by will

legal |ˈliːɡl| — having legal efficacy or force

legalise  — make legal

legalism |ˈliːɡəˌlɪzəm| — strict conformity to the letter of the law rather than its spirit

legalist |ˈliːɡəlɪst| — One who adheres to legalism.

legalistic |ˌliːɡeˈlɪstɪk| — Of a person, following the letter of the law.

legalities |lɪˈɡælətɪz| — plural form of legality

legality |liːˈɡælətɪ| — lawfulness by virtue of conformity to a legal statute

legalization |ˌliːɡələˈzeɪʃn| — the act of making lawful

legalize |ˈliːɡəlaɪz| — make legal

legally |ˈliːɡəlɪ| — by law; conforming to the law

legate |ˈleɡət| — a member of a legation

legatee |ˌleɡəˈtiː| — someone to whom a legacy is bequeathed

legation |lɪˈɡeɪʃn| — the post or office of legate

legato |lɪˈɡɑːtəʊ| — (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected

legator |lɪˈɡeɪtə| — A donor.

legend |ˈledʒənd| — a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events

legendary |ˈledʒənderɪ| — so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend

legerdemain |ˈledʒərdəmeɪn| — an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers

legerity |ləˈdʒerɪtiː| — the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble

leggings |ˈleɡɪŋz| — plural form of legging

leggy |ˈleɡɪ| — (of plants) having tall spindly stems

leghorn |ˈleɡhɔːrn| — a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown

legibility |ˌledʒəˈbɪlətɪ| — distinctness that makes perception easy

legible |ˈledʒəbl| — (of handwriting, print, etc.) capable of being read or deciphered

legibly |ˈledʒəblɪ| — in a legible manner

legion |ˈliːdʒən| — archaic terms for army

legionary |ˈliːdʒənerɪ| — a soldier who is a member of a legion (especially the French Foreign Legion)

legionnaire |ˌliːdʒəˈner| — a member of the American Legion

legislate |ˈledʒɪsleɪt| — make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation

legislation |ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn| — law enacted by a legislative body

legislative |ˈledʒɪsleɪtɪv| — relating to a legislature or composed of members of a legislature

legislator |ˈledʒɪsleɪtər| — someone who makes or enacts laws

legislature |ˈledʒɪsleɪtʃər| — persons who make or amend or repeal laws

legist |ˈliːdʒɪst| — One skilled in the law

legit |lɪˈdʒɪt| — (informal) legitimate; legal; allowed by the rules

legitimacy |lɪˈdʒɪtɪməsɪ| — lawfulness by virtue of being authorized or in accordance with law

legitimate |lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət| — make legal

legitimately |lɪˈdʒɪtɪmətlɪ| — in a manner acceptable to common custom

legitimation |lɪˌdʒɪtɪˈmeɪʃən| — the act of rendering a person legitimate

legitimatize |lɪˈdʒɪtɪmətaɪz| — make legal

legitimist |lɪˈdʒɪtəmɪst| — (historical) A French royalist who believes that the King of France and Navarre must be chosen according to the simple application of the Salic law.

legitimize |lɪˈdʒɪtəmaɪz| — make legal

legman |ˈleɡman| — A reporter who travels to the scene of an event to interview witnesses etc.

legume |ˈleɡjuːm| — an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae

leguminous |lɪˈɡjuːmɪnəs| — relating to or consisting of legumes

lei |ˈleɪ| — flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes

leister |ˈliːstər| — a spear with three or more prongs; used for spearing fish (especially salmon)

leisurable  — (obsolete) leisurely

leisure |ˈliːʒər| — time available for ease and relaxation

leisured |ˈliːʒərd| — free from duties or responsibilities

leisurely |ˈliːʒərlɪ| — in an unhurried way or at one's convenience

leitmotif |ˈlaɪtməʊtiːf| — a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas)

leitmotiv |ˈlaɪtməʊtiːf| — a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas)

lemma |ˈlemə| — a subsidiary proposition that is assumed to be true in order to prove another proposition

lemming |ˈlemɪŋ| — any of various short-tailed furry-footed rodents of circumpolar distribution

lemon |ˈlemən| — yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh

lemon-drop |ˈleməndrɒp| — A yellow lemon-flavored and lemon-shaped candy.

lemon-squeezer |ˈlemənˈskwiːzə| — A device used to extract juice from lemons by crushing the lemon using the sharp middle part.

lemonade |ˌleməˈneɪd| — sweetened beverage of diluted lemon juice

lemony |ˈlemənɪ| — tasting sour like a lemon

lemur |ˈliːmər| — large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails

lend |lend| — bestow a quality on

Lend-Lease |ˈlendˈliːs| — the transfer of goods and services to an ally to aid in a common cause

lender |ˈlendər| — someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters

lending |ˈlendɪŋ| — disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned

lending-library |ˈlendɪŋ laɪbrərɪ| — A library from which books are lent out.

length |leŋθ| — the linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place

lengthen |ˈleŋθən| — make longer

lengthened |ˈleŋθənd| — drawn out or made longer spatially

lengthening |ˈleŋθənɪŋ| — the act of prolonging something

lengthiness  — amount or degree or range to which something extends

lengthways |ˈleŋθweɪz| — running or extending in the direction of the length of a thing

lengthwise |ˈleŋˌθwaɪz| — running or extending in the direction of the length of a thing

lengthy |ˈleŋθɪ| — relatively long in duration; tediously protracted

lenience |ˈliːnɪəns| — mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant

leniency |ˈliːnɪənsɪ| — mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant

lenient |ˈliːnɪənt| — tolerant or lenient

leniently |ˈliːnjəntlɪ| — in a permissively lenient manner

Leninism |ˈlenɪnɪzəm| — the political and economic theories of Lenin which provided the guiding doctrine of the Soviet Union; the modification of Marxism by Lenin stressed that imperialism is the highest form of capitalism (which shifts the struggle from developed to underdevelo

Leninist |ˈlenəˌnɪst| — Of or relating to Vladimir Lenin (Russian: Влади́мир Ильи́ч Ле́нин), a Russian revolutionary and politician.

lenitive |ˈlenədɪv| — remedy that eases pain and discomfort

lenity |ˈlenɪtɪ| — mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant

lens |lenz| — a transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images

lent |lent| — a period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday

Lenten |ˈlent(ə)n| — of or relating to or suitable for Lent

lenticular |lenˈtɪkjʊlə| — convex on both sides; shaped like a lentil

lentil |ˈlentl| — round flat seed of the lentil plant used for food

lento |ˈlentəʊ| — in music

lentous |ˈlentəs| — viscid; viscous; tenacious

Leo |ˈliːəʊ| — (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Leo

leonine |ˈliːənaɪn| — of or characteristic of or resembling a lion

leopard |ˈlepərd| — the pelt of a leopard

leopardess |ˈlepərdes| — female leopard

leotard |ˈliːətɑːrd| — a tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles); worn by ballet dancers and acrobats for practice or performance

leper |ˈlepər| — a person afflicted with leprosy

leporine |ˈlepəˌraɪn| — of, relating to, or resembling a hare or rabbit.

leprechaun |ˈleprəkɔːn| — a mischievous elf in Irish folklore

leprosarium |ˌleprəˈseriːəm| — A place or institution (such as a colony, house or hospital used) for the treatment of leprosy.

leprosy |ˈleprəsɪ| — chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions; characterized by inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body parts; caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae

leprous |ˈleprəs| — relating to or resembling or having leprosy

lepton |ˈleptɒn| — 100 lepta equal 1 drachma in Greece

Lesbian |ˈlezbɪən| — a female homosexual

lese-majeste  — Alternative form of lese majesty.

lese-majesty |ˌleɪz ˈmædʒəstɪ| — The crime of violating majesty, an offense against the dignity of a reigning sovereign or against a state.

lesion |ˈliːʒn| — any localized abnormal structural change in a bodily part

less |les| — (usually preceded by `no') lower in quality

lessee |leˈsiː| — a tenant who holds a lease

lessen |ˈlesn| — decrease in size, extent, or range

lessened |ˈlesənd| — impaired by diminution

lessening |ˈlesənɪŋ| — a change downward

lesser |ˈlesər| — smaller in size or amount or value

lesson |ˈlesn| — a unit of instruction

lessor |leˈsɔːr| — someone who grants a lease

lest |lest| — For fear that; that . . . not; in order that . . . not; in case.

let |let| — a brutal terrorist group active in Kashmir; fights against India with the goal of restoring Islamic rule of India

let down |ˈlet ˈdaʊn| — move something or somebody to a lower position

let in |ˈlet ɪn| — allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of

let off |ˈlet ˈɒf| — grant exemption or release to

let on |ˈlet ɑːn| — make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

let out |ˈlet ˈaʊt| — express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words)

let up |ˈlet ʌp| — become less in amount or intensity

let-alone |əˈləʊn| — (idiomatic, negative polarity item) Much less; to say nothing of; used after one negative clause to introduce another, usually broader and more important clause, whose negation is implied by the negation of the first.

let-in |ˈletˈɪn| — To let someone or something come in; to admit someone or something in.

let-off |ˈletˈɒf| — An escape from punishment.

let-up |let| — (intransitive, of something intense) to lessen

letdown |ˈletˌdɑʊn| — a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized

lethal |ˈliːθl| — of an instrument of certain death

lethargic |ləˈθɑːrdʒɪk| — deficient in alertness or activity

lethargical |leˈθɑːdʒɪkəl| — (archaic) lethargic

lethargy |ˈleθərdʒɪ| — a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness)

Lethe |ˈliːθɪ| — (Greek mythology) a river in Hades; the souls of the dead had to drink from it, which made them forget all they had done and suffered when they were alive

Lethean |lɪˈθiːən| — (chiefly poetic, Greek mythology) Of or relating to the river Lethe, one of the four rivers of Hades. Those who drank from it experienced complete forgetfulness.

lethiferous |lɪˈθɪfərəs| — (obsolete) Deadly, lethal.

letter |ˈletər| — a written message addressed to a person or organization

letter-box |ˈletə bɑːks| — Alternative form of letterbox.

letter-carrier |ˈletəˌkærɪə| — An employee of the post office who delivers mail (post) to, and collects it from, a residence or business, or from public mailboxes.

letter-perfect |ˈˌledər ˈˌpərfəkt| — correct to the last detail; especially being in or following the exact words

letterbox |ˈletəbɑːks| — (film) Transferred to home video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio, having black bars above and below the picture area.

lettered |ˈledərd| — highly educated; having extensive information or understanding

letterhead |ˈletərhed| — a sheet of stationery with name and address of the organization printed at the top

lettering |ˈletərɪŋ| — letters inscribed (especially words engraved or carved) on something

letterless |ˈletəlɪs| — Without the presence or use of alphabetical letters.

letterpress |ˈledərˌpres| — printing from a plate with raised characters

letters |ˈletərz| — the literary culture

Lettish |ˈleˌtɪʃ| — the official language of Latvia; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo-European

lettuce |ˈletɪs| — informal terms for money

letup |ˈletˌʌp| — a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished

leu |ˈleʊ| — the basic unit of money in Moldova

leucocyte |ˈluːkəsaɪt| — blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system

leucoma |luːˈkəʊmə| — eye disease consisting of an opaque white spot on the cornea

leukemia |luːˈkiːmɪə| — malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancer

leukocyte |ˈluːkəˌsaɪt| — blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system

leukoma  — eye disease consisting of an opaque white spot on the cornea

lev |lev| — the basic unit of money in Bulgaria

leva |ˈlevə| — plural form of lev

levant |ləˈvant| — a heavy morocco often used in bookbinding

Levanter |ləˈvan(t)ər| — an easterly wind in the western Mediterranean area

Levantine |ləˈvæntaɪn| — (formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant

levee |ˈlevɪ| — a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court)

level |ˈlevl| — a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality

level off |ˈlevəl ˈɒf| — become level or even

level-headed |ˈlevəlˈhedɪd| — exercising or showing good judgment

leveled |ˈlevəld| — simple past tense and past participle of level

leveler  — a radical who advocates the abolition of social distinctions

leveling |ˈlevəlɪŋ| — changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface

levelled |ˈlevəld| — simple past tense and past participle of level

leveller |ˈlevələr| — a radical who advocates the abolition of social distinctions

levelling |ˈlevəlɪŋ| — Present participle of level.

lever |ˈlevər| — a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum

leverage |ˈlevərɪdʒ| — the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to use a lever

leveraged |ˈliːvərɪdʒd| — simple past tense and past participle of leverage

leveret |ˈlevərət| — a young hare especially one in its first year

leviathan |ləˈvaɪəθən| — the largest or most massive thing of its kind

levigate |ˈlevəˌɡeɪt| — To make smooth or polish.

levin |ˈlevən| — (archaic) Lightning; a bolt of lightning; also, a bright flame or light.

levis |ˈlevəs| — a popular brand of jeans

levitate |ˈlevɪteɪt| — cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity

Leviticus |ləˈvɪdəkəs| — the third book of the Old Testament; contains Levitical law and ritual precedents

levity |ˈlevətɪ| — feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness

levy |ˈlevɪ| — a charge imposed and collected

lew |ˈluː| — (Northern England) Lukewarm, tepid.

lewd |luːd| — suggestive of or tending to moral looseness

lewdness |ˈljuːdnəs| — the trait of behaving in an obscene manner

lewis |ˈluːɪs| — United States rock star singer and pianist (born in 1935)

lewisite |ˈluːɪˌsaɪt| — An organoarsenic compound used as a chemical weapon.

lex |ˈleks| — (computing) To perform lexical analysis; to convert a character stream to a token stream as a preliminary to parsing.

lexical |ˈleksɪkl| — of or relating to words

lexicographer |ˌleksɪˈkɑːɡrəfər| — a compiler or writer of a dictionary; a student of the lexical component of language

lexicography |ˌleksɪˈkɑːɡrəfɪ| — the act of writing dictionaries

lexicology |ˌleksɪˈkɑːlədʒɪ| — the branch of linguistics that studies the lexical component of language

lexicon |ˈleksɪkən| — a language user's knowledge of words

lexis |ˈleksɪs| — all of the words in a language; all word forms having meaning or grammatical function

ley |leɪ| — a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock

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